Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Clwyd Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Nicola Gittins 01352 702345 Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2012 were confirmed as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor N. Phillips declared a personal interest in minute number 250 and Councillor N. Matthews and N. Phillips declared a personal interest in minute number 263. |
Organisational Review (Flintshire Futures) and the Medium Term Financial Plan 2012-16 Decision: As recommendations. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to provide an interim report on the development of the Flintshire Futures programme and its projected efficiency targets for 2012-16.
The Chief Executive reminded Members of the importance post-election of reviewing and refreshing the recently adopted Council Priorities and the allocation of people and financial resources to Priorities, ensuring that robust programme governance and progress reporting arrangements were in place, and planning ahead for the 2013-14 annual budget and future years.
That the report and the timetable for further work with the new Council be noted.
Additional documents: Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to provide an overview of the consultation on the proposed statutory guidance produced by the Welsh Government (WG) on integrating plans and partnerships ‘Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery’ and to endorse the responses to the consultation.
The Chief Executive explained that this was an important WG consultation document and added that the 12 week consultation period set by the WG was due to end on 30 March 2012. The comments detailed in paragraphs 3.11 and 3.12 would form the Authority’s response to the WG if supported by Members.
That the comments outlined in 3.11 – 3.12 as the basis for a consultation response to the Welsh Government be supported. |
Strategic Equality Plan 2012- 2016 Additional documents: Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to agree the Council’s set of equality objectives as a basis for the Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) 2012-2016 and to advise the Executive of the requirements to ensure compliance with the public sector equality duties of the Equality Act 2010.
The Chief Executive said that this was a significant plan and the Authority was on target to implement from April 2012. If it was adopted the plan would be published immediately.
(a) That the local equality objectives for publication and the Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2016 be approved; and
(b) That the requirements of the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010 be noted. |
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan for Flintshire 2012-2015 Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Education introduced the report to seek approval on the draft Welsh in Education strategic plan for Flintshire County Council.
A forum had been set up to undertake the work and numerous working group meetings were held which were linked to specific outcomes within the plan. The draft Strategic Plan was submitted to the Department for Education and Skills in December 2011 and a Member workshop session was held in January 2012. To date no feedback had been received from the Welsh Government. Councillor Steele-Mortimer reminded Members of the need to adopt the plan by 1 April 2012.
The Director of Lifelong Learning commended the positive approach which had been undertaken by the Partner Organisations and by the elected Members in the forum and the workshops.
(a) That the progress made in the drafting and production of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) for Flintshire be noted; and
(b) That the approval of the draft strategic plan pending feedback from the Department of Education and Skills (DfES) be noted. |
North Wales Trunk Road Agency Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Environment introduced the report to seek approval to enter into a revised Partnership Agreement for maintaining the Trunk Road Network in North and Mid Wales. The Director of Environment explained that an existing Agreement was in place which expired at the end of March 2012; hence there was also a need to sign a new Agreement. He added that a national review was to be undertaken of the relationship between Trunk Road Agencies and Local Authorities which may result in changes to the nature of the Agreement. RESOLVED: That the draft Partnership Agreement be approved and authorisation given to the Director of Environment, following consultations with the Executive Member for the Environment, to agree any minor changes and sign the document.
Quarter 3 Performance Review 2011/12 Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to note and consider the 2011/12 Quarter 3 service performance reports produced at the Head of Service/Divisional level under the business model of the Council and to note the progress and updates included in the report. The Chief Executive highlighted paragraph 2.02 which provided details of the new format for quarterly reporting introduced from quarter 3 following its pilot by the Housing Service.
Red/Amber/Green (RAG) Status had been used as an assessment of the progress for each improvement priority against scheduled activity and as an assessment of the level of confidence at this point in time in achieving the ‘outcome(s)’. Analysis of the performance against the Improvement Targets was also undertaken using the RAG status. The Chief Executive highlighted paragraph 3.05 which summarised the overall assessment against the secondary priorities and paragraph 3.08 which provided analysis of 33 of the 34 Improvement Targets reported quarterly. He also advised Members that for the 2010/11 the whole outcome agreement payment had been made to the Authority by Welsh Government.
