Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Maureen Potter on 01352 702322  Email:


No. Item



Connah’s Quay Nomads

In recognition of third successive qualification for the Europa League and Welsh Cup winners 2018


Additional documents:


Connah’s Quay Nomads


The Chairman welcomed John and Roma Gray, Ray Brown, and Jay Catton, in recognition of Connah’s Quay Nomads third successive qualification for the Europa League and Welsh Cup winners 2018.   


The Chief Executive provided background information and referred to the value and appreciation of the work undertaken by Connah’s Quay Nomads Club regarding its community outreach and participation work, football development, and its partnership work with the Authority, Football Association Wales, Flintshire schools, and Coleg Cambria.   He congratulated Connah’s Quay Nomads Club on its success and invited Members to express their thanks to the Club’s representatives. 


The Chairman commented on his enjoyment of watching Connah’s Quay Nomads recently play their first home game and also congratulated the Team on their recent win against Falkirk in the Irn Bru Cup. 


Councillor Aaron Shotton commented on the fantastic achievement of Connah’s Quay Nomads Club in the Welsh Cup final.  He referred to the impressive work that the owners, Board members, and coaching team had undertaken to develop the Club in recent years.  Councillor Shotton also referred to the development and success of the Quay 3G which had contributed to the development of Connah’s Quay Nomads and other youth teams across the County and to the Youth Academy programme.  He congratulated the Club on its success and wished it well for the future.


Councillor Paul Shotton expressed his congratulations to the Club on its success and also congratulated Andy Morrison who was named Manager of the Month by the Welsh Premier League.


Councillor Ian Dunbar paid tribute to the success of Connah’s Quay Nomads and said the Club was a tremendous asset to Connah’s Quay. 


Councillor Martin White reiterated the comments made by Members and said he had been proud to attend the Welsh Cup final with his family to support the Club.  He thanked the Club for allowing local supporters to take the Trophy on a tour of local venues in Connah’s Quay and Shotton and said this had been well received by the local community.  He wished the Club well for the future. 


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson referred to his long standing association with Connah’s Quay Nomads Club which he greatly valued and expressed his congratulations to the Club on its success.


On behalf of Connah’s Quay Nomad’s Club, Mr John Grey thanked Members for their words of recognition and support for all involved. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 June 2018.


Additional documents:


That subject to the above amendment the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


The minutes of the meetings held on 19 June 2018 were received.



Page 4, item 16, the Chief Officer (Governance) advised that Councillor David Mackie had declared a personal interest on Agenda item 14 - the Approval of Clwyd Pension Fund Statement of Accounts, as a member of the Clwyd Pension Fund, but this had not been recorded in the minutes. 




That subject to the above amendment the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


The Chief Officer advised that a personal interest would be recorded on behalf of the following  Members in respect of Agenda Item 12 ‘North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority:2019-20 Financial Update and Consultation’, as members of the Fire Authority:


Councillors: Marion Bateman, Ian Dunbar, Veronica Gay, Paul Shotton, Owen Thomas and David Wisinger.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 6, Petitions - withdrawal of the Buckley Shopper bus service.


The Chief Officer advised that a personal interest would be recorded on behalf of the following  Members in respect of Agenda Item 12 ‘North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority:2019-20 Financial Update and Consultation’, as members of the Fire Authority:


Councillors: Marion Bateman, Ian Dunbar, Veronica Gay, Paul Shotton, Owen Thomas and David Wisinger.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 6, Petitions - withdrawal of the Buckley Shopper bus service.


Chairman's Communications

To receive the communications as circulated.

Additional documents:


A copy of the Chairman’s Communications had been circulated prior to the meeting.  The Chairman gave particular mention to the Chernobyl Children’s visit, the Chernobyl Church Service and the Chernobyl Children’s Farewell Party.  He expressed his appreciation to the residents of Flintshire and Cheshire who had welcomed and provided accommodation for the children in their own homes during their visit.


