Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Maureen Potter on 01352 702322  Email:


No. Item



Wales Regional Energy Efficient Awards 

Winner of the “Local Authority of the Year” award for its domestic energy efficiency programmes and was Highly Commended in the “Vulnerable Customer Support” category for the support it delivers to households in partnership with the North Wales Energy Advice Centre.


National Energy Action and Scottish Power - Heat Hero Award

Recognition of Joanna Seymour and the Energy Team’s significant contribution in helping people living in fuel poverty.





Additional documents:


The Chief Executive welcomed the Energy Efficiency Team to the meeting.


The Chief Executive explained that the efforts of the Energy Efficiency Team had recently been recognised in the following two National Awards. 


·         Overall Winner – Regional Council/Local Authority Body of the Year: which recognised the Council’s commitment to promoting energy efficiency within the region.


·         Highly Commended – Regional Vulnerable Customer Support Campaigner of the Year: which recognised the Council’s commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable people through energy efficiency within their region. 


The Chief Executive advised that the awards recognised both the innovative work of the Council and its partners in tackling fuel poverty and its multi-agency response in meeting the needs of vulnerable households.  The Healthy Homes Healthy People programme  had been recognised for its person centred approach to addressing individual needs that improved health and wellbeing.  The Healthy Homes Healthy People programme also received recognition in the following awards:


·         National Energy Action and Scottish Power – Heat Hero Award:  which recognised individuals who had made a significant contribution to helping people living in fuel poverty in their local community, either at work or through volunteering.   Joanna Seymour, Project Manager Healthy Homes Healthy People North Wales, was one of only fifteen winners chosen from across England and Wales to receive the award.  


The Chairman expressed his congratulations to the Energy Efficiency Team and

Joanna Seymour on her prestigious award and invited them to receive their awards. 


Councillor Bernie Attridge said the work of the Energy Efficiency Team impacted

on many of the services provided by the Council and he expressed his congratulations, on behalf of the Council and on behalf of Councillor Chris Bithell, Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment, to the Team and to Joanna on their achievements.


Councillor Attridge advised that last year the Energy Efficiency Team had

provided assistance to 1408 households and, on average, had saved residents receiving energy efficient measures or advice the sum of £368 on their fuel bills.  He  gave a brief outline of the aims of the Team which adopted a person based approach to address need, improve health and wellbeing, and create a safe, warm, and secure home environment.  The work of the Team focussed on the following four main areas:


  • Home and personal safety
  • Income maximisation and personal/family support
  • Affordable warmth
  • Health and wellbeing


Councillor Glyn Banks also expressed his congratulations to the Energy Efficiency Team and to Joanna for the assistance they had provided to residents in his Ward.  Councillor Banks referred to the work of the North Wales Energy Advice Centre and encouraged Members to contact this service and the Energy Efficiency Team for advice and support. 



Minutes pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 30 January 2018.


Additional documents:


That subject to the above amendment the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



The minutes of the meeting held on 30 January 2018 were submitted.




Referring to page 10, Councillor Clive Carver commented  that following the adjournment at the January meeting, he had explained  that  the previous decision about rate relief had been a Cabinet, rather than a Council decision. This clarification was not in the draft minute and he asked that  it be included.   




That subject to the above amendment the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


None were received.



Chairman's Communications

To receive the communications as circulated.

Additional documents:


A copy of the Chairman’s Communications had been circulated to all Members prior to the meeting.


            The Chairman commented in particular on the visit of Mrs. Angela Davies, a personal  transport assistant, who had been nominated by a mother for recognition of the outstanding professionalism  and care Mrs. Davies had provided to a disabled child in her care. 


            Councillor Carolyn Thomas expressed her appreciation for the service provided by Mrs. Davies and commended the work of all school transport assistants.  She also  took the opportunity to express her admiration and support for the work of  Streetscene  and the Emergency Planning team during the current period of adverse weather conditions.   


Councillor Sean Bibby expressed his appreciation to the Chairman for the Council’s reception and recognition of the service given by Mrs. Angela Davies.  He also spoke in support of the work and  dedication provided by school transport assistants and the drivers. 


Councillor Christine Jones spoke in support of the services provided by social care employees and social workers and their commitment during the current adverse weather conditions.


