Issue - meetings

Environment Performance Reporting

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 29)

29 Performance Reporting pdf icon PDF 30 KB

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That the new approach to performance reporting be supported, subject to assessment of how the new style reports are presented at the next meeting of the Committee.



The Performance Team Leader introduced a report which provided an update on the streamlined and corporate approach to performance reporting.


            The Council adopted the Improvement Plan which focuses on the priorities which are going to have the most impact during 2013/14 on 25 June, 2013.  The introduction of a new style Improvement Plan had presented the opportunity to review and streamline current reporting arrangements.


            The Improvement Priorities were to be monitored by appropriate Overview & Scrutiny Committees according to the Priority area of interest.  Appendix 1 of the report provided the Committee with a mapping document which showed accountability and reporting lines.  In addition to the Improvement Priorities report, twice annually (at quarters 2 and 4) performance highlights reports would be presented from the Heads of Service.


            Councillor Nancy Matthews asked if performance targets set by the Welsh Government (WG) and Europe would be included in the future performance reports.  The Performance Team Leader reported that all statutory performance targets would continue to be included in performance reports.


            In response to concerns raised on the format of future performance reports, the Director of Environment advised that the Committee would continue to receive quarterly performance reports with quarters 2 and 4 providing details of performance from each of the Heads of Service.  He said that the new way of reporting performance would enable the Committee to challenge the way in which the Directorate were delivering on their Improvement Priorities. 


The Chairman suggested that during consideration of the Quarter 1 performance report at the next meeting of the Committee, Members may want to comment on how the information was presented. 




That the new approach to performance reporting be supported, subject to assessment of how the new style reports are presented at the next meeting of the Committee.