Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Ceri Owen 01352 702350 Email:
No. | Item |
Public Question Time Decision: The Chair confirmed that no questions had been received. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no questions had been received. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interests from Members. Decision: The following Members declared a personal interest in agenda item number 14 – Annual Report for 2013/14 of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales as they were in receipt of a Member’s Allowance:-
Councillors: L.A. Aldridge, J.B. Attridge, G. Banks, G.H. Bateman, M. Bateman, R.C. Bithell, A. Bragg, H. Brown, D. Butler, C.S. Carver, D.L. Cox, P.J. Curtis, R. Davies, A. Davies-Cooke, C.J. Dolphin, R. Dolphin, I. Dunbar, C.A. Ellis, E.F. Evans, J.E. Falshaw, V. Gay, R.J.T. Guest, A.M. Halford, G. Hardcastle, R. Hughes, H.D. Hutchinson, H.T. Isherwood, J. Johnson, C.M. Jones, R.B. Jones, R.K. Jones, S. Jones, C. Legg, B. Lloyd, R. Lloyd, M. Lowe, R.P. Macfarlane, D.I. Mackie, N.M. Matthews, A. Minshull, W. Mullin, T. Newhouse, M.J. Peers, N. Phillips, M.A. Reece, H.G. Roberts, L.A. Sharps, A.P. Shotton, P. Shotton, N.R. Steele-Mortimer, C.A. Thomas, W.O. Thomas, S. Williams, D.E. Wisinger, A. Woolley and M.G. Wright
Councillor D. Butler declared a personal interest in agenda item number 12 – Service Review Decisions of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) as his wife was employed by BCUHB.
Minutes: The following Members declared a personal interest in agenda item number 14 – Annual Report for 2013/14 of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales as they were in receipt of a Member’s Allowance:-
Councillors: L.A. Aldridge, J.B. Attridge, G. Banks, G.H. Bateman, M. Bateman, R.C. Bithell, A. Bragg, H. Brown, D. Butler, C.S. Carver, D.L. Cox, P.J. Curtis, R. Davies, A. Davies-Cooke, C.J. Dolphin, R. Dolphin, I. Dunbar, C.A. Ellis, E.F. Evans, J.E. Falshaw, V. Gay, R.J.T. Guest, A.M. Halford, G. Hardcastle, R. Hughes, H.D. Hutchinson, H.T. Isherwood, J. Johnson, C.M. Jones, R.B. Jones, R.K. Jones, S. Jones, C. Legg, B. Lloyd, R. Lloyd, M. Lowe, R.P. Macfarlane, D.I. Mackie, N.M. Matthews, A. Minshull, W. Mullin, T. Newhouse, M.J. Peers, N. Phillips, M.A. Reece, H.G. Roberts, L.A. Sharps, A.P. Shotton, P. Shotton, N.R. Steele-Mortimer, C.A. Thomas, W.O. Thomas, S. Williams, D.E. Wisinger, A. Woolley and M.G. Wright
Councillor D. Butler declared a personal interest in agenda item number 12 – Service Review Decisions of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) as his wife was employed by BCUHB.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the previous meetings held on the 25 October and 13 November, 2012. Additional documents: Decision: That subject to the amendments listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and singed by the Chair.
Minutes: 25 October 2012
Councillor M.J. Peers referred to the sixth paragraph on page 6 of the minutes and asked that the words’ North East England’ be replaced with the words ‘North West England’.
Councillor M.G. Wright said that page 7 of the minutes did not accurately reflect his comments. He said that the concerns he had raised had been around General Practitioners reluctance to transfer patients across the border to England as they were unsure whether payment for any treatment provided would be received. He also asked the Leader of the Council whether he had sought a meeting with the Minister for Health and Social Services to outline Flintshire County Council’s concerns.
Councillor A.P. Shotton, Leader of the Council, responded that reasons why he had not met with the Minister for Health and Social Services would be explained later on in the meeting during consideration of agenda item 12.
Councillor R.B. Jones referred to page 10 of the minutes and explained that his concerns had been around how regional collaboration projects should be reviewed by Overview & Scrutiny and how this should be approached.
Councillor Shotton shared the concerns of Councillor Jones and said that there was a need for a mechanism to be agreed on how regional collaboration projects were scrutinised. He suggested that this could be achieved through an agreed approach with all Overview & Scrutiny Chair’s and said that he would raise it during the next meeting of Group Leaders.
