Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Sharon Thomas 01352 702324 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
Chair's Review of the Year 2018/19 To receive details of the Chair’s review of the year. Additional documents: Minutes: As the outgoing Chair, Councillor Paul Cunningham presented his review of the year during which he and his Consort Mrs Joan Cunningham had been honoured to represent Flintshire at over 300 civic events. Amongst the highlights were the North Wales Armed Forces Day, the Japanese Youth Exchange (which he hoped would continue) and charity events with neighbouring authorities. In addition, the visits to County Hall undertaken by many local schools and youth clubs were welcomed as was the assistance during Flintshire Business Week provided by Councillor Derek Butler, Kate Catherall and Lord Barry Jones.
Councillor Cunningham thanked everyone for their generosity in helping to raise almost £14,500 mainly for his chosen charities, Macmillan Cancer Support and Nightingale House, with the remainder to be shared amongst local organisations.
In conclusion, he expressed his gratitude to all for supporting him in his year of office, with personal thanks given to the Chief Executive, Councillor Aaron Shotton as Leader of the Council, the Chief Officer Team and Council employees. He also thanked fellow Members for giving him the opportunity to serve as Chairman and to the Civic Member Services team and his Chaplain Councillor Reverend Brian Harvey for all their support during the year. He paid tribute to the Vice-Chair for her support wishing her well in her new role, and to his wife Joan for her contribution as Consort during the year.
On behalf of officers, the Chief Executive thanked Councillor Cunningham and Mrs Cunningham for their work in representing the Council. This was endorsed by a number of Members during the meeting. |
Election of Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20, Investiture of Chain of Office and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office Additional documents: Decision: That Councillor Marion Bateman be elected Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Carol Ellis and seconded by Councillor Ian Roberts that Councillor Marion Bateman be elected Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. No other nominations were received. In support of the proposal, tributes were paid to Councillor Bateman’s contributions to various committees and commitment to local issues.
Councillor Bateman thanked Members for electing her as Chair for the year ahead which she described as an honour. She congratulated the outgoing Chair and his Consort on a successful year.
That Councillor Marion Bateman be elected Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20.
Councillor Bateman was invested with the Chain of Office by the retiring Chairman and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Chief Executive.
(At this point Councillor Bateman chaired the remainder of the meeting.)
The Chair then presented Councillor Cunningham with his retiring Chairman’s Badge of Office and his Consort Mrs Joan Cunningham with her retiring Badge of Office. The Chair’s Consort, Councillor Haydn Bateman, was invested with his Chain of Office. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20, Investiture of Chain of Office and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office Additional documents: Decision: That Councillor Joe Johnson be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Carolyn Thomas and seconded by Councillor Rosetta Dolphin that Councillor Joe Johnson be appointed Vice-Chair for the municipal year 2019/20. No other nominations were received. In support of the proposal, tributes were paid to Councillor Johnson’s charitable work and support for local causes.
Councillor Johnson thanked Members and congratulated the Chair whom he looked forward to working with for the year ahead.
That Councillor Joe Johnson be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20.
Councillor Johnson was invested with the Chain of Office by the Chair and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Chief Executive. Councillor Johnson’s Consort, Mrs Sue Johnson, was invested with her Chain of Office. |
Variation in order of business Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair indicated that there would be a slight change in the order of business to bring forward agenda item 10 on the Armed Forces Covenant. The remainder of the items would be considered in the order shown on the agenda. |
Refreshing Flintshire County Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Decision: That the Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces community be refreshed by re-signing the Covenant. Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Powell and Janette Williams (Armed Forces Liaison Officer for North East Wales) to refresh the Council’s commitment in supporting the Armed Forces community by re-signing the Armed Forces Covenant originally signed in 2013. Presentation slides outlined the purpose of the Covenant and the Council’s achievements and future ambitions.
As the Council’s Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Andy Dunbobbin proposed that the Covenant be re-signed to re-affirm the Council’s commitment in ensuring that members of the Armed Forces community should not be unfairly disadvantaged in the provision of services and that special consideration be given where necessary. This commitment recognised the value of serving personnel, both regular and reservist, veterans and military families and their contributions to the nation. Good progress had been made by the steering group to promote the Covenant leading to the Council achieving the Silver Award in the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. Councillor Dunbobbin thanked all officers involved, in particular Janette Williams and Stephen Townley. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Joe Johnson.