            The Chairman took the opportunity to remind Members of the St. David’s Day Charity Concert which was to be held at St. Mary’s Church, Mold that evening. 


            Councillor Paul Cunningham said that on behalf of the Chairman he had attended a celebration of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade which was held at Queensferry. He had  been impressed with the number of young people who were involved with the St. John’s Ambulance Cadets. 


            The Chairman commented on the WGU and Wrexham Symphony Orchestra Gala Concert held at Glyndwr University Wrexham, which had been  a  successful and enjoyable event. 




To receive any Petitions.

Additional documents:


None were received.



Public Question Time

To receive any Public Questions.

Additional documents:


None were received.


The Chief Executive referred to the previous meeting of the County Council when a number of public questions had been raised on school funding. The questioners had fed back that they had been warmly received and valued the quality of the answers and debates which followed on schools funding. 




To note the answers to any questions submitted in accordance with County Council Standing Order No. 9.4(A).

Additional documents:


None were received.



Notice of Motion

To consider any Notices of Motion.

Additional documents:


None were received.



Recognition of Clare Budden

To recognise the contribution made to the Council by Clare Budden, Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) who leaves the Authority at the end of April to join Pennaf Housing Association.


Additional documents:


The Chairman  led the tributes to recognise the contribution made to the Council by Clare Budden, Chief Officer (Community & Enterprise) who was due to leave the Authority at the end of April 2018 to join Pennaf Housing Association.  He  expressed personal thanks to Clare for her support and also expressed thanks on behalf of his residents for her commitment in resolving housing matters in his ward. 


Councillor Aaron Shotton congratulated Clare on her new role and wished her success in the future.  He referred to the contribution which Clare had made to the Council and  to the residents of Flintshire and commented on her legacy through her achievements, citing work on the stock transfer ballot, the Welsh Houses Quality Standard (WHQS), and the new build of council houses, as examples of the programmes she had driven through.  Councillor Shotton commented on the progress made by the Authority in the housing sector since Clare had been appointed and  referred to her commitment to mitigate the impact of changes in the Welfare Reform on Flintshire’s tenants.  He concluded his tribute by also thanking Clare for her work in Economic Development.  He spoke of the high regard held for Clare in Flintshire and said he looked forward to working with her through collaborative service with Pennaf Housing Association in the future.


Councillor George Hardcastle thanked Clare for her excellent work to improve and develop housing in Flintshire and spoke of the high esteem in which she was held by Councillor Ron Hampson, former Chairman of the Community & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee.   He said he regretted the Council’s loss but wished her every success in her new position with Pennaf Housing Association.  


Councillor  Rosetta Dolphin also thanked Clare for her commitment and dedication and said she looked forward to future involvement with Clare through the work of Pennaf Housing Association.


Councillor Mike Peers wished  Clare success in  her new appointment and referred to her achievements with the Authority in the housing sector, highlighting the implementation of the WQHS and the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP) New  Homes programme as examples,  and referred to her drive in the delivery of affordable housing in Flintshire   He spoke of Clare’s personal qualities and said she was approachable and willing to provide help and support without hesitation.  He reiterated regret at the Council’s loss but commented on the opportunity to benefit from Clare’s skills and knowledge in the future through her work with Pennaf Housing Association.


Councillor Ian Dunbar spoke of  the expertise Clare had provided to Committee meetings and specifically the Community & Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the support she had given to Members concerning housing matters in their ward.  He referred to the tragic circumstances regarding the Grenfell Tower fire and the implications for all high rise buildings in Flintshire and expressed praise for how Clare and her team had responded to the immediate concerns and issues raised by residents and Members and the ongoing support that had been provided.  Councillor Dunbar expressed best  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112.


Council Tax Setting for 2018-19 pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the 2018-19 Council Tax be set as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;


(b)       That the continuation of the policy of not providing a discount in the level of

Council Tax charges for second homes and long-term empty homes be

endorsed.  Also where exceptions do not apply, to charge the Council Tax Premium rate of 50% above the standard rate of Council Tax for second homes and long-term empty dwellings; and


(c)        That approval be given for designated officers to issue legal proceedings

and appear on behalf of the Council in the Magistrates’ Court for unpaid




The Revenues Manager introduced the report to agree the Council