Issue - meetings

Environment Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 30)

30 Environment Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 26 KB

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That the Committee approve the Forward Work Programme including the amendments listed.



The Environment and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced a report to enable the Committee to consider the Forward Work Programme.


            Following the Forward Work Programme Planning Workshop held on the 18 July, 2013, the Forward Work Programme had been populated with the items suggested by the Committee.  The regular updates on the Deeside Enterprise Zone and Rural Development Plan would now be reported as part of the performance monitoring reports.  If the Committee did not feel that this provided enough information then they could be placed back on the Forward Work Programme as separate update reports.


            Following consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chair, the Facilitator suggested that a special meeting be held on the 9 October, 2013 to enable the Committee to consider the following reports prior to submission to Cabinet:-


·        Improvement Plan Monitoring Report

·        Policy for Unadopted Roads

·        Policy for the Placement of Highway Street Furniture and other Temporary Obstructions on the Adopted Highway


The Facilitator reported that Mr. John Les Thomas would be attending the 13 November, 2013 to give a presentation on the Mold Food Festival.  She suggested that the meeting scheduled for 10 December, 2013 be moved to follow the meeting of the Committee arranged for the morning of 16 December, 2013 to consider the budget proposals.  She also advised that representatives of Natural Resources Wales felt that it would be more beneficial to attend a meeting of the Committee in mid 2014 to allow for the new arrangements to bed in.


In conclusion, the Facilitator referred to the ‘Mini Scrutiny’ session outlined in Appendix 1 of the report and said that in light of the discussions on the Environmental Enforcement Policy earlier in the meeting it appeared inappropriate to hold a session at this time.


Councillor Veronica Gay commented on proposals for an Airport relief road which would run from Queensferry through Sealand and Saltney and asked whether the Council has been consulted on these proposals.  The Director of Environment said that he would provide further information on the proposal to the Committee. 


Councillor Chris Dolphin commented on earlier discussions and asked when the Committee would receive an update on the pilot energy switching scheme.  The Director of Environment hoped to bring an update report to the Committee in early 2014.


Councillor Haydn Bateman asked if a site visit had been arranged for Members of the Committee to visit the new bailer at Alltami.  The Cabinet Member for Public Protection, Waste & Recycling suggested, that due to the large size of the bailer, it would be appropriate for Members to contact the Head of Streetscene to arrange a site visit individually.         




That the Committee approve the Forward Work Programme including the amendments listed.