That subject to the amendments listed above, the minutes be approved as a correct record and singed by the Chair.
Chair's Communications Minutes: A copy of the Chair’s communication had been circulated to all Members before the meeting.
The Chair commented on the number of schools visits she had carried out together with the number of school children who had visited her at County Hall. She also thanked the Vice-Chair for attending a number of functions on her behalf due to unforeseen changes in her own personal circumstances.
Councillor H.D. Hutchinson praised the work of the Director of Environment and the Highways Gritting Team for their work during the recent bad weather. He said that he had been contacted by a local business, Scania, who had asked that their thanks also be passed to the team for keeping the roads throughout Flintshire clear.
Councillor J.B. Attridge, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment thanked Councillor Hutchinson for his comments and said that he had received a number of letters and e-mails from members of the public praising the work of the Highways Gritting Team. The thanks of Members and members of the public would be passed to the team.
Petitions Minutes: Councillor R. Lloyd submitted a petition on behalf of Owen Butler aged 11, requesting a skate park located centrally in the Saltney area.
The following Notices of Motion have been received:-
Councillor C.S. Carver “In the interests of openness and transparency, this Motion calls for the Council to publish a separate supplementary report to coincide with and accompany the presentation to Council of the Annual Statement of Accounts.
This supplementary report to contain, in the same style and presentation as the existing Senior Employee Emoluments – Salary over £150,000 per year and Salary over £60,000 per year, the same financial information for ALL Council Employees, Consultants and ‘Non-permanent Posts’ with a Salary over £60,000 per year who are NOT listed within the existing framework of the Annual Statement of Accounts.
In instances where those employees are in post for less than the financial year, then both their actual Salary and equivalent annualised Salary are to be shown.”
Councillors: C.J. Dolphin, R. Dolphin, N.M. Matthews, R.J.T. Guest, H.J. McGuill, N. Phillips and A. Bragg “Council notes:
1. The relentless increase in domestic energy costs and the consequent similar increase in instances of fuel poverty in Flintshire. 2. the Switching Energy Scheme operated by South Lakeland District Council for the benefit of residents of that Council – A summary of the scheme is attached for Members information.
Accordingly, Council requests the Director of Environment to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a similar scheme in Flintshire and to bring a report to the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee as soon as practical.”
Decision: That the Council publish a separate supplementary report to coincide with and accompany the presentation to Council of the Annual Statement of Accounts. This supplementary report to contain in the same style and presentation as the existing Senior Employee Emoluments – Salary over £150,000 per year and Salary over £60,000 per year, the same financial information for all the non schools individuals listed in the table which shows remuneration of £60,000 or more per year, all the non school employees, consultants and non-permanent posts with a salary over £60,000 per year who are not listed within the existing framework of the Annual Statement of Accounts. In instances where those employees are in post for less than the financial year then both their actual salary and equivalent annualised salary are to be shown.
That the Council requests the Director of Environment to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a similar scheme to the Switching Energy Scheme operated by South Lakeland District Council and to bring a report to the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee as soon as practical.
Minutes: The following Notices of Motion has been received from Councillors: A. Bragg, C.S. Carver, C.J. Dolphin, R. Dolphin, R.J.T. Guest, N.M. Matthews, H.J. McGuill and N. Phillips:-
(i) Statement of Accounts – Councillor C.S. Carver
The following Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor C.S. Carver:-
“In the interests of openness and transparency, this Motion calls for the Council to publish a separate supplementary report to coincide with and accompany the presentation to Council of Annual Statement of Accounts.
This supplementary report to contain in the same style and presentation as the existing Senior Employee Emoluments – Salary over £150,000 per year and Salary over £60,000 per year, the same financial information for all the non schools individuals listed in the table which shows remuneration of £60,000 or more per year, all the non school employees, consultants and non-permanent posts with a salary over £60,000 per year who are not listed within the existing framework of the Annual Statement of Accounts. In instances where those employees are in post for less than the financial year then both their actual salary and equivalent annualised salary are to be shown”.
Councillor Carver formally proposed the motion and this was duly seconded.
In speaking to his motion, Councillor Carver commented on the Statement of Accounts 2011/12 which was presented to the County Council on the 25 September 2012 and detailed officers’ remuneration. He reported that following the County Council meetings he had received information on officer posts where their salary had been between £60,000 and £150,000 and that this figure had been 21. This information had not been shown in the Statement of Accounts as 14 of the posts did not fall into the category of Senior Officer and the remaining 7 post were non-permanent. He explained that the notice of motion was seeking the creation of a supplementary report in future to coincide with and accompany the presentation to Council of the Annual Statement of Accounts.