(a) That any specific issues outlined within the report be referred to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for management action ; and
(b) That the following be noted:-
· The progress made against the Improvement Priorities of the Council by the individual services; · The update of the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) contained within the performance reports; · The progress made against the Improvement Target Action Plans contained within the performance reports; · The progress made against the service plan; and · The assessment of any regulatory reports with regard to the work of the service. |
Welsh Language Scheme Targets and Timetable 2012-14 Additional documents: Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to present to Members the Welsh Language Scheme Targets and Timetable 2012-14 for approval, to seek approval for formal submission of the Targets and Timetable to the Welsh Language Board (WLB) and to inform Members of the developments with Welsh language legislation and their impact on the Council’s Welsh Language Scheme.
The Chief Executive explained that the Welsh Language Board would cease on 31 March 2012.
(a) That the Targets and Timetable 2012-2014 and its submission to the Welsh Language Board be approved; and
(b) That the developments for Welsh language legislation and their impact on the Council’s Welsh Language Scheme be noted. |
Flintshire Armed Forces Day and the creation of an Armed Forces Community Covenant Additional documents: Decision: Add ‘Covenant’ to 4.01 (ii) at end, otherwise as recommendation. Minutes: The Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Asset Management introduced the report to update Members on the possibility of the Council hosting an Armed Forces Day event in Flintshire, and the adoption of an Armed Forces Community Covenant.
The Leader detailed the background to the report and explained that it was important to recognise the Armed Forces Community. Events were currently held annually in Cardiff and one had recently been held in Caernarfon.
The Chief Executive explained that this was an Executive function but reminded Members that a report was also being submitted to the County Council meeting later that day. He explained work which would be undertaken including exploring whether other events could be held in different parts of Wales in addition to the annual event in Cardiff. Discussions were also being undertaken on whether the regional event held in Caernarfon could be rotated with an event in Flintshire. The report set out the Council’s approach for the creation of the Community.
The Democracy & Governance Manager advised Members that the word ‘Covenant’ had been omitted after the word ‘Community’ in paragraph 4.01 (ii). He advised the Leader and the Executive Member for Lifelong Learning they did not have personal interests arising from their previous military service.
(a) That the Council’s intention to submit a bid to host the 2013 event be noted; and
(b) That the approach to create an Armed Forces Community Covenant be endorsed. |
Capital Programme 2011/12 (Month 9) Additional documents: Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Asset Management introduced the report to provide Members with the latest capital programme information for 2011/12.
The Leader detailed the background to the report and highlighted the table on page 271 which set out how the programme had changed during 2011/12. The revised programme had decreased from £40.690m to £38.048m and the reasons for this were detailed in paragraph 3.01.2. The detailed cumulative information relating to each programme area was provided in Appendix A and a summary of the changes during the reporting period were shown in Appendix B. The ‘Not Yet Committed’ budgets were detailed in paragraph 3.03 and details of rephasing were reported in paragraph 3.04 and Appendix C. Capital Expenditure against Profiled Budget was reported and the significant variances (greater than £0.025m) were listed in Appendix D, along with the reasons for such and the required remedial actions.
The Corporate Finance Manager highlighted paragraph 3.07.5 on the announcement of additional grant monies from Welsh Government of £479,428 for Capital Maintenance and Investment in Schools which had been announced on 21 February 2012.
The Director of Environment welcomed the steps forward and said that recorded capital expenditure across the whole programme stood at 56.65% of the revised budget compared to 38.51% at month 9 in the previous year. He added that recorded expenditure of £21.553m represented 96.62% of the profiled budget total.
