Issue - meetings

Size of Audit Committee

Meeting: 18/12/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 61)

61 Size of Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 25 KB


That the size of the Audit Committee be referred to the Constitution Committee with the preference for one lay member to be included, for recommendations to be made to the AGM.


The Head of Legal & Democratic Services presented a report to consider whether to increase the number of Audit Committee members, following discussion at informal meetings between Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Chairs/Vice-Chairs.  In giving an overview of the key considerations of the report, he explained that it might not be possible to achieve the aim of all groups being represented because their existence and membership could be subject to change and fluctuation.  He added that the recommendation in the report should indicate that the Committee’s view be recommended to the Constitution Committee before seeking approval at full Council.


Councillor Ian Roberts felt it was important that if it was agreed for another lay member to be appointed, that the advertisement seek applicants with substantial experience of audit in the private sector.


Councillor Tim Newhouse proposed that the membership be extended to eight councillors and one lay member, which was seconded by Councillor Roberts.


In response to a query by Councillor Glyn Banks on whether this would affect the political balance on other committees within the Council, the Head of Legal & Democratic Services confirmed that the proposal was acceptable and asked if anyone wished to table an amendment.


Councillor Roberts withdrew his support for the proposal and suggested that committee sizes be discussed fully at the Council’s Annual Meeting in May 2014 after consideration by Group Leaders.


Councillor Newhouse proposed an amendment that the membership be changed to eight or nine councillors and one lay member to allow all political parties to be represented.  As this was not formally seconded, he suggested that the matter be referred to the Constitution Committee rather than full Council.


The Chief Executive advised that the membership could be reviewed at any point in time to ensure that there was a sufficient range of expertise, whereas it was important for the Committee to consider what outcomes were required to fulfil its function.  He also advised that the AGM would be the most appropriate time for the Council to consider the size of the Committee.


The Chair’s proposal for the matter to be referred to the Constitution Committee with the recommendation for one lay member was seconded by Councillor Roberts.  On being put to the vote, this was carried.


Councillor Newhouse’s further amendment for the Constitution Committee to explore options for the Audit Committee membership to comprise seven, eight or nine councillors was not supported.




That the size of the Audit Committee be referred to the Constitution Committee with the preference for one lay member to be included, for recommendations to be made to the AGM.