Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Tracy Waters on 01352 702331 Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2015. Decision: That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 27 January 2015 had been circulated with the agenda.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interests from Members. Minutes: The Chair and Councillor Rosetta Dolphin declared personal interests in agenda item 10 (Council Fund Revenue Budget 2015/16) as they were owners of Post Offices. Councillor Alan Diskin also declared an interest in agenda item 10 as he was a Sub-postmaster.
Councillor Carolyn Thomas declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 10 as her child participated in the County Youth Music Service. She had received a dispensation from the Standards Committee and was able to speak and vote on the general budget issues. She also declared a personal interest as she was a previous Chair of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Board.
Councillor Arnold Woolley sought clarification from the Chief Officer (Governance) on whether he should declare an interest as he was a member of a number of voluntary organisations. He was advised that he should declare a personal interest in agenda item 10 and that he should confirm with the Committee Officer which organisations he was referring to.
Commemoration and Tributes to the Late Councillor Stella Jones Minutes: The Chair paid tribute to the late Councillor Stella Jones and said that she had been highly respected in Hope and Caergwrle. She had been a hard working Councillor and had been a good friend to many.
The Leader of the Council echoed the comments and referred to the number of people that had attended Councillor Jones’ funeral the previous day. He said that she epitomised a true community campaigner and commented on all she had done for the residents in her ward and of her proudness to be associated with Castell Alun High School. He recalled the time when Councillor Jones first became a Councillor and how this had resulted in a case being heard in the High Court. Councillor Shotton said that when Councillor Jones walked in to a room, it lit up and he added that he would miss her smile. He concluded by referring to the last conservation he had had with Councillor Jones about her determination to be in attendance at this meeting, despite her ill health, which he felt encapsulated everything about Councillor Jones. He said that she would be greatly missed.
Councillor Carolyn Thomas commented that Councillor Jones had been a good friend to her. She echoed the earlier comments about the work she undertook in relation to issues in her ward including land which was to have been allocated in the Unitary Development Plan which Councillor Jones had disagreed with. She concurred that she would be greatly missed but added that she would have some treasured memories of Councillor Jones.
In referring to the election in 2004, Councillor Nancy Matthews explained that she and Councillor Jones had been newly appointed Councillors at the election and that as a result of this, they had become good working colleagues and friends. She added that Councillor Jones had always been the voice of reason on Overview & Scrutiny Task and Finish Groups and would provide support for employee rights. She added that she would miss Councillor Jones.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the words spoken by Lord Barry Jones at Councillor Jones’ funeral. Councillor Peers felt that she was kind, polite and knowledgeable and added that he had been surprised to learn that she knew so much about Wrexham Football Club. He spoke of her work for her residents and the concern that she showed on issues that would affect those in her ward. He felt that she had been an asset to the community and commented that she was a people person who would be sadly missed.
Councillor Tony Sharps stated that he knew Councillor Jones when she worked in the Education Department of the Council and he commented on the help that she had provided about a bus service in his ward. She had been a kind, considerate and lovely person who would be missed by many including the community of Northop Hall.
In referring to the work that Councillor Jones undertook for her residents, Councillor Clive Carver spoke of his first meeting ... view the full minutes text for item 89. |
Chair's Communications Minutes: A copy of the Chair’s communication had been circulated to all Members before the meeting.
Petitions Minutes: No petitions were submitted. |
Public Question Time Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) confirmed that none had been received.
Questions To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A). Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) confirmed that none had been received.
Notice of Motion Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) confirmed that none had been received. |
Additional documents: Decision: That the County Council approve the recommendation of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in section 9 of the Cabinet report attached to the Council report.