The Covenant was formally signed by Lieutenant-Colonel Powell and Councillor Dunbobbin.
On behalf of the Brigade Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Powell thanked the Council for its support which was greatly valued.
Councillor Glyn Banks took the opportunity to pay tribute to Armed Forces personnel, past and present, as well as all those who worked on the Covenant, particularly Councillor Dunbobbin.
That the Council’s commitment to the Armed Forces community be refreshed by re-signing the Covenant. |
Election of the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Decision: That Councillor Ian Roberts be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Paul Cunningham and seconded by Councillor Neville Phillips that Councillor Ian Roberts be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. No other nominations were received. In support of the proposal, tributes were paid to Councillor Roberts’ achievements in local government and his commitment to deliver quality services for Flintshire residents.
That Councillor Ian Roberts be appointed Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2019/20. |
Appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council Additional documents: Decision: That the choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet and their portfolios detailed below, be noted.
Minutes: Councillor Ian Roberts thanked Members for electing him as Leader of the Council which he described as a genuine honour. In accordance with the Constitution, he set out his choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet. This was seconded by Councillor Sean Bibby who wished Councillor Roberts and the Cabinet the best for the coming year.
That the choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet and their portfolios detailed below, be noted.
Constitutional Matters: Committees PDF 117 KB Additional documents: Decision: (i) Appointment of Committees
That Council appoints the following Committees:
Audit Committee Clwyd Pension Fund Committee Constitution and Democratic Services Committee Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions) Licensing Committee Planning Committee Standards Committee The six Overview & Scrutiny Committees listed in paragraph 1.01 Grievance Committee (appointed on 9 April 2019) Investigation and Disciplinary Committee
(ii) Determination of the size of Committees
(a) That the size of each committee be as set out in paragraph 1.04 of the report and that an additional lay Member be recruited to the Audit Committee as set out in the report; and
(b) That a review of committees be undertaken in the next 12 months including the number of elected Members and lay members on the Audit Committee membership.
(iii) Terms of Reference of Committees
That the terms of reference for each Committee in the Constitution be approved with the addition of the Grievance Committee appointed at the last meeting and the Investigation and Disciplinary Committee as set out in the report.
(iv) Political Balance
That the seats be allocated in accordance with political balance (and the rules on membership of the Planning Committee) as set out in the revised spreadsheet.
(v) Appointment of Chairs of Standing Committees
(a) That the Chairs of the following Committees be appointed (noting any restrictions on eligibility):
· Clwyd Pension Fund Committee - Councillor Aaron Shotton · Constitution and Democratic Services Committee - Councillor Ted Palmer · Licensing Committee - Councillor Tony Sharps · Planning Committee - Councillor David Wisinger
(b) That the Grievance Committee and Investigation & Disciplinary Committee should each appoint its own Chair from amongst its membership; and
(c) That the following groups be allocated the chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees as outlined:
Community and Enterprise - Labour Group Corporate Resources - Conservative Group Education and Youth - Labour Group Environment - New Independents Group Organisational Change - Independent Alliance Group Social & Health Care - Liberal Democrats Group
(vi) Local Choice Functions
That the Local Choice functions as set out in the Constitution be approved.
(vii) Nominations to Internal Bodies
That the make-up of the Appointments Committee be approved.
(viii) Standards Committee and Appointments to Outside Bodies
(a) That the composition and membership of the Standards Committee be noted; and
(b) That Council notes that nominees to Outside Bodies have been appointed for the whole Council term and the Chief Executive’s power to vary those nominations (in consultation with Group Leaders). Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Officer (Governance) which dealt with matters that required decision at the Annual Meeting of the County Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 1.1 (vii) - (xiv). The report was split into sections, each one dealing with one decision that needed to be made and the relevant issues for consideration. Each section was considered and voted on in turn.
(i) Appointment of Committees
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the Constitution provided for the appointment of the following: Audit Committee; Clwyd Pension Fund Committee; Constitution & Democratic Services Committee; Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions); Licensing Committee; Planning Committee; Standards Committee; and the six Overview & Scrutiny Committees. The Grievance Committee and Investigation & Disciplinary Committee were also to be appointed as agreed at the previous meeting.