(a) That the report be noted and approved;
(b) That the carry forward of £0.133m for the DDA compliance works at Buckley Westwood CP School to the 2012/13 capital programme (Section 3.03.4) be approved; and
(c) That the rephasing adjustments as detailed in Section 3.04 be approved. |
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2011/12 (Month 9) Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Asset Management introduced the report to provide Members with the revenue budget monitoring information at Month 9 for the Council Fund and the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) in 2011/12. Members were asked to note the projected year end position as estimated at Month 9 which was a net underspend of £0.921m on the Council Fund (detailed in the table on page 300) and a net underspend of £0.390m on the HRA. The significant in-year projected variances to date were detailed in Appendices 2-6 for the Council Fund and Appendix 8 for the HRA. The analysis undertaken on the Programme of Efficiencies indicated that it was currently projected that £7.699m (86%) would be achieved, resulting in a net under-achievement of £1.221m. The risks and assumptions were reported in paragraph 3.08 and the carry forward requests were shown in paragraphs 3.10 to 3.15. The Leader commented on the Unearmarked Reserves which had an estimated amount available of £0.434m in the contingency reserve which was £0.020m more than the £0.414m estimated when the 2012/13 Council Fund Revenue Budget was approved by County Council at the meeting on 1 March 2012. The overall projected underspend of £0.390m on the HRA represented an increase of £0.260m on the projected underspend position reported at Month 8. The HRA showed a projected closing balance at Month 9 of £1.510m which at 6% of total expenditure satisfied the prudent approach of ensuring a minimum level of 3%. The Chief Executive explained that as the projected closing balance was considerably higher than the recommended 3% minimum balance it was intended to spend a further £0.200m on repairs in the Repairs and Maintenance account. This would be funded from balances over and above the projected closing balance for 2011/12 reflected in the HRA 2012/13 budget report as approved by Council on 21 February 2012. The Executive Member for Housing said that this was excellent news for both the Housing Team and tenants. RESOLVED: (a) That the overall report be noted; (b) That the carry forward requests included in the report (paragraphs 3.10 to 3.15) be approved; (c) That the Council Fund Contingency Sum available as at 31st March 2012 (Section 5) be noted; (d) That the additional allocation of £0.200m to the Repair and Maintenance account within the HRA account (para 6.04) be approved; and (e) That the projected final level of balances on the Housing Revenue Account (para 6.03) be noted. |
Early Retirement Summary Additional documents: Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to provide Members with a summary of Early Retirements approved and implemented for the period 1 October 2011 to 31 December 2011, including details of associated costs to the Council.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that the Early Retirement Policy gave the commitment to report on all Early Retirements to the Executive and to provide details of the full costs on a quarterly basis. She explained that ‘full costs’ meant any Pension Strain costs that had resulted from an employee being released early but receiving their full pension benefits. A Business Case to support the approval of the Early Retirement and the associated costs for releasing the employee would be provided as part of the application and would be fully scrutinised by the Head of Service and Director (if applicable) and the Head of Finance and Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development. The three categories were detailed in paragraph 3.01 and appendix 1 and paragraph 3.07 identified the total number of Early Retirements for 1 October to 31 December 2011 as 8 with a total cost of £152,074.
(a) That the report be received; and
(b) That the data relating to Early Retirements and the associated costs be noted. |
Workforce Information Report Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to provide Members with an update for the third quarter of 2011/12. The report provided details on Establishment; Headcount; Agency numbers; Turnover; Diversity and Absence.
The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development highlighted the table in paragraph 3.08 of turnover by percentage for each quarter. The figure of 1.91% for quarter 3 was a reduction from 2.10% reported for the same quarter in 2010/11. The report included details of redundant positions by gender and showed that the six positions which had been made redundant were all occupied by female workers. The figure for the average full time equivalent days lost was 2.88 for the quarter compared to 2.87 for the same quarter in 2010/11, however there was an expectation that the figure for 2011/12 would reduce when reporting for the next quarter was produced. Paragraph 3.15 indicated that 75% of employees in the organisation attained 100% attendance and this was a significant improvement of 10% based on the same period in 2010/11. The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that commentary was included in the report on the individual directorates and also for Schools and she welcomed the sustained improvement in Schools, Lifelong Learning and Corporate Services.