Minutes: In moving the recommendation Councillor Aaron Shotton, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, commented on the significant reduction in the Revenue Support Grant for 2015/16 and the three year challenge faced by the Council in the Medium Term Financial Plan to make savings of £50m. Efficiencies of £20m had been made in the past two years and the requirement to find a further £18.2m of efficiencies in one year had been unprecedented. A senior management restructure had been undertaken and there was an urgent need to review the delivery of services and a pragmatic approach had been taken to be innovative and efficient. Councillor Shotton spoke of the difficult decisions that had been taken and added that the worst impacts had been mitigated by the use of £1m of reserves. The recommendation to approve the budget was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
The Chief Executive introduced the report to provide Members with the recommendations of the Cabinet for the Council Fund Revenue Budget 2015/16. He also welcomed the Corporate Finance Manager to his first budget meeting as Section 151 Officer and spoke of the exhaustive process that had been undertaken. The Executive Summary in the report detailed the work that had been carried out in the past four weeks to bring the budget from a gap of £0.777m in January 2015 to the balanced budget presented to Cabinet earlier in the day.
The Chief Executive and Corporate Finance Manager gave a joint presentation and commented upon the following areas:-
· Final Budget Position · Roles and Duties of Council · Closing the Budget Gap Stage 1 · Outcomes of Overview and Scrutiny · Closing the Budget Gap Stage 2 · Professional Opinions · Implementing the Budget · Medium Term Financial Plan
The Chief Executive spoke of the six key service reviews that were to be completed and would be referred to Cabinet for a final decision. Evaluation of the implementation of these reviews would be undertaken by the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee within its Forward Work Programme. The budget gap in January 2015 had increased to £0.852m as a result of four amended proposals suggested by Overview & Scrutiny Committees which the Chief Executive detailed. The Corporate Finance Manager highlighted the three key areas which had enabled the Council to achieve a balanced budget as at 11 February 2015. This included the use of £0.270m of reserves which had not generally been advised in the past but the Corporate Finance Manager was content to support this level of funding on this occasion due to the scale of the financial challenges faced.
On the Medium Term Financial Plan the Chief Executive explained that a large number of efficiencies had already been identified but that it was expected that at least two more years of ‘cuts’ and efficiencies would be necessary. There was currently no indication from Welsh Government of the funding for 2016/17 and it was therefore difficult for the Council to predict the level of cuts required. He thanked the Corporate Finance Manager ... view the full minutes text for item 95. |
Council Fund Capital Programme 2015/16 and Indicative Funding to 2018/19 PDF 55 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the County Council approve the recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in the report to Cabinet attached to the Council report.
Minutes: In moving the recommendation, Councillor Aaron Shotton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, stated that the Capital Programme had been discussed at length in the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny budget meeting. He hoped that Members supported the principles including that the Capital Programme 2015/16 no longer required capital receipts for planning purposes. He also commented on the many projects included in the programme which incorporated provision for funding for the Holywell hub which he hoped West Flintshire colleagues would welcome. The recommendation was seconded by Councillor George Hardcastle.
The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced the report to present the annual Council Fund Capital Programme for 2015/16 and indicative funding levels to 2018/19.
The Chief Officer and Corporate Finance Manager gave a joint presentation and commented upon the following areas:-
· Capital Programme context · Funding the Capital Programme · Capital Programme – Funding · Core Capital Programme · Capital Receipts & Core Programme · Allocating the Core Programme · Estimated Available Funding – Core Programme · Core Allocation by Portfolio
Councillor Mike Peers sought clarification on the figure of £0.333m which was reported as unallocated core funding which would provide a degree of protection to the Council’s Core programme and whether this figure was to be used to fund organisational change and deliver the necessary revenue efficiencies over the medium term. The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) explained that paragraph 6.12 referred to unallocated funding over and above the £0.333m detailed in the report and flowing from any receipts received in the remainder of the current financial year. The intention being that this would be considered for use in areas such as Community Asset Transfers, school modernisation and repair programmes and the installation of income generating energy installations.
That the County Council approve the recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in the report to Cabinet attached to the Council report.
Housing Revenue Account 2015/16 & Capital Programme 2015/16 PDF 47 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the County Council approve the recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in the report to Cabinet attached to the Council report.
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) introduced the report to present the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Revenue and Capital Budget for 2015/16.
