Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Contact: Maureen Potter on 01352 702322 Email:
No. | Item |
PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Awards
Cemeteries and Crematoria – Most improved performer
Partnership Awards 2023 Best Education and Higher Education Project – Mynydd Isa Campus
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair introduced the following awards:
Association of Public Service Excellence Performance Network Awards 2023 Cemeteries and Crematoria – Most improved performer
The Chief Executive introduced and welcomed the following officers to the meeting to receive the award:
Richard Blake, Bereavement Services Manager Andrea Green, Bereavement Services Officer
The Chief Executive reported that the Council’s Bereavement Services Team had recently been awarded Most Improved Performer in the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) Performance Networks Awards 2023. Looking at the team’s performance over the past three years, in areas such as service provision, budget management, quality assurance, and HR information, APSE could see strong evidence of continual improvement.
As members of APSE Performance Networks the Council is able to benchmark its performance against other similar services from across the whole of the UK, sharing best practice and identifying areas for improvement. Up against Aberdeenshire, Lincoln, Cornwall, Moray, Northumberland and Warrington Councils, this is the second time the Council’s Bereavement Services Team has received the most improved award; having previously won in 2019. The team also narrowly missed out on the overall title of Best Performer.
Best Education and Higher Education Project – Mynydd Isa Campus
The Chief Executive introduced and welcomed the following officers to the meeting to receive the award:
Damian Hughes, Corporate Manager, Corporate Property and Assets Jennie Williams, Senior Manager – Schools Planning & Provision Christian Stanbury, CEO Welsh Education Partnership Company (WEPCo)
The Chief Executive reported that the Partnership Awards had been running for over 20 years and were recognised around the world as a watermark of excellence within the public-private partnership (PPP) industry. Facing stiff competition from projects across the UK, Australia, Belgium and the United Arab Emirates, the new campus at Mynydd Isa was recently awarded Best Education and High Education Project. This category was for all education and Higher education PPP projects. The Mynydd Isa Campus is a collaboration between Welsh Government, WEPCo and Flintshire County Council, and was judged using the following criteria:
The new 3-16 campus will be both Net Zero carbon in construction and in operation. Scheduled for completion Autumn 2024, the Project was the first Mutual Investment Model (MIM) project in Wales to reach financial close.
Councillor Ian Roberts thanked both Teams for their work and dedication and congratulated officers on the awards which were well deserved.
Councillor Bernie Attridge reiterated the sentiments expressed by Councillor Roberts and added his thanks and congratulations to the Teams and all involved in achieving the awards.
Tributes to the Late Councillor Tony Sharps To enable Members to pay tribute to the late Councillor Tony Sharps.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair referred to the recent sad death of the late Councillor Tony Sharps. She expressed sincere condolences to his wife, family, friends, and the residents of his Ward, and invited Members to pay their tributes.
Councillor Ian Roberts lead the tributes. He spoke of his long association with Councillor Sharps and provided background information on his career with the Council. He said he regarded Councillor Sharps as a special person who had left a valuable legacy to residents and communities in Flintshire. Councillor Roberts said he was saddened by the death of Councillor Sharps and was indebted to him for the advice and personal support he had given him when he had joined the Council. Councillor Roberts paid tribute to Councillor Sharps on behalf of the Labour Group and expressed his thanks for his dedicated contribution to Civic and Council duty.
Councillor Bernie Attridge paid tribute to Councillor Sharps on behalf of the Independent Group for his hard work in local government service. Councillor Attridge said he regarded Councillor Sharps as a personal friend as well as a colleague who he admired. He said he also remained indebted to Councillor Sharps for the guidance and support he had given him when he joined the Council. Councillor Sharps would be greatly missed and would be remembered for remaining true to his beliefs and principles.
Councillors Marion Bateman, Dennis Hutchinson, Carol Ellis, Christopher Bithell, and Hilary McGuill paid further tributes to Councillor Sharps. They spoke of his personal and professional qualities, his humour, kindness, strong values, and opinions. All Members said it had been a privilege to have known him personally and worked with him professionally. He was highly respected and valued for his inspiration, formidable work ethic, and many achievements and would be sadly missed.
Members extended their deepest sympathy to his family and friends on their loss.
