Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)


No declarations of interest were made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015.



            That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 





The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 May 2015 had been circulated to Members with the agenda.




            That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 


                        Prior to the introduction of the Improvement Plan 2015/16 report, the Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Finance and the Chief Executive congratulated Councillor Clive Carver on his appointment as Chair of the Committee. 



Improvement Plan 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Improvement Plan be received with the following observations:-


(i)         that the rural areas of the County should receive more of an emphasis

(ii)        that the Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces Community Covenant should be specifically mentioned


(b)       That due to the importance of the superfast broadband roll out to the development of the local economy, that BT and Welsh Government representatives be invited to give a presentation at an all Member workshop to be held for that purpose.


(c)        That further information and interpretation on the changes made to the Improvement Plan be provided to Members to allow further responses before final approval by Cabinet and Council on 23 June 2015. 



The Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report and explained that adoption and publication of an Improvement Plan was a statutory requirement under the 2009 Local Government Measure. 


                        The Plan would allow the Council to concentrate on areas that needed attention and the current priorities and sub-priorities of the Plan had been reviewed and some areas that had been completed in 2014/15 had been removed from the 2015/16 Plan.  The key priorities had been broadened and the specific reference to the Deeside area had been removed from the sub-priority in relation to business sector growth so this now covered the whole of the County.  The Leader commented on the Deeside Enterprise Zone and referred to the Vibrant and Viable Places programme.  Flintshire Business Week had recently been launched and the Leader spoke of the small and medium sized businesses that were engaging and taking part in the initiative.  The continuation of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard work would provide significant opportunities for the Council to engage with the Housing Business Sector.  A Member workshop had been held on 29 May 2015 where the working draft documents had been considered along with the proposed targets and classifications for the statutory national performance indicators.  The Plan was to be considered at a Special Cabinet meeting on 23 June 2015 followed by a County Council meeting in the afternoon.   


                        The Chief Executive detailed the three documents in the report and explained that appendix 3 was a summary of the key issues from and responses to the consultations with Members at the workshop held on 29 May 2015.  In highlighting the budget, he said that it was important to look at future years revenue funding and capital programme alongside the priorities set out in the plan.  The Plan could be changed during the year.


                        In referring to appendix 3, the Performance Team Leader explained that the document included responses provided at the workshop or subsequently following the workshop.  General issues were reported first followed by issues raised on individual areas or sub-priorities and then on specific performance measures.  The Performance Team Leader advised that all of the amendments that had been requested at the workshop had been highlighted in blue in the Improvement Plan 2015/16 document. 


                        The Chair commented on the issue of broadband speeds and referred in particular to the fibreoptic link that had been laid by Welsh Government in 2010 near to Hawarden Business Park.  In response, the Chief Executive spoke of meetings with British Telecom (BT) and the Deeside Enterprise Zone Board about issues including ‘notspots’ and added that improvements had been made to broadband infrastructures at Hawarden Business Park as a result.  He advised that he would obtain an update on the concerns raised particularly about ‘notspots’ and suggested that BT be invited to attend a future meeting of the Committee. 


                        Councillor Richard Jones referred to the section on Economy and Enterprise and indicated that he had stated at the workshop that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Reports pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Additional documents:


            That the Committee’s comments be commended to the Policy & Performance Team.      



The Chief Executive introduced a report to consider elements of the 2014/15 Year End Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee. 


                        The reports highlighted a number of areas where the measure was not achieved and the Chief Executive explained that these areas were still included in the new plan for 2015/16 to enable the Committee to continue monitoring them. 


                        Councillor Robin Guest queried whether comparisons were made with other local Authorities on areas such as customer feedback about visits to the Council’s website.  In referring to the figures, he felt that they were disappointing and asked whether benchmarking with other authorities was undertaken.  The Chief Executive explained that digital access such as the website was assessed by the Society of IT Management (SOCITM) and Flintshire County Council had progressed in the last year on the issue of wider customer access.  The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) said that more work was required on the website about self-serve and navigation and details of benchmarking indicators would also be submitted to the Committee.  On the issue of functionality and design, the Chief Officer (Governance) advised that SOCITM had awarded two out of four stars to the Council and added that many other authorities had only been awarded one star.  However, on content SOCITM had advised that there was a need for improvement; this work was being undertaken. 