A copy of the Chairman’s Communications had been circulated prior to the meeting.  The Chairman gave particular mention to the Chernobyl Children’s visit, the Chernobyl Church Service and the Chernobyl Children’s Farewell Party.  He expressed his appreciation to the residents of Flintshire and Cheshire who had welcomed and provided accommodation for the children in their own homes during their visit.



To receive any Petitions.

Additional documents:


                        Councillor Jean Davies submitted a petition for a relief road for heavy quarry traffic from Pentre Halkyn.


                        Councillors Carol Ellis and Mike Peers submitted petitions from the residents of Buckley to object to the loss of the Buckley Shopper bus service and outlined the impact it would have on the residents of Buckley and the viability of the Town Centre.


                        Councillor Jean Davies submitted a petition for a relief road for heavy quarry traffic from Pentre Halkyn.


                        Councillors Carol Ellis and Mike Peers submitted petitions from the residents of Buckley to object to the loss of the Buckley Shopper bus service and outlined the impact it would have on the residents of Buckley and the viability of the Town Centre.


Public Question Time

To receive any Public Questions.

Additional documents:


None were received.


None were received.



To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A).

Additional documents:


None were received.


None were received.


Notices of Motion pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider any Notices of Motion.

Additional documents:


That the Notice of Motion from Councillor Tony Sharps be supported.


The following Notice of Motion had been received from Councillor Tony Sharps:


The Council calls on the Chief Executive to ensure that the Chief and Senior Officers respond to Councillors’ requests with courtesy and good manners without any undue delay.


Speaking in support of his Motion, Councillor Sharps referred to the concerns he had raised at a meeting of the County Council on 18 May 2017, on the response times taken by some departments to the matters and concerns raised by Members and said that the Chief Executive had agreed that a set of standards would be created to address the issues raised.  Councillor Sharps conceded that there had been some improvement, however, he identified a number of specific issues which had arisen in his Ward where the services provided by the Authority had been below the standard required by the residents of Flintshire.  In conclusion Councillor Sharps emphasised the need for improved consultation and communication with Members concerning service delivery. 


Councillor Mike Peers spoke in support of the Motion and said it was difficult to meet the needs and expectations of local residents when the advice or response requested from departments to matters raised by Members was either not forthcoming or not provided within an acceptable timeframe. 


Councillor Clive Carver said the issue of response times was an historical problem and agreed with the views expressed by Councillor Sharps that urgent action was required to address the matter.  He suggested that the issue be submitted   to an Overview & Scrutiny Committee for determination.


Councillor Carol Ellis supported the Motion and outlined her personal experiences of delay in receiving a response to matters she had raised on behalf of her local residents.  She spoke of the negative impact and frustration when residents were unable to receive answers to their concerns and questions and alluded to the time wasted when Members had to chase a response to contacts and communications.


Councillor Helen Brown also spoke of the need for timely, accurate responses to the matters raised by Members and said these were frequently on behalf of local residents in urgent need of advice and support.  


Councillor Aaron Shotton said he supported the Motion by Councillor Sharps, however, he said there was a  need to recognise the good working practices and positive engagement and responses  provided by the Authority in many areas of service which outweighed  the  instances where this had fallen short of the standard that the Authority wished to provide.  He acknowledged the genuine concerns that some Members had raised on issues that had arisen in their Wards and said that the current protocol needed to be reviewed and updated.


The Chief Executive advised that in his response to the Motion put forward by Councillor Tony Sharps he had set out a number of actions to renew the standards and improve performance around them.  The Chief Executive said he had discussed the general concerns raised by Councillor Sharps with Chief Officers collectively and the specific issues raised would be addressed in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Recognition of Ian Bancroft

To recognise the contribution made to the Council by Ian Bancroft, Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes), who left the Authority in August to join Wrexham County Borough Council.



Additional documents:


The Chairman led the tributes to recognise the contribution made to the Council by Ian Bancroft, Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes), who left the Authority in August 2018 to join Wrexham County Borough Council.