Declarations of Interest To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Dale Selvester and Councillor Ryan McKeown declared a personal interest on item 10: Draft Statement of Licensing Policy Review.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 17th March 2023, 4th May 2023 (10am) and 4th May 2023 (1pm). Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2023 be approved as a correct record; and
(b) That the minutes of the meetings held on 4 May 2023 be approved subject to the above amendments. Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 17March 2023, 4 May 2023 (10.00 am) and 4May 2023 (1.00 pm) were received.
Accuracy - minutes 4 May 2022 (10.00 am)
Page 16 - minute number 105: Councillor Bernie Attridge referred to his comments at the end of page 16 and said he had been quoted as saying that in one service area there were “a high number of managers off at the same time”. He asked that the wording be amended to read that he had said “a high number of employees off at the same time”.
Accuracy - minutes 4 May 2022 (2.00 pm)
Page 19 – Councillor Dave Mackie drew attention to the start time of the meeting and said the time in the first sentence should be amended from 1.00 pm to 2.00pm.
Councillor Bernie Attridge moved the minutes subject to the above amendments. This was seconded by Councillor Chris Dolphin and on being put to the vote was agreed.
(a) That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 March 2023 be approved as a correct record; and
(b) That the minutes of the meetings held on 4 May 2023 be approved subject to the above amendments. |
Chair's Communications To receive the communications as circulated. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair referred to her communication which had been circulated prior to the meeting and listed the events she had attended between 4 May 2023 and 20 June 2023. The Chair took the opportunity to say it was with deep regret that she had been unable to attend the funeral service of the late Councillor Tony Sharps and expressed her respects. She also thanked the Vice-Chair for attending the official opening of the Hippy Shop, Shotton, on her behalf. The Chair gave a brief overview of the events she and her consort had attended.
Petitions This is an opportunity for Members of Council to submit petitions on behalf of people in their ward. Once received, petitions are passed to the appropriate Chief Officer for action and response. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that none had been received. |
Council Plan 2023-28 PDF 102 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1 and Part 2 documents that outline the actions, measures and risks that underpin the Priorities, Sub- Priorities and Well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28 be approved; and
(b) That a compelling business case be submitted to the Welsh Government to request fair funding for Flintshire
Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report to approve the Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1 and Part 2 documents which outlined the actions, measures, and risks that underpinned the priorities, sub-priorities and well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28. He provided background information and context and advised that the Council Plan for 2023-28 had been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the key priorities of the Council for the five-year term of the new administration. The ‘super-structure’ of the Plan comprised seven priorities and sub-priorities. The seven priorities took a long-term view of recovery, projects, and ambitions, over the next five years.
The Council Plan 2023-28 would be published in a similar format to previous years, identifying actions aimed at achieving the well-being objectives, priorities and sub-priorities. The national and regional issues/risks which could impact on the achievement of the priorities would be identified and monitored. Part 2 of the Council Plan would be considered by the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees to ensure full coverage of Part 1 of the Council Plan 2023-28 and its respective measures and targets.
Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the Plan. In recommending approval of the Council Plan, and Part 1 and Part 2 documents, he referred to the priorities, well-being objectives, and sub-priorities as detailed in the report. Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the proposal.
Councillor Richard Jones referred to the questions which had been raised on the Council Plan following consideration by the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and asked for confirmation that the amendments recommended by the Committee had been incorporated in the Plan. The Chief Executive responded that the changes had been considered and were made where necessary. Councillor Jones referred to the specific questions he had raised on the Plan and the the responses he had received.
Councillor Richard Jones proposed the following amendments to the Council Plan and this was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge.
Councillor Mike Peers commented on the format of the Council Plan which he said could be improved. He suggested that the improvement measures were included immediately following the Council Plan item. He also referred to page 38 of the report and the priority Fuel Poverty and said that an estimate was needed of the number of homes and cost for reducing the risk of fuel poverty for residents by increasing the energy efficiency of homes.
Councillor Peers referred to the priority Housing Support and Homeless Prevention and drew attention to the June 2023 target date for Identifying a site for a young person’s homeless hub offering accommodation and support services. He also referred to the priority A Well Managed Council, sub-priority ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
Adoption of Skin Piercing Byelaws PDF 116 KB To recommend the adoption of byelaws in relation to skin piercing. These are in accordance with provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Part VIII, sections 14 and 17.
Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the formal adoption of byelaws relating to skin piercing be approved; and
(b) That the the formal adoption of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Part VIII, sections 14 to 17, which will apply to the county of Flintshire as a whole with respect to skin piercing byelaws be approved
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) introduced the report to recommend the adoption of byelaws in relation to skin piercing, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Part VIII, sections 14 to 17. He explained that the adoption of the byelaws would ensure greater regulation with respect to activities such as ear piercing, tattooing, acupuncture and electrolysis. The byelaws safeguarded the public and improved compliance.
The Chief Officer provided background information and advised that a consultation exercise was undertaken with stakeholders regarding the requirements of the byelaws and no adverse responses were received. In addition, the content of the proposed byelaws had been reviewed by the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee on 12 January 2023, and the changes requested were incorporated. The new bye-laws were endorsed by the Cabinet on 23 May 2023 and subject to approval by Council will come into force on 1 August 2023.
Councillor Chris Bithell moved the recommendations in the report. Councillor Rob Davies seconded the proposal and when put to the vote the recommendations were carried.
(a) That the formal adoption of byelaws relating to skin piercing be approved; and
(b) That the the formal adoption of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982, Part VIII, sections 14 to 17, which will apply to the county of Flintshire as a whole with respect to skin piercing byelaws be approved
Draft Statement of Licensing Policy Review PDF 98 KB
Additional documents: Decision: That the draft statement of gambling policy be approved.
Minutes: Councillor Rosetta Dolphin, Chair of the Licensing Committee, introduced the report and moved the recommendation. The draft Licensing Policy was appended to the report and she drew attention to the consultations which had been undertaken as detailed. Subject to approval by Council the policy would come into force on 21June 2023 and would be valid for three years. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Chris Bithell.
Councillor Mike Peers raised questions on the draft Policy concerning enforcement (including any breach of planning conditions), and the protection of children and young persons under the age of 18. Councillor Peers also asked if Members could be updated on the use of the Policy as at 1 March 2023 and any improvements which had been recommended at the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 1 March 2023.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin provided feedback on the draft Licensing Policy which had been considered at the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 1 March, and confirmed that the Council employed its own Licensing Enforcement Officers who implemented and enforced the Policy as required by the Gambling Act 2005.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) also responded to the points raised by Councillor Peers and provided further information on the enforcement of licensing conditions and the team work alongside colleagues in Planning to address any complaints regarding the potential breach of planning conditions. The Chief Officer explained that work to update the Gambling Policy was undertaken in collaboration with other local authorities in North Wales to achieve consistency across the region in terms of aims and wording. He recommended for the purpose of enforcement that there was no further change to the section on Children and Vulnerable Persons as this reflected the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005
When put to the vote the recommendation in the report, as moved and seconded, was carried.
That the draft statement of gambling policy be approved.
Flintshire and Wrexham Public Services Board (PSB) Well-being Plan 2023-28 PDF 120 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Flintshire and Wrexham Wellbeing Plan for approved.
Minutes: The Chief Executive presented the report to share the new five year Well-being Plan for Flintshire and Wrexham PSB and seek approval from Council, as a statutory member of the PSB, for the new Plan including the well-being objectives and next steps that the Council commits to take in collaboration with its PSB partner organisations. The Chief Executive provided background information and referred to the main considerations and key strategic actions as detailed in the report.
Councillor Christine Jones spoke in support of the Well-being Plan and moved the recommendation in the report. Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the proposal.
Councillor Richard Jones referred to the resource implications as detailed in section 2 of the report, and questioned why the Welsh Government supported the PSB on a regional level instead of providing local funding for the Flintshire County Council PSB. He expressed the need for local democracy and local control.
The Chief Executive responded to the comments and concerns expressed by Councillor Jones and advised that the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 required specific public bodies to work together under a Public Services Board (PSB) to improve local economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being. He explained that the Flintshire and Wrexham PSB Well-being Plan 2023-28 was a strategic component in delivering the objectives of the Act as required by the Welsh Government.
Councillor Bernie Attridge supported the views expressed by Councillor Jones.
In response to a question from Councillor Mike Peers around funding for administrative support, the Chief Executive explained that the funding allocated supported the salary costs of one officer in Wrexham and one officer in Flintshire in addition to off-setting the other costs associated with administrative support. .
Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the Well-being Plan and on the need to work in collaboration with neighbouring authorities.
The Chair asked Members to vote on the recommendation in the report which had been moved and seconded.
