Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote attendance meeting

Contact: Sharon Thomas 01352 702324  Email:


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Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

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Poverty Priority Update Report pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To provide the Committee with an update on progress against the Poverty priorities within the Council Plan.

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That the Committee expresses its appreciation of the work undertaken in each of the poverty priority areas and thanked all of those involved.


            The Chief Executive thanked Members for attending the special meeting to consider the Council Plan Poverty theme priorities. This had been remitted to this committee.   


            The Benefits Manager introduced the Poverty Priority Update Report.  During and following the pandemic, tackling poverty and vulnerability in Flintshire had been critical and significant areas of work. She provided detailed information on how these were covered under the five key themes, which were:


·         Income Poverty - which included information on the Benefits process, Discretionary Housing Payments Scheme (DHP), Clearing Rent Arrears, Tenancy Hardship Grant, Welfare Reform Team and Self Isolation payment.

·         Child Poverty – which included information on Free School Meals, Uniform Grant Scheme and Direct Payments Process 

·         Food Poverty – which included information on Well-Fed Food Store, Well-Fed Mobile Shop and Holiday Hunger

·         Fuel Poverty  

·         Digital Poverty – which included information on Digital Champion Scheme and Digital Exclusion


            The Chair invited Members to ask questions. Councillor Paul Shotton referred to the £20 reduction in Universal Credit payments by the UK Government and asked if the impact on Flintshire families was known. 


            The Benefits Manager responded on the work her team had carried out and that Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) were being used to support these families. Unfortunately, there would be an impact for those families where housing costs were not included in their Universal Credit as they would lose £20 per week.  It was difficult to quantify the impacts as the Council did not administer Universal Credit payments but the Authority’s support services were publicised as widely as possible to highlight the assistance available for these families. 

            Councillor Shotton then asked where the Well-Fed Mobile Store was based.  It was confirmed that the Well-Fed Mobile Shop was based at Shotton Kitchen with the Well-Fed Food Store based at Woodside Community Centre.


            Councillor Shotton then referred to School Uniforms costs and said the schools that he was involved with had a scheme to re-use uniforms donated by parents and asked if this scheme was rolled out across all Flintshire schools.


            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) reassured members that the Council encouraged schools to follow the Welsh Government guidance that uniforms should be accessible and affordable. Schools promoted the School Uniform Grant Scheme, which also assisted in the provision of sports kits, and of brownie, cubs and scouts uniforms.  She commented that the mapping of school uniform supplies across all schools had been delayed because of the pandemic but would be discussed at the Head Teachers Federation meeting in early September.  Once this information was available, a map of supplies and gaps in provision could be established and then work undertaken to develop a better model and highlight the schemes which were available for families.


            The Chair referred point 1.06 of the report on the grant available for Year 7 pupils of £200.  He sought clarification on the amount of grant for looked after children.  The Chief Officer confirmed that through the regional consortium, the Local Authority received £125 for each looked after child in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Members of the Press and Public in Attendance

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