That the Workforce Information Report for the third quarter 2011/12 be noted. |
Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to seek approval from Members for the adoption of a policy for the approval of premises as venues for civil marriages and civil partnerships from 1 April 2012 and the adoption of revised fees for registration services provided by Flintshire Registration Service.
The Chief Executive explained that the recommended fees had been increased to take account of administering licence applications and inflation over the last two years since the fees were last reviewed. The statutory fee for a marriage or civil partnership in a Register Office was £40 and remained unchanged.
(a) That the new policy for the approval of premises as venues for civil marriages and civil partnerships as set out in Appendix 1 be agreed and adopted from 1 April 2012; and
(b) That the revised fees for non statutory services as set out in Appendix 2 be agreed and adopted with effect from 1 April 2012. |
Review of the new Waste Collection Service Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Waste Management introduced the report to inform Members of the outcome of the review of the new Managed Weekly Collection Service and to seek approval of the proposed Improvement Action Plan in respect of the service.
The Executive Member explained that following a debate at full Council on 31 January 2012, a review of the service was brought forward and was undertaken by service related officers in conjunction with officers from Corporate Services to ensure the process was objective and provided meaningful outcomes. She reminded Members that introduction of the new full service on 7 November 2011 had reduced landfill by 720 tonnes per month compared to the same period last year. Surveys had been undertaken of Members, Town & Community Councils, Customers and Employees and the responses provided feedback on key areas such as workforce/training, policy and communication. A workshop had also been held for Members and the issues and suggestions from the survey and the workshop were built into the Improvement Action Plan which was attached as Appendix 4 to the report. It would be integrated into the Streetscene Service Plan and a further report would be presented to Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to enable the progress made by the service to be considered in six months time.
The Chief Executive gave his congratulations to all involved in the service which he said had faced a number of challenges. The number of complaints had reduced to pre-launch levels approximately 12 weeks after the rollout in November 2011, which he welcomed. Members were reminded that a report on the issue was also to be considered by full Council later that day.
(a) That the Executive confirms that the review process has met the Terms of Reference stated in 2.06 of the report;
(b) That the Improvement Action Plan shown in Appendix 4 for the service resulting from the review be approved;
(c) That a further report on the progress made against the Improvement Action Plan be considered at the Executive meeting in October 2012. |
Buckley Public Realm Design Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Democracy and Governance Manager advised the Leader that Buckley Members of the Executive did not need to declare a personal interest in this item.
The Executive Member for Regeneration & Tourism introduced the report to inform Members about the public realm design work undertaken in Buckley, which followed on from, and supported, the Buckley Masterplan. Its role was to set a standard for the future regeneration of the town and ensure any future developments were integrated with the existing town centre and contributed to an improved public realm.
The Executive Member welcomed the report and said that there was developer interest in Buckley and other towns in Flintshire. He added that the report would help to guide developers as the report detailed options and preferred designs.
The Director of Environment said that Members would be aware that a planning application had been received for the Co-op site in Buckley and this information would allow officers to work through the application enabling them to take the Public Realm forward to regenerate Buckley.
(a) That the contents of the two Buckley Public Realm reports be noted and their use, as part of and supporting the Masterplan, to assist with discussions with developers and to ensure that any new developments are integrated with the existing town centre and contribute to an improved public realm be endorsed; and
(b) That delegated authority be given to the Director of Environment, following consultation with the Executive Member for Environment, to make any changes as felt appropriate to the public realm reports. |
Estyn Inspection of Local Authority Education Services for Children and Young People Additional documents:
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Education introduced the report to seek approval of the action plan following the 2011 Estyn Inspection of Local Authority Education Services for Children and Young People (LAESCYP).