A recorded vote was requested and the requisite number of Members supported this.
The following Councillors voted for the recommendation: Gladys Healey, Mike Allport, Sean Bibby, Chris Bithell, Gillian Brockley, Mel Buckley, Teresa Carberry, Tina Claydon, Geoff Collett, Ron Davies, Chris Dolphin, Rosetta Dolphin, Mared Eastwood, David Evans, David Healey, Dave Hughes, Ray Hughes, Alasdair Ibbotson, Paul Johnson, Christine Jones, Simon Jones, Gina Maddison, Hilary McGuill, Ryan McKeown, Billy Mullin, Ted Palmer, Andrew Parkhurst, Michelle Perfect, Vicky Perfect, Carolyn Preece, Ian Roberts, Dan Rose, Kevin Rush, Sam Swash, Linda Thomas, Roy Wakelam, and Arnold Woolley
The following Members voted against the recommendation: Bernie Attridge, Steve Copple Bill Crease, Rob Davies, Ian Hodge, Richard jones, Dave Mackie, Roz Mansell, Alan Marshall, Debbie Owen, Mike Peers, David Richardson, Dale Selvester, Jason Shallcross, Linda Thew, and Anthony Wren
On being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.
That the Flintshire and Wrexham Wellbeing Plan for approved.
This item is to receive any Notices of Motion: one has been received and is attached to the agenda.
Additional documents: Decision: That the Notice of Motion be received and supported.
Minutes: The following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Sam Swash and seconded by Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson.
Ensuring Accountability in Flintshire’s Residential Mobile Home Licencing
This Council notes:
1. That within Flintshire there are a number of residential mobile home sites Licensed by Flintshire County Council under the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013;
2. That residential mobile home sites vary in size, with the largest in Flintshire Being Willow Park in Mancot which provides residential mobile housing for more than 200 residents;
3. That site owners are licensed by Flintshire County Council to operate sites;
4. That currently neither the residents of the parks, nor Elected Members, are notified when an application for a site licence is made to the local authority; and
5. That currently neither residents of the park, nor Elected Members, are provided with an opportunity to make representations on the application for a site licence.
This Council believes:
1. That the current process for the granting of site licences for residential mobile home sites fails to sufficiently represent the residents of the sites or locally Elected Members;
2. That making decisions that profoundly impact the lives of hundreds of residents without their involvement is fundamentally undemocratic;
3. That before granting licences for residential mobile home sites, residents of the site, site owners, and locally Elected Members, should be notified and invited to make representations;
4. That given the size of residential mobile home sites, and the number of our residents which they home across Flintshire, there is a clear public interest in the decision to grant a site licence and the conditions attached to it; and
5. That the decision to grant a residential mobile home site licence should be one that is taken democratically by the Elected Members of the Licencing Committee, with representations invited from:
a) the site owner b) the residents of the mobile home site c) the elected representatives of the local ward, and d) any other interested party.
This Council resolves:
1. That the decision to issue, renew, extend, vary, or not issue, site licences for residential mobile home sites should rest with the Licencing Committee, taking into account the advice of relevant officers;
2. That the schedule of officer delegation be amended accordingly;
3. That advance notice be given to Elected Members when a residential mobile home site in their ward will be subject to a decision on the issuing, renewal, extension, or variation, of a licence to enable them to make representations;
4. That the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee shall be tasked with agreeing a policy on minimum standards of resident consultation in respect of residential mobile home licencing ahead of decisions, and
5. That pending the completion and adoption of this policy, the Council will welcome and acknowledge any written correspondence received from residents of sites subject to licencing decisions, and recommends that requests to make representations to the Licencing Committee in person in respect of these decisions be handled in the same way as planning applications. ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Public Question Time This item is to receive any Public Questions: none were received by the deadline Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that none had been received by the deadline.
Questions To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A): none were received by the deadline
. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that none had been received by the deadline.
Questions from Members on Committee Minutes
To consider any issues raised by Members arising from the Minutes of the Cabinet, Scrutiny Committees and other Committees, together with any questions raised under Section 4.20 of the Council’s Constitution. Copies of the Minutes of the various meetings that have taken place since the last ordinary meeting of the Council which have been approved and published on the Authority’s website, can be obtained, if required, via the Committee and Member Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Officer (Governance) advised that none had been received by the deadline.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Additional documents: Minutes: There were no members of the press in attendance. |