The Chief Executive commented on Ian’s personal qualities, his enthusiasm and energy, which he said would be genuinely missed as well as his professional abilities.  He reflected on the 4 years that Ian had served with the Authority and commented on the positive impact of his achievements in delivering organisational change and his expertise and skill in seeing projects through from strategy to task and finish.  He looked forward to continuing to work with Ian in the future as Chief Executive of Wrexham County Borough Council.


The Chairman referred to the regeneration of the Foreshore area in Flint and said that Ian’s work and enthusiasm to see the project through had been greatly appreciated by the Regeneration Committee of Flint Town Council.


Councillor Aaron Shotton paid tribute to Ian for his vision and work during his service with the Authority which had enabled services to be maintained and local communities to become more resilient under continuing austerity.    He referred to Ian’s professional experience, his skill, style, and innovative approach, and cited the work he had undertaken on the transfer of Connah’s Quay Swimming Pool from the Authority’s operation to Cambrian Aquatics, and the transfer of the Authority’s leisure and library services to Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited, as examples of the success Ian had achieved in working with local communities to develop alternative models for providing service delivery.  Councillor Shotton said he looked forward to working with Ian and Wrexham County Borough Council in the future on a regional level and on the Growth Deal.


Councillor Paul Shotton spoke as a member of the Organisational Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee and also expressed thanks to Ian for his professional experience and expertise.  He referred to Ian’s confidence and reassurance to the Committee that providing service delivery through alternative delivery models and community asset transfers was the best way to safeguard services for the future.  He wished Ian every success in his new role in Wrexham County Borough Council.


Councillor Mike Peers commented on the help and advice which Ian had readily provided on matters concerning organisational change and community asset transfers.  He congratulated Ian on his appointment and wished him well for the future.


Councillor Tudor Jones referred to the successful community asset transfer of Holywell Leisure Centre.  He commented on the impact of the process of community asset transfers as a whole which in Holywell had provided a new library, a reinvigorated leisure centre, a fitness and martial centre in the old library building, and a community agreement between the Leisure Centre and Ysgol Trefynnon for the control of the facility in out of hours.  Councillor Jones continued that in conjunction with the Town Council, Holywell had the capacity to continue the provision of all these benefits and had a new force of collaboration and recognition  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.


Statement of Accounts 2017/18 and Supplementary Financial Information to Statement of Accounts 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the final version of the Statement of Accounts 2017/18 be approved;


(b)       That the Letter of Representation – Flintshire County Council; be approved; and


(c)        That the Supplementary Financial Information to the Statement of Accounts 2017/18 be noted.


The Corporate Finance Manager introduced Richard Harries and Mike Whiteley of the Wales Audit Office , Paul Vaughan, Interim Technical Finance Manager and Richard Lloyd-Bithell, Corporate Finance. 


The Corporate Finance Manager presented the final version of the Statement of Accounts 2017/18 for approval following consideration by the Audit Committee prior to the meeting of County Council today.  He advised that the report included the Annual Governance Statement which had also been previously considered by the Audit Committee at a meeting held on 6 June 2018 and required approval  by Council. 


The Corporate Finance Manager reported that the annual statutory deadline for the approval of the Statement of Accounts was currently 30 September, however, the regulations under which the Statement of Accounts was prepared were changing with effect from the financial year 2018/19 which meant that the accounts had to be approved by 15 September.  The Statement of Accounts for 2017/18 were successfully prepared to this earlier deadline as preparation for 2018/19.  


The Corporate Finance Manager referred to the Wales Audit Office (WAO) ISA (International Standards on Auditing) 260 report.  He advised that the WAO were required to communicate relevant matters relating to the audit of the financial statements to those charged with governance of the entity (Flintshire County Council for the Statements of the County Council).  He explained that this year the report took the form of a presentation as a means of improving accessibility, and a copy of the presentation was appended to the report. The Corporate Manager continued that during the audit, changes agreed with the WAO were made to the draft Statement of Accounts 2017/18 and the significant changes were shown in appendix 2 of the report.  He explained that the changes related to disclosure purposes only and did not impact on the financial position of the Council. 