Councillor A.P. Shotton, Leader of the Council thanked Councillor Carver for the notice of motion and explained that the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 had been presented in line with the guidelines of the Wales Audit Office. He said that the information requested was available to Members and supported providing this information as a supplementary report in future.
In response to a question from Councillor Shotton, the Head of Finance confirmed that the Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 presented to the County Council meeting held on the 25 September, 2012 had included more information than was expected of the Council to report. The information requested by Councillor Carver could be provided in future years.
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services advised Councillor Carver not to identify those officers whose salaries had not been included within the Statement of Accounts 2011/12. They would be advised that this information would be provided alongside future reports.
In summing up, Councillor Carver asked the Council to support his notice of motion and said that he was happy to ... view the full minutes text for item 106. |
Questions To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A). Decision: The Chair confirmed that no Questions had been received.
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no Questions had been received.
Questions from Members on Committee Minutes The Minute Book, Edition 2 2012/13 has been circulated to Members. Members are now entitled to ask questions on these minutes, subject to certain limitations, and answers will be provided at the meeting. Members are requested to bring to the meeting their copy of the Minute Book. Any questions must have been received by the Democracy and Governance Manager prior to the close of business on Monday 14 January, 2013. Decision: The Chair confirmed that no Questions had been received.
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no Questions had been received.
Flintshire Community Covenant PDF 38 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the adopted of a Community Covenant for Flintshire be approved;
(b) That the signatories as proposed within the report be approved; and
(c) That the launch of the Community Covenant.
Minutes: The Chief Executive welcomed Tanya Clancy, Military Civil Integration Officer for 160 (Wales) Brigade to the meeting and invited her to provide a presentation on the Community Covenant for Wales.
Ms. Clancy provided a detailed presentation on the following areas:-
Councillor N.R. Steele-Mortimer thanked Tanya Clancy for the presentation and spoke in support of the report. He proposed that the County Council support the recommendations as outlined within the report. In seconding the proposal, Councillor P.J. Curtis also spoke in support of the report and said that as a member of the Nannerch Royal British Legion he would be pleased to report to them Flintshire County Council’s commitment to the Community Covenant.
Councillor A.P. Shotton, Leader of the Council thanked Tanya Clancy for her presentation and Sharron Jones for preparing the report. He spoke in support of the report and commented on the opportunity that the Community Covenant presented to reaffirm the Authority’s commitment t the Armed Forces. He reported that Flintshire would be hosting the North Wales Armed Forces Day event on the 22 June, 2013.
Councillor M.J. Peers outlined his and all Member’s appreciation for the work of the Armed Forces. He commented on the ‘practical steps’ shown at Appendix 3 of the report and asked that a timetable on when the steps would be completed be provided to Members to ensure that the Community Covenant be introduced as soon as practically possible.
In response to a question from Councillor Aldridge, Tanya Clancy advised that the term ‘Veteran’ applied to any person who had spend one day or more in the Armed Forces.
Councillor R.J.T. Guest spoke in support of the report and commented on the need for effective communication with Armed Forces personnel to ensure that the Flintshire Community Covenant met with their needs.
Councillor C. Legg said that the word ‘compliments’ as shown in paragraph 2.03 of the report should be amended to read ‘complements’.
The Chief Executive reported that following formal adoption of the Flintshire Community Covenant a formal public event will be organised with the participation of agencies, as listed within the Community Covenant. Details of the public event will be provided to all Members in due course.
(a) That the adopted of a Community Covenant for Flintshire be approved;
(b) That the signatories as proposed within the report be approved; and
(c) That the launch of the Community Covenant.
Adoption of the Council Tax Support Scheme - April 2013 PDF 36 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the endorsements of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 17 January and Cabinet on the 22 January 2013 with regard to the Prescribed Regulations and the Discretions for 2013/14 be noted;
(b) That the making of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations, (“the Prescribed Requirement Regulations”) by the National Assembly for Wales on the 19 December 2012 be noted;
(c) That the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken by the Council on the introduction of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be noted;
(d) That the written statement by the Minister for Local Government and Communities on the 17 January 2013 which sets out the intention to increase the maximum level of support from the current 90% to 100%, as shown at Appendix 1 of the report, be noted;
(e) That the Prescribed Requirement Scheme as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be adopted, subject to any changes in prescribed limits set by Welsh Government and the consequential detail; and
(f) That the proposed Discretionary Elements as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be adopted for 2013/14.