                        Councillor Richard Jones felt that more could have been done on developing a longer term financial plan and that the progress was disappointing.  He also asked why the measure was not included in the Improvement Plan for 2015/16.  He queried how long term planning could be achieved when there was such uncertainty about the level of revenue support grant to be received from Welsh Government in 2015/16 and beyond.  In response, the Chief Executive confirmed that the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) was in the 2015/16 Improvement Plan and confirmed that a report was to be considered at Cabinet on 16 June 2015 and would be submitted to the meeting of this Committee scheduled for 9 July 2015.  He added that there was uncertainty about funding levels but explained that budgets would be based on historic patterns of the amount of revenue support grant received.  The Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Finance confirmed that further discussions would be undertaken on the MTFS and added that every opportunity had been taken to raise the concerns about lack of predictions from WG about levels of funding.  However, he added that there were many areas of pressure that a level of certainty could be given on.  In referring to the £527m of funding allocated to Health Services, Councillor Richard Jones said that it was important to ensure that monies were allocated appropriately.  The Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Finance referred to the budget that was to take place on 8 July 2015 and advised that it was anticipated that there would be more reductions in funding for local authorities over the coming months. 


            RESOLVED:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Year End Chief Officer Performance Reports pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee acknowledges that the areas of poor performance had been highlighted within the reports; and


(b)       That the Committee’s comments be commended to the Policy & Performance Team. 



The Chief Executive introduced a report to consider the 2014/15 Year End Service Performance Reports produced at Chief Officer level for their respective portfolios. 


                        He explained that the report contained historic data and areas of concern had been highlighted.   




(a)       That the Committee acknowledges that the areas of poor performance had been highlighted within the reports; and


(b)       That the Committee’s comments be commended to the Policy & Performance Team. 



Customer Services and Call Handling Update pdf icon PDF 62 KB


(a)       That the Committee has received some assurance with regard to the development of the call handling arrangements;


(b)       That the officers be asked to monitor the performance risks/concerns expressed at the meeting;


(c)        That it be recommended that the proposed enhancement to the automated service (immediate dial now for extension numbers) be introduced as soon as possible; and


(d)       That an update report be submitted to the Committee in due course.  



The Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) introduced a report to update Members on the progress made towards the changes to the way telephone calls were received via 01352 752121 (Switchboard).


                        She detailed the background to the report and explained that Contact Centre telephony software had been introduced to the main switchboard on 22 April 2015.  The current switchboard service would cease on 31 August 2015.  The Chief Officer suggested an amended recommendation which would be to seek Member assurance about the proposals.  It was reported that approximately 10% of calls to Switchboard were internal and it was the intention to make it easier for staff to be able to identify the number they required themselves.  Reassurance was provided that the Switchboard service would not end from September 2015 as callers who had chosen option 4 and were currently directed to the Switchboard, would instead be directed to the existing contact centres in Streetscene, Housing and Revenues & Benefits.  An option would also be included for callers to input the extension number of the person they wanted to contact if they knew it.  The Chief Officer also advised that the Reception Area would not be closing and that work was ongoing to establish whether some or all of the current reception areas could be consolidated. 


                        Councillor Ron Hampson referred to the excellent service provided by the Switchboard Team.  He raised concern that option 4 would no longer be available and was assured by the Chief Officer that these calls would be directed to the existing call centres rather than to the Switchboard.  On the issue of agile working, Councillor Marion Bateman queried whether it was possible for Members to be provided with a list of mobile telephone numbers for officers.  The Chief Executive indicated that officers who had a Council owned mobile telephone should be including all methods of contact on their correspondence, such as emails.  Councillor Bateman also expressed her disappointment that answerphones were not being used and that phones sometimes were left to ring out.  The Chief Officer advised that work was underway to roll out advice to all staff about the use of voicemail/mobiles.  She added that it was important that all telephones were answered in front facing teams and asked that Members let her know of any problems that they experienced with phones not being answered. 