The Corporate Finance Manager advised that the WAO reported that the Statement of Accounts had been prepared to a good standard with comprehensive working papers attached.  The ongoing role of the Accounts Governance Group, which oversees the overall production of the Statement of Accounts and had been effective for the last 2 years, was also noted.


The Corporate Finance Manager reported that the Flintshire County Council Letter of Representation to the WAO was appended to the report and confirmed that the information contained in the financial statements was true and accurate and that all information had been disclosed to the auditors. 


Mr Richard Harries, Financial Audit Engagement Lead for Flintshire County Council, introduced himself and his colleague Mike Whiteley from the WAO.  Mr. Harries gave a brief introduction, and in a departure from usual practice, presented the ISA 260 report by way of a presentation which covered the following main points:


·         overall conclusion

·         Auditor General’s responsibilities

·         audit position and issues arising from the audit

·         2018-19 and future years


In concluding his presentation Mr. Harries summarised the main findings and commented that the audit had gone well and there were no significant issues to bring to the attention of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority: 2019-20 Financial Update and Consultation

To receive a presentation from the Chief Fire Officer to inform the Council about North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority’s 2019-20 budget.

Additional documents:


That a corporate response to the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority’s consultation on the draft budget be submitted by 2 November 2018.


The Chairman welcomed Mr Simon Smith, Chief Officer, Helen McArthur, Assistant Chief Officer, and Sian Morris, Assistant Chief Officer, North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority.  The Chairman expressed his appreciation for the work undertaken by the North Wales Fire & Rescue Service during the exceptional prolonged hot weather experienced during the Summer this year. 


Councillor Tony Sharps took the opportunity to express his personal thanks to the Fire & Rescue Service who had attended a fire at his property and paid tribute to the speed of the response by the crew based at the Queensferry Fire Station and the excellent work they did to control the situation and make safe his property.


Mr. Smith welcomed the opportunity to return to the Council and said it was with regret Meirick Lloyd Davies, Chair of the Authority, and Peter Lewis, Deputy Chair of the Authority, were unable to attend the meeting and offered their apologies and best wishes to Members and the Authority.  Mr. Smith introduced Helen McArthur, Assistant Chief Officer (with responsibility for Corporate Resources) and Sian Morris, Assistant Chief Officer, (with responsibility for Corporate Planning and other areas). 


Mr. Smith referred to the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority annual consultation which had been launched 11 September.  He said that the consultation concentrated on the resources available to the Fire & Rescue Authority, the budget, and the impact of the ongoing financial restraints which were also on local authorities in North Wales.  He said it was important that the Fire & Rescue Authority and local authorities worked together and had a mutual understanding of the ongoing challenges to be addressed.  Within this background and context Mr. Smith said it was important that the Fire Authority explained the current position in terms of the Fire & Rescue Authority’s budget and its ability to deliver services.  Mr. Smith continued that it was intended, following the presentation, to seek informal feedback from the Council on the consultation which would be followed with formal feedback from the County Council by the 2 November 2018 deadline.


 Mr. Smith invited Ms Sian Morris to give a presentation on the North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority’s Planning for 2019/20.  The main points of the presentation were as follows:


·         North Wales Fire & Rescue Authority

·         what the Authority provides

·         current spending

·         funding fire and rescue services

·         moving into 2019/20 


Ms Morris reported on the key duties of the Fire & Rescue Authority which were to make sure there were adequate resources to meet the normal requirements of operating and delivering fire and rescue services,  to ensure fire fighters were properly trained and equipped, and that when people called 999 they got a response and resources were mobilised.  Ms Morris said that the Authority also had to comply with legislation and regulations and cited General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Welsh language standards, Health & Safety legislation, financial regulations, and equality legislation as some examples.


Ms Morris referred to the work of maintaining cover in fire stations and explained that there were 44 fire stations located throughout North Wales.  She said  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Members of the Press and Public in Attendance

Additional documents:


There was one member of the press in attendance.