Minutes: The Head of Finance introduced a report which explained the change from Council Tax Benefit to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, addressed the funding implications and the requirement to adopt the scheme by the 31 January 2013.
The report had been considered by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 17 January 2013 prior to the announcement by Welsh Government (WG) to increase the maximum level of support from 90% to 100%. This meant that claimants would receive the full amount of support for their council tax bills to which they were eligible. The report had also been considered by Cabinet on the 22 January 2013 and the recommendations of Cabinet which incorporated the changes announced by WG were shown at Appendix 3 of the County Council report.
The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management proposed that the County Council support the recommendations as shown in the report and thanked the Head of Finance and her team for the work undertaken in preparing the report. This proposal was seconded by Councillor J.B. Attridge.
The Chief Executive advised that a letter to all Council Tax benefit claimants would be sent out within the next week and a short briefing note would also be circulated to all Members.
Councillor R.J.T. Guest asked that a briefing note also be sent to all Town and Community Council Clerks to explain the changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme as a result of the announcement by WG.
(a) That the endorsements of Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 17 January and Cabinet on the 22 January 2013 with regard to the Prescribed Regulations and the Discretions for 2013/14 be noted;
(b) That the making of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations, (“the Prescribed Requirement Regulations”) by the National Assembly for Wales on the 19 December 2012 be noted;
(c) That the outcome of the consultation exercise undertaken by the Council on the introduction of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be noted;
(d) That the written statement by the Minister for Local Government and Communities on the 17 January 2013 which sets out the intention to increase the maximum level of support from the current 90% to 100%, as shown at Appendix 1 of the report, be noted;
(e) That the Prescribed Requirement Scheme as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be adopted, subject to any changes in prescribed limits set by Welsh Government and the consequential detail; and
(f) That the proposed Discretionary Elements as set out at Appendix 2 of the report be adopted for 2013/14.
Service Review Decisions of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board The Chief Executive and Director of Community Services to give a verbal report on the implementation of the decisions of the Board on the service review reports presented to it on 18 January, and on the arrangements for service transition. The decisions of the Board and the background reports are available on the Board's website -
(a) That the verbal update be noted; and
(b) That the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council commence urgent dialogue with the BCUHB to identify land in Flint for the creation of a Primary Health Care Facility. Two nominated representatives from Flint Town Council should also be invited to participate in those discussions and pressure should be put on the BCUHB to seek capital funding through the Welsh Government (WG) to deliver the facility.
Minutes: The Chief Executive provided a verbal update on the implementation of the decisions of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (Board) on the service review reports presented to it on the 18 January, and on the arrangements for service transition. The decisions of the Board and the background reports were available on the Board’s website.
The County Council considered and recommended its formal response to the BCUHB review at its meeting on the 25 October, 2012. The areas of concern outlined within the formal response were as follows:-
· Neonatal Intensive Care Services · Vascular Services · Homes Enhanced Care (HEC) · Hospitals in our community · Transport
The Chief Executive reported that the Community Health Council (CHC) was now the key statutory consultee on the Board decisions and the Council must await their response to the board and any objections to be made to Ministers. A response from the CHC was expected around the 1 March, 2013.
Assuming that the proposals of the Board were approved all North Wales Local Authorities would be working with the Board on a number of risks/assumptions which may have financial implications for the Council. It was not clear at this stage what the full costs of introducing HEC would be. On the proposals for Community Hospitals, consideration would also need to be given to ensuring that no changes would be put in place until suitable services were available.
The Chief Executive confirmed that Members could submit their own comments/concern on the proposals directly to the CHC.
Councillor L.A. Aldridge thanked the Chief Executive for the detailed update. He proposed that the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council commence urgent dialogue with the BCUHB to identify land in Flint for the creation of a Primary Health Care Facility. Two nominated representatives from Flint Town Council should also be invited to participate in those discussions and pressure should be put on the BCUHB to seek capital funding through the Welsh Government (WG) to deliver the facility. This proposal was seconded by Councillor C.A. Ellis.