Councillor Patrick Heesom asked for clarification on the need to appoint an Investigation & Disciplinary Committee when the Standards Committee was already in place. The Chief Officer advised that whilst the Standards Committee considered any breaches of the Code of Conduct by councillors, a separate committee was required to be established to consider disciplinary matters relating to officers, specifically the named statutory officers as set out in legislation. Councillor Heesom requested details of the officers to whom this would apply. The Chief Officer agreed to supply the names of the officers whose posts were indicated on the report.
Councillor Chris Bithell moved approval of the recommendation in the report which was seconded by Councillor Ian Roberts.
That Council appoints the following Committees:
Audit Committee Clwyd Pension Fund Committee Constitution and Democratic Services Committee Joint Governance Committee (for Pensions) Licensing Committee Planning Committee Standards Committee The six Overview & Scrutiny Committees listed in paragraph 1.01 Grievance Committee (appointed on 9 April 2019) Investigation and Disciplinary Committee
(ii) Determination of the size of Committees
The Chief Officer explained that the size of each committee must be decided at the Annual Meeting. Details of the provision for the size of the Committees were set out in the report, including a recommendation from the Audit Committee to increase its size to allow for an additional lay member.
In referring to the importance of the Audit Committee, Councillor Heesom called for further consideration on the size of its membership to include wider Member representation, particularly if there was an increase in the number of lay members. He asked whether the Leader would consider deferring a decision on that particular committee to allow for more discussion.
The Chief Officer explained that such a decision would result in the postponement of the next Audit Committee meeting to enable the item to be decided at the next Council meeting in June.
On the legislative restrictions on membership of the Planning Committee, Councillor Mike Peers drew attention to the rules on multiple Member ward representation as set out in the Political Balance section of the report.
In response to Councillor Heesom, Councillor Roberts acknowledged the benefits of lay members serving on Committees and proposed that ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Item 8 - Revised Political Balance allocation PDF 39 KB Additional documents: |
Standards Committee Independent Members PDF 74 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That Council reappoints Phillipa Ann Earlam to the Standards Committee for four years and advertises the vacancy for the remaining position jointly with Wrexham County Borough Council; and
(b) That the Chair of the Council write to Edward Hughes thanking him for his hard work on the Committee during his term. Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report on the membership of the Standards Committee as the terms of office of two of the independent members had recently expired. Both members were eligible to be reappointed for a second term and their valued contributions to the Committee were recognised. Whilst Phillipa Earlam was willing to serve again, it was suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to Edward Hughes who wished to step down.
The Chief Officer outlined the rules on appointing independent members and advised that a potential joint recruitment process with Wrexham County Borough Council would be beneficial.
In welcoming the contributions of independent members on the Standards Committee, Councillor Paul Johnson moved the recommendations in the report which were seconded by Councillor Woolley.
(a) That Council reappoints Phillipa Ann Earlam to the Standards Committee for four years and advertises the vacancy for the remaining position jointly with Wrexham County Borough Council; and
(b) That the Chair of the Council write to Edward Hughes thanking him for his hard work on the Committee during his term. |
Schedule of Meetings 2019/20 PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the draft schedule of meetings for 2019/20 be approved, subject to the proposed changes. Minutes: The Democratic Services Manager presented the schedule of meetings for 2019/20 following consultation. Whilst every effort was made to avoid meeting clashes, he suggested that the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 21 October be moved to 28 October to avoid a clash with a meeting of the Fire Authority. He also suggested that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) be moved from 5 May 2020 to allow time after the Bank Holiday.
On the latter point, the Chief Executive agreed with Councillor Mike Peers’ suggestion that the AGM be moved to 7 May 2020 and that the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting be rescheduled.
Councillor David Healey asked that the Schedule include a joint meeting between the Education & Youth and Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committees to consider items spanning both remits.
The Chief Executive suggested that the frequency of such joint meetings could be agreed by the Chairs of both Committees once the appointments had been made.
That the draft schedule of meetings for 2019/20 be approved, subject to the proposed changes. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Additional documents: Minutes: There was one member of the press and 16 members of the public in attendance. |