Agenda and decisions

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Contact: Jan Kelly 01352 702301  Email:


No. Item


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 51 KB

This item is to receive any Public Questions: two were received by the deadline.

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The Chair reported that two questions had been received, as shown in the agenda, and invited Amy Chesworth to present her question to Council.  Amy Chesworth thanked the Chair and Council for the opportunity to attending the meeting and read out her question (agenda item 2).


Councillor Mared Eastwood provided a response (agenda item 2).


In response to Amy Chesworth’s supplementary question, Councillor Eastwood advised that a response would be provided in writing following the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


As a point of clarification, the Chief Officer (Governance) advised that Members who receive the Winter Fuel Allowance could declare a personal interest offline. 


Councillors Preece and Rush declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item number 9.


Councillors Peers and Shallcross declared a personal interest in agenda item number 9.


Councillors Bithell, Lloyd, Maddison and Peers declared a personal interest in agenda item number 13 – Notice of Motion (Winter Fuel Allowance).


Councillors Buckley, Coggins-Cogan, Christine Jones, Mansell and Parkhurst declared a personal interest in agenda item number 13 – Notice of Motion (Flintshire Teachers and School Employees to Take Oath to Work with Children).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 22 July 2024.

Additional documents:


That subject to the amendment, the minutes of the meetings held on 16 April and 22 July, 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Chair's Communications

To receive the communications as circulated.

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This is an opportunity for Members of Council to submit petitions on behalf of people in their ward. Once received, petitions are passed to the appropriate Chief Officer for action and response.

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Election of the Leader of the Council

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That Councillor Dave Hughes was appointed Leader of the Council for the reminder of the municipal year 2024/25.


Appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council

To note the appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council.

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Councillor Dave Hughes proposed that the Cabinet remain unchanged for the time being.


Council Tax Premium Scheme for Second Homes and Long-Term Empty Properties pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To consider the feedback from the 12-week public consultation and the council tax premium rates on second homes and long-term empty properties and whether the rates should remain the same or be increased from April 2025.

Additional documents:




(a)         That Council support an increase to the premium of long term empty properties with an uplift from 75% to 100% to take effect from April 2025 giving 6 months’ notice to those directly impacted;


(b)          To introduce an escalator approach as follows: after 3 years a rise of 150% Council Tax premium; 5 years a 200% rise and 10 years a 300% rise; and the historical data of when a property becomes empty to be used to determine the level of premium, to take effect from April 2026 giving 18 months’ notice to those directly impacted; and


(c)          That a discretionary exemption be created to avoid the purchase of long term empty properties being disadvantaged though the Council Tax premium charge.


Review of Political Balance pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Due to a change in group membership we need to review the Political Balance and the allocation of seats on Committees.

Additional documents:


(a)       That seats on committees be allocated in accordance with political balance

as shown in appendix A; and


(b)       That any changes to nominees be notified to the Democratic Services

Manager as soon as possible before the next meeting of each committee.


Recruitment of a Lay Member to the Governance and Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To approve the recruitment process of a Lay Member to the Governance and Audit Committee as required by the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill.

Additional documents:


(a)       That a lay member be recruited to the Governance and Audit Committee to

replace the departing lay member;


(b)       That the recruitment panel consisting of the Chair of Council, Chair of the

Governance and Audit Committee plus the Cabinet Member for Finance

makes a recommendation to Council for appointment; and


(c)        That Council thank Sally Ellis for her 7 year service as a lay member on the Governance & Audit Committee.


Petitions received at Council pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To inform Council of the outcomes of petitions which have been submitted over the past year.

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That the report be noted.


Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 44 KB

This item is to receive any Notices of Motion.  Four have been accepted and attached to the agenda.

Additional documents:


Notice of Motion 1

(a)       That Council instructs the Leader of Flintshire County Council to write to the Prime Minister, copying in the leaders of all political groups and local Members of Parliament and Members of the Senedd,  expressing the council’s strong opposition to this policy, including a copy of this motion, and calling on him to abandon this plan; and


(b)       That Council instructs the Leader of Flintshire County Council to write to both Members of Parliament and Members of the Senedd representing communities in Flintshire, copying in the leaders of all political groups expressing the council’s strong opposition to this policy, including a copy of this motion, and calling on them to set out their views on this matter in reply.


Notice of Motion 2

This Notice of Motion was deferred to the next scheduled meeting of County Council.




Questions pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A). Six were received by the deadline

Additional documents:


The Questions (agenda item 14) were deferred to the next scheduled meeting of County Council.


Questions from Members on Committee Minutes


To consider any issues raised by Members arising from the Minutes of the Cabinet, Scrutiny Committees and other Committees, together with any questions raised under Section 4.20 of the Council’s Constitution.  Copies of the Minutes of the various meetings that have taken place since the last ordinary meeting of the Council which have been approved and published on the Authority’s website, can be obtained, if required, via the Committee and Member Services.

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Members of the Press and Public in Attendance

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