The Chief Executive commented on the Board’s previous commitment in delivering a Primary Health Care Facility in Flint and said that the proposal would enable a debate to begin on how this could be achieved, taking into account lessons learnt in delivering the health facilities in Connah’s Quay and Buckley.
Councillor C.A. Ellis confirmed that she was the representative of the Council on the CHC but explained that the decisions on the proposals of the Board would be made by the Executive Committee of the CHC. She also confirmed that as the Chair of the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee she had asked the Chief Executive to invite representatives of the BCUHB to a special meeting of the Committee to discuss the proposed changes.
Councillor P. Shotton outlined his disappointment on the decision to reverse the original proposal to open the un-commissioned minor injuries unit at Deeside Community Hospital. His comments were echoed by Councillor Dunbar who was ... view the full minutes text for item 111. |
Flintshire Local Housing Strategy 2012 - 2017 PDF 61 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Local Housing Strategy be adopted.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services introduced a report seeking County Council support to adopt the Local Housing Strategy.
The Welsh National Housing Strategy 2010: Improving Lives and Communities – Homes in Wales had three objectives and Flintshire’s strategy had adopted these as it’s, which were shown below:-
Details of the objectives of each of the three strategies and how they would be met were highlighted within the report.
Councillor H. Brown, Cabinet Member for Housing thanked the Members of the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee for their input in preparing the Local Housing Strategy and proposed that the County Council adopt the Local Housing Strategy. Councillor J.B. Attridge seconded the proposal.
Councillor N.R. Steele-Mortimer proposed an amendment to the proposal that an independent body be invited to hold a workshop for all Members on the impacts of the Welfare Reform. He said that there had been misinformation given to Council tenants in Flintshire but confirmed that this information had not been provided by the Council. He said that a workshop would assist Members in addressing questions raised by Council tenants. This amendment was seconded by Councillor W.O. Thomas.
Councillor J.B. Attridge, in speaking to the amendment, reported that all Group Leaders had been invited to site on the Welfare Reform Board and that information considered during meetings of the Board should be cascaded down to all Members. Home visits had been carried out to all Council tenants in order to explain to them how the Welfare Reform would affect them personally. Councillor H. Brown added that a number of workshops on Welfare Reform had been held for all Members and that a briefing note on the proposed bedroom tax had been circulated to all Members before the meeting.
A number of Members confirmed that they had received a great deal of information on Welfare Reform. Councillor C.A. Ellis confirmed that the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee had requested that Paul Neave attend a future meeting of the Committee to address concerns of Members on how Welfare Reform could impact disabled people, carers and foster parents. All Members were welcome to attend and observe this discussion.
Councillor R. Dolphin confirmed that housing officers had visited the Council tenants within her ward but raised concern that the creation of 740 new homes as outlined within the report would not be sufficient to meet the needs of Council tenants affected by Welfare Reform.
Councillor A.M. Halford spoke in support of the amendments and commented on a number of questions which had been raised during a meeting of the Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee which had been difficult to answer. The amendment was seeking a further workshop to ensure that Members were fully aware of the impact for all aspects of the Welfare Reform. Councillor H.T. Isherwood sought clarification on whether a person born before the 1 October, 1995 would be exempt from the bedroom tax as would disabled persons requiring ... view the full minutes text for item 112. |
Annual Report for 2013/14 of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales PDF 28 KB
Additional documents: Decision: That the contents of the annual report and the decisions that will need to be made at the Council’s annual meeting be noted.
Minutes: The Democracy and Governance Manager introduced a report to inform County Council of the annual report issued by the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (IRPW) for 2013/14.
The Council currently pays a mileage rate of 40p per mile to Member and co-opted Members when using their own vehicle to travel to meetings and on other approved duties. The annual report withdraws the ability for Councils to pay less than 45p per mile and at the annual meeting the Council’s schedule of member remuneration would have to be amended to increase this rate to 45p per mile in future.
In relation to co-opted members the annual report makes two changes to the current arrangements. Firstly, it had been recognised that time spent on attending authorised training events, conferences and pre-meetings with officers qualify for payment to a co-optee. This change was one that the Council had suggested when responding to consultation on the draft report. Secondly, the annual report removed the limit of 10 days which currently was the maximum number of days for which a co-opted member may be paid in any one year and left it to individual Councils to decide a maximum number of days.
Councillor W. Mullin proposed that the County Council support the recommendation as shown in the report. This proposal was seconded by Councillor J.B. Attridge.