Councillor Richard Jones concurred that it would be useful for Members to have a list of contact numbers including mobile phone details and asked why all services could not be covered by the Contact Centres.  In response, the Chief Officer said that not all services had a contact centre but considerations were being given to whether the Council should have a single Contact Centre.  She felt that it was not acceptable for phones to go unanswered or for work mobile number details to not be provided.  The Customer Services Manager advised that a phone directory was available on the Infonet and that work was ongoing to address the issue of mobile numbers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 12) pdf icon PDF 47 KB

Additional documents:


            (a)       That the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report (Month 12) be noted; and


(b)       That no recommendations be made to the Cabinet on this occasion.   



The Corporate Finance Manager introduced a report to provide Members with the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 (Month 12) information for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) which was being submitted to Cabinet on 16 June 2015. 


                        For the Council Fund, the projected net in-year expenditure was reported to be £2.059m lower than the budget and the movements from Month 10 were summarised in appendix 1.  The changes from Month 10 related mainly to adjustments for the single status rebalancing exercise, property maintenance reallocations and workforce efficiency accounting adjustments.  The overall variance between Month 10 and Month 12 was £0.343m and included an increase in workforce efficiencies with a positive variance of £0.546m; the details were shown in paragraph 3.12.  The second main change was the final estimated cost for the closure plan for the orphaned site at Sandycroft and the Council’s liability for the closure of the risk was £0.800m.  The analysis of Corporate and Functional efficiencies currently projected that £7.682m (87%) would be achieved resulting in a net underachievement of £1.158m.  Section 4 and appendix 6 detailed the carry forward requests which were all recommended for approval.  Included within the 2014/15 budget were provisions for non-standard inflation and allocations for this had been made to departments where there had been an evidenced need and had resulted in an underspend of £0.240m.  The Corporate Finance Manager advised that there was a reduced risk of significant changes occurring so previously reported risks had now been removed.  However, the final outturn would not be confirmed until the accounts had been finalised and submitted for audit.  Section 7 and appendix 4 provided details of the unearmarked reserves and indicated that the current projected level of the contingency reserve at 31 March 2015 was £5.000m.  


                        The HRA was projected to have an overall overspend of £0.069m and a projected closing balance at month 12 of £1.096m, which at 3.65% of total expenditure satisfied the prudent approach of ensuring a minimum level of 3%.    


                        Councillor Robin Guest felt that it had been regrettable that reductions in service provision had been undertaken when they may not have been required due to the amount of reserves available.  In response the Leader & Cabinet Member for Finance said that he had asked for further work on efficiencies for future years.  He commented on the importance of utilising the budget to benefit the Council due to reductions in funding that the Authority would face in the future.  One-off efficiencies could not support recurring efficiencies and the 2015-16 budget had been set on the basis of the recurring funds available to the Council.  The Corporate Finance Manager indicated that the reserves had accumulated over a number of years and the 2015/16 budget had been agreed based on the issues arising at that time which was at Month 7.  The Chief Executive explained that the contingency reserves were for in-year issues that could not be predicted.  The Council was in a positive position, which was not the case for a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved; and


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and officers, be authorised to vary the work programme between meetings. 



The Member Engagement Manager introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee. 


            He advised that a Member workshop on the Medium Term Finance Plan was to be held on 7 July 2015.  Following a discussion, it was agreed that the workshop would commence at 9.30am.  The items that were to be considered at the meetings scheduled for 9 July 2015 and 10 September 2015 were detailed. 


During earlier discussions, it had been suggested that a Customer Services Update Report would be submitted to a future meeting in due course.  An invitation to the Police & Crime Commissioner to attend a meeting to discuss the Crime and Policing Plan 2016/17 had also been extended but a response had not yet been received. 


            Councillor Andy Dunbobbin asked whether a joint meeting with the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny from Wrexham County Borough Council had been scheduled.  The Member Engagement Manager indicated that this was still being pursued.  




(a)       That the Forward Work Programme, as submitted, be approved; and


(b)       That the Member Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and officers, be authorised to vary the work programme between meetings. 



Members of the Press and Public in Attendance


                        There were no members of the public or press in attendance.