The Executive Member explained that the inspection had been undertaken in October 2011 and that the outcome in relation to ‘standards’ which described the Authority as ‘adequate’ was being discussed with Estyn. The Director of Lifelong Learning highlighted paragraph 3.04 which reported the Estyn Inspection recommendations and explained that an action plan to address the recommendations following the inspection was due for submission to Estyn by 4 April 2012.
The Director said that in his view, Flintshire had an education system that matched Estyn’s description of ‘good’ for standards. He highlighted the figures detailed on page 587 of the report, detailing in particular the areas where Flintshire was best in Wales.
That the post-inspection Action Plan be formally approved. |
Providing Disabled Adaptations in Council Properties Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member introduced the report to seek approval for the establishment of an in-house team to deliver disabled adaptations within Council properties.
The Executive Member detailed the background to the report and highlighted paragraph 2.06 where it was reported that where a Council house adaptation was being sought, the Social Services duty team now referred the applicant to the relevant Neighbourhood Housing Office initially, for advice on alternative properties, which may be more suitable, or which were already adapted or could be adapted at lower cost. Currently all adaptations in Council properties provided through a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) were competitively tendered to a pool of local contractors. The process to identify a contractor currently took an average of 10 weeks. Should an in-house team be established for the delivery of adaptations in council homes, then the tendering period, award of contract and sometimes lengthy contractor start date would be stripped out of the process.
Paragraph 3.06 identified staffing and associated costs for 2011/12 and it was reported in paragraph 3.09 that there may be further opportunities to increase income to the service by purchasing all materials through the Council’s outsourced stores arrangement with Travis Perkins. It was the intention to look initially within the existing trades teams for employees seeking to be seconded to this work for a trial period of 12 months. The proposals had been fully supported when they had been considered at a recent meeting of the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Director of Community Services said that this was a key area of need and the improvements proposed would promote efficiency.
That the establishment of an in-house team to deliver Disabled Adaptations in council property (via the Disabled Facilities Grant process), on the terms outlined in the report and initially for a 12 month period be agreed.
Delivery of Housing Renewal Services - 6 monthly update Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Housing introduced the report to update Members on delivery of the Council’s first Neighbourhood Renewal Area, to inform Members of progress towards the appointment of a loans administrator, to deliver equity and non equity loans for home repair, improvement and adaptation, and to provide Members with up to date information in relation to private sector empty homes and the £5m empty homes recyclable loan fund recently announced by Welsh Government.
The Executive Member commented on the second phase of the Group Repair Scheme and said that to date 120 properties had been surveyed and a further 29 were awaiting survey. On Environmental Improvements, she highlighted paragraphs 3.12 to 3.14 which reported the good work achieved though the partnering arrangement with Groundwork, the works recently completed and the projects due to be completed shortly. To date, the Council had received in excess of 200 applications to participate in the Community Energy Savings Programme; it was a requirement that the scheme must be completed by 30 September 2012. Agreement had been reached with DeesideCollege and their construction department that a series of work placements would be provided by the contractors for students over the course of this academic year which the Executive Member felt would be an excellent opportunity for the students. The proposed contract term for the loans administrator was three years with an option to extend on an annual basis in years 4 and 5. Paragraph 3.32 detailed the activity of the loan administrator and the Executive Member explained that Flintshire’s fee was approximately £26,000 over the duration of the three year contract. The proposals had been fully supported when they had been considered at a recent meeting of the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Chief Executive welcomed the programme and the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Environment felt that the skills partnership with DeesideCollege was excellent and was to be commended.
(a) That the update on the delivery of the Council’s first Neighbourhood Renewal Area be noted;
(b) That Members support in principle the appointment of Street UK LTD and the proposal to provide £300k from the Housing Capital Programme during 12/13 so that they can provide this resource as loans; and
(c) That Members note the announcement of the Empty Homes Recyclable Loans Fund and the work that is ongoing to ensure the efficient delivery of this fund.