Councillor A.M. Halford thanked the Democracy and Governance for the report. She outlined the work of the co-opted member for the Audit Committee, Mr. Paul Williams, who was the Vice-Chair of the Committee and was pleased that he would be reimbursed for the work he carried out.
That the contents of the annual report and the decisions that will need to be made at the Council’s annual meeting be noted.
Buildings of Local Interest Procedure PDF 37 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the Buildings of Local Interest (BLI) procedure not, shown at Appendix 1 of the report, including the establishment of the (BLI) Advisory Panel be approved;
(b) That a review of the current list of BLI’s be supported; and
(c) That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Environment following consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment to format (and where necessary typographically correct) the wording of the procedure note into the appropriate house style for publication.
Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced a report to seek approval for the adoption of a procedure for designating and protecting Buildings of Local Interest (BLIs). He proposed that the County Council support the recommendations as outlined within the report.
In seconding the proposals, Councillor R.C. Bithell welcomed the report which he said would protect important BLIs in the future. He asked if all Members could be provided with a list of current BLIs as there could be additional buildings that Members may wish to suggest for inclusion in the list. He also asked if consideration could be given to providing a grant to owners of BLIs who may find it financially difficult to restore such buildings. A number of Members concurred with the comments on providing financial assistance which was currently unavailable.
Councillor N.M. Matthews commented on the designation and recording procedure outlined within Appendix 1 of the report and sought confirmation that local knowledge would be given sufficient consideration before a decision was taken.
The Head of Planning responded to the questions and comments made and reported that the need to publish and formalise the Councils procedure for designating BLIs arose from a case at Gelli Farm, Whitford where a BLI was made on a property that was the subject of a planning application. The applicant sought to challenge the BLI and the Council had been criticised for not having a published procedure. He confirmed that local Member(s) and Town and Community Councils would be consulted for their views when sites within their area were being considered and took on board the comments of available funding to restore BLIs in the future.
(a) That the Buildings of Local Interest (BLI) procedure not, shown at Appendix 1 of the report, including the establishment of the (BLI) Advisory Panel be approved;
(b) That a review of the current list of BLI’s be supported; and
(c) That delegated authority be granted to the Director of Environment following consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment to format (and where necessary typographically correct) the wording of the procedure note into the appropriate house style for publication.
Chinese Lanterns At its meeting on 13 September 2011 the County Council considered a notice of motion about Chinese Lanterns and resolved "That in view of the inherent danger to livestock, farm produce and the countryside in general caused by the release and launch of Chinese Lanterns, the County Council calls upon the Westminster Parliament and/or the Welsh Government to introduce legislation to ban the sale and use of such flying devices." Representations were subsequently made to Westminster Government calling for Parliament to introduce legislation to ban the sale and use of Chinese/sky lanterns.
To date the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) have not been minded to introduce specific legislation, preferring instead to rely upon the General Product Safety Regulations. However, they have issued guidance to the trade, including an example of a safety leaflet which can be obtained from Flintshire Trading Standards.
In May 2012, the Wales Heads of Trading Standards (WHOTS) carried out a survey into the availability, supply and labelling of Chinese Lanterns across Wales and produced an article summarising the results; some initial headline figures can be viewed via the link
On the 17th December 2012 the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) commissioned an independent review of Chinese Lanterns. This review is supported by Welsh Government Officials and will consider the impact of Chinese Lanterns on animal welfare, littering and the potential fire risks.
Locally, Flintshire County Council have advised some market traders on issues surrounding the lanterns that has resulted in the traders agreeing not to stock them in future. Decision: That the update be noted.
Minutes: The Chief Executive provided a brief update on guidance which had been issued by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) following representations made by the Council to Westminster Government calling for Parliament to introduce legislation to ban the sale and use of Chinese lanterns.
Councillor R.J.T. Guest welcomed the representations made following a notice of motion which had been submitted by Councillor Q.R.H. Dodd to County Council on the 13 September, 2011. He also welcomed the response from DEFRA and looked forward to their report following their review of Chinese lanterns.
Councillor M.J. Peers commented on the Council’s decision to advise some market traders on the issues surrounding the lanterns and suggested that the Council also advise local shops, known to sell the lanterns, to encourage them not to stock them in future.
That the update be noted.
Duration of meeting Minutes: The meeting commenced at 2.00 p.m. and ended at 4.12 p.m.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were two members of the press present.