Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Minutes: |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 15 February 2018. Decision: (a) That the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record; and
(b) That the Committee’s concerns at recurring pot holes and damage to road surfaces because of utilities ‘ dropped iron works be sent to the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee for consideration as part of their work programme.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2018 were submitted.
Matters arising:
Minute number 66 - Councillor Paul Cunningham referred to discussion which had taken place around the Flintshire bridge inspection and asked if there was any progress to report. The Chief Executive responded that the Council was in discussion with the Welsh Government and the outcome would be reported back to the Committee when known.
Councillor Arnold Woolley commented on the issue of potholes in roads and asked if information could be provided on the total cost of repairs in Flintshire. He asked if the funding from Welsh Government (WG) to support local highway improvements would be sufficient to cover the cost or whether there was a ‘gap’ that the Authority would need to fund. The Chief Executive advised that some of this work was funded by the Council as routine maintenance, with the road conditions post-winter being assessed by the Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) and his team, and that work was being prioritised to address the most urgent repairs. He also referred to the ‘one off’ funding of £1.472m the Authority had received from the WG to support local highway improvements.
The Leader referred to ongoing work through the WLGA and reported that Flintshire, along with other authorities, had made a bid to the WG for extra funding for winter weather road damage. He said that details of the Flintshire bid (of £200k or more) would be circulated in due course.
Councillor Woolley referred to the request by Councillor Paul Johnson to ask if any additional funding could be sought from the WG to repair rural roads damaged by diverted traffic as a result of work along the A55. The Chief Executive explained that this was part of ongoing discussions around the future of the Flintshire bridge with the WG, and that the outcome would be reported back in due course.
Councillor Woolley referred to the proposal by Councillor Richard Jones that the Committee receive a report outlining the effects of the capital expenditure (new schemes for approval) and asked when this would be made available to the Committee. The Democratic Services Manager said that this would be for the April meeting.
Councillor Hilary McGuill expressed concern around the need for repeat repairs to road surfaces due to the same pot holes recurring. She questioned whether this could be due to the materials used or whether the work undertaken was not to the standard required. Members commented on the repair work undertaken by contactors on behalf of utility companies and asked if the work was inspected on completion. The Chief Executive acknowledged the points made and said that this was a matter for further consideration by the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Richard Jones reiterated the concerns expressed by Councillor McGuill and said that repairs should last longer than a few weeks.
Councillor Dave Hughes congratulated the Streetscene team on the work undertaken to repair pot holes particularly as a result of current adverse ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report PDF 118 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Committee notes the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring report; and
(b) That as the lead committee for performance issues, the Committee reaffirmed its request to receive all Council Plan quarterly information for 2018/19 and thereafter.
Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring Report. He provided background information and advised that the monitoring report for the 2017/18 Council Plan was a positive report, with 81% of activities being assessed as making good progress, and 69% likely to achieve the desired outcome. Performance Indicators showed good progress with 84% meeting or near to period target. Risks were also being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (67%) or minor (10%).
The Chief Executive reported on the performance indicators which showed a red status for current performance against target and the following major risks for the Committee as detailed in the report.
Priority: Serving Council – the scale of the financial challenge
Priority: Supportive Council – availability of sufficient funding to resource key priorities.
The Chief Executive also reminded the committee that in future, as the lead Overview & Scrutiny committee for monitoring performance , they would be receiving all of the quarterly reports, instead of those specifically relating to issues within the committee’s service remit.
The Democratic Services Manager advised that an ‘Understanding of Performance Reports’ workshop for all Members was to be organised for late June/early July, to link to the Council Plan out-turn report to Council on 19th June
Councillor Arnold Wooley asked that in future reports also detailed areas of under performance and said this would have assisted with an understanding of the figures presented in paragraph 1.04 of the report. He also referred to the figures presented in paragraph 1.06 of the report relating to the analysis of current performance and said these did not reconcile with the figures in paragraph 1.04. The Chief Executive provided clarification and said he would provide more information to members on the breakdown.
(a) That the Committee notes the Quarter 3 Council Plan 2017/18 Monitoring report; and
(b) That as the lead committee for performance issues, the Committee reaffirmed its request to receive all Council Plan quarterly information for 2018/19 and thereafter.
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 (Month 10) PDF 67 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee notes the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2017/18 Month 10 report and confirms on this occasion that the issues which it wishes to have brought to the Cabinet’s attention are concerns about out of county placements and how overspending across Wales might be better controlled and that more realistic income targets should be set for Pest Control.
Minutes: The Finance Manager introduced a report to provide the revenue budget monitoring report for 2017/18 as at Month 10. She advised that the Revenue Budget Monitoring report had been presented to Cabinet on 23 January 2018 and was appended to the report.
The Finance Manager explained that the monthly report provided the current revenue budget monitoring position for 2017/18 for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account. The report presented the position based on actual income and expenditure, as at Month 10 of the financial year and projected how the budget would stand at the close of the financial year if all things remained equal.
The Finance Manager reported on the main projected year end position for the Council Fund and the Housing Revenue Account as detailed in the report She also reported on the main considerations on the Month 10 position and referred to the overall position of the Council Fund, the latest in-year forecast, tracking of in-year risks and emerging issues, winter maintenance, inflation, reserves and balances. The Finance Manager advised that for the Council Fund the projected Contingency Reserve balance as at 31 Mach 2018 was £8.119m although this reduced to £5.714m when taking account of agreed contributions for the 2018/19 budget. She reported that for the Housing Revenue Account the projected closing balance as at 31 March 2018 was £1.081m.
In response to a question on the efficiencies to be achieved in 2017/18 the Chief Executive provided an update on the current position . He also commented on the two unforeseen budget pressures 2017/18 and 2018/19 :-the pressure on the winter maintenance budget, and the WG withdrawal (from 2018/19) of the Minority Ethnic and Language Grant (MEAG) of around £175K which supported English as a Second Language and traveller learning needs.
On the issue of winter maintenance the Chair asked if the Authority was able to recover the cost of gritting highways. Officers explained that the cost of gritting the A55 was recoverable.
Commenting on the issue of managing risks and emerging issues, Councillor Richard Jones suggested that the WG be lobbied to provide a central source of funds rather than local authorities managing individually. He went on to thank everyone for their efforts during the budget process which had resulted in more money being made available to support schools.
Councillor Jones reiterated his opposition to the change in accounting policy to Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP). The Chief Executive assured the committee that the Council decision on MRP had now been made based on the advice given.
Referring to the second recommendation on page 42 of the report, Councillor Woolley sought assurance that the Authority had a good overview to ensure any financial issues were identified as early as possible concerning the implementation of different service delivery methods. The Chief Executive responded that both Aura and NEWydd were completing their first year of trading and assured members that close liaison with the Council was taking place He went on to emphasise that both organisations had effective ... view the full minutes text for item 75. |
Forward Work Programme (Corporate Resources) PDF 72 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved with the amendments listed above; and
(b) That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.
Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager presented the current Forward Work Programme for consideration. He advised that the following additional items were to be submitted for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 19 April 2018.
· a financial forecast report (which was also to be presented to Cabinet)
· a report on the effects of capital expenditure (new schemes for approval)
It was agreed that the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved with the amendments listed above.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved with the amendments listed above; and
(b) That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were no members of the press or public in attendance.