Councillor Shotton, the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance, explained that the Housing Revenue Account had been considered in detail by the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee. He felt that in times of doom and gloom of austerity in the public sector, this was a good news story for the people of Flintshire, which he welcomed. In referring to the much improved Housing Service, he spoke of the low points and the record £12m increase spend on Council Housing in the last year. He commented on the almost £21m in proposed capital funding for 2015/16 and welcomed the negotiations that had taken place at a national level to allow self-financing to be considered. The outcome would be of great benefit to communities and future tenants and in commenting on existing properties, said that this was the first step to building new Council housing. The recommendation was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) gave a presentation and commented on the following areas:-
· Housing Revenue Account · Self-financing · 30 year business plan · Housing Revenue Account · Other income · Value for Money tenant services · Principles Underpinning Efficiencies · HRA Efficiency Proposals · Funding for HRA Capital Programme 2015/16 · Council house building programme
She commented on the well-attended Member and Tenant workshops that had been held to allow discussions on the benefits of self-financing to take place. She added that it had been hoped that the Council would have been able to enter into a voluntary agreement by the end of January but that this had been delayed for good reasons, which the Chief Officer detailed. Concerns were raised with Welsh Government (WG) about the rate of the buy-out figure and WG agreed to raise the issue with the UK treasury; discussions were ongoing. The completion of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) could be achieved by 2020, which had reduced from 2038 initially referred to in the Choices document. Key assumptions for 2015/16 were detailed which included a new rent policy that had been agreed by Cabinet and included target rents for similar properties in similar areas. Income from phased service charges was reported and the Chief Officer referred to the HRA efficiency proposals. Each line of the HRA had been challenged to not only look at services to customers but also the internal costs of supporting the service too. The Chief Officer detailed the WHQS and non WHQS proposed HRA Capital Programme and added that detailed discussions had taken place with elected Members and tenants. Officers were in the process of finalising the details of the programme.
Councillor Alex Aldridge welcomed the achievements made by Flintshire on the HRA in spite of the unparalleled challenges faced by Local Government and suggested that Flintshire was an exemplar for Councils in Wales. He suggested that the good practices shown should be referred to the Association of Public ... view the full minutes text for item 97. |
Prudential Indicators 2015/16 - 2017/18 and Revision of 2014/15 Prudential Indicators PDF 47 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the County Council approve the recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in the report to Cabinet attached to the Council report.
Minutes: The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report to present to Council the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the setting of a range of Prudential Indicators.
Councillor Aaron Shotton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance proposed the acceptance of the recommendations as outlined within the report. This was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
On being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendations.
That the County Council approve the recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 17 February 2015 as set out in the report to Cabinet attached to the Council report.
Minimum Revenue Provision - 2015/16 Policy PDF 60 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the County Council accept the recommendations of the Cabinet, being that:-
(b) That the County Council accept the recommendations of the Cabinet for the HRA, being that:
Minutes: The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report to present to Council the recommendations of the Cabinet in relation to the setting of a prudent Minimum Revenue Provision for the repayment of debt.
Councillor Aaron Shotton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance proposed the acceptance of the recommendations as outlined within the report. This was duly seconded by Councillor Peter Curtis.
Councillor Derek Butler said a few words in Mandarin which translated as ‘Prosperity and good fortune for the New Year’.
(a) That the County Council accept the recommendations of the Cabinet, being that:-
(b) That the County Council accept the recommendations of the Cabinet for the HRA, being that:
Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16 PDF 587 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16 be approved.
Minutes: The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report to present to Council the recommendation of Cabinet in relation to Treasury Management Strategy for 2015/16.
Councillor Aaron Shotton, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Finance proposed the acceptance of the recommendations as outlined within the report. This was duly seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
In response to a query from Councillor Mike Peers on the borrowing strategy of the Council, the Finance Manager referred Members to the Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16 where the budget implications for 2015/16 borrowing were estimated. She explained that the estimated total for loan interest paid in 2015/16 was £12.6m based on an average debt portfolio of £276.5m at a weighted average interest rate of 4.53%. The figures were subject to change as they were based on estimates of the Council’s capital expenditure plans in 2015/16 and would depend on what loans the Council took out.
That the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy 2015/16 be approved.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were 2 members of the press and no members of the public present.