Result of the Call In Meeting to Consider the Decision Relating to the LEA Governors Panel Additional documents: Decision: Refer to next Executive meeting to allow the Executive Member to discuss with the Chair of the Panel. Minutes: The Executive Member for Education introduced the report to inform Members of the result of the call in meeting which was held on Friday 9 March 2012.
Lifelong Learning Overview & Scrutiny Committee had unanimously voted to refer the issue back to the Executive for their reconsideration. The Executive Member asked that discussion be deferred until the next meeting of the Executive to allow him to discuss the issue with the Chair of the Panel.
That the issue be referred to the next meeting of the Executive to allow the Executive Member to discuss it with the Chair of the Panel. . |
EXERCISE OF DELEGATED POWERS Report of the Chief Executive enclosed. Minutes: An information report on the actions taken under delegated powers was submitted.
The actions taken were as set out below:-
Environment Main Road, Higher Kinnerton – Proposed Traffic Calming
Match Funding for the Feasibility Study Clwyd Theatr Cymru
Bereavement Services Fees and Charges
Public Protection Fees and Charges
Finance Write Off for December 2011 and January 2012
That the actions taken under delegated powers be noted.
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - to consider the Exclusion of the Press and Public Decision: That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting for the following items by virtue of exempt information under the following paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
Agenda item number 24 Paragraphs 14 and 16 The North East Wales Food Waste Treatment Project
Agenda item number 25 Paragraph 14 AD Waste
Agenda item number 26 Paragraph 15 Communities First
The North East Wales Food Waste Treatment Project
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Waste Management introduced the report to seek approval for removing the Preferred Bidder of the NE Hub Food Waste Project (should they fail to secure funding by the deadline date of 30th March 2012) and engage the Reserve Bidder.
The Executive Member detailed the background to the report and the considerations which had been undertaken. The Director of Environment provided details of the extensive process which had taken place since July 2011 and said that there was now a need to take the project forward.
(a) That the removal of the Preferred Bidder to the NE HUB Food Waste project, should they fail to secure funding by the deadline date of 30th March 2012 be approved;
(b) That the selection of Reserve Bidder, to be awarded Preferred Bidder status, should the preferred bidder fail to secure funding by the deadline date be approved; and
(c) That delegated authority to the Head of Legal & Democratic Services be granted to finalise all necessary contractual documentation associated with the contract, in conjunction with Denbighshire Council, as lead authority, and Conwy Council and to sign the contract, together with the Chair of the Council.
AD Waste
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Waste Management introduced the report to seek approval to pass a special resolution placing AD Waste Ltd. into members voluntary liquidation and appoint a liquidator.
The Executive Member detailed the background to the report and explained the considerations which had been undertaken.
(a) That the Resolutions set out in Appendix A of the report be approved and the Director of Environment following consultation with the Executive Member for Waste Management, be given delegated authority on behalf of the council as sole shareholder to complete and sign the Resolutions and complete all other arrangements required in the liquidation process; and
(b) That the cost of administration of the liquidation of the company are met by the Council and funded from the reserve account held for Waste Disposal activity.
Communities First
Decision: As recommendation. Minutes: The Executive Member for Regeneration & Tourism introduced the report to update Members on the preferred option for improving the Communities First (CF) Programme in Flintshire based on principles agreed at the Executive of 18 October 2011 and the revised CF Futures criteria set by Welsh Government (WG), and to seek approval for submission of a bid to WG.
The Executive Member congratulated Barbara Coleman for her work on the issue. He detailed the background to the report and in highlighting the considerations undertaken, provided detail on the appendices attached to the report.
(a) That the overall governance structure shown in Appendix B be noted;
(b) That the submission of a two Cluster bid which includes Flintshire’s most vulnerable areas, identified in WIMD 2011 (Appendix C) be supported; and
(c) That the indicative staff structure shown in Appendix E for a two Cluster programme be approved in principle. |
Duration of Meeting Minutes: The meeting commenced at 9.30 a.m. and ended at 11.04 a.m.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were 2 members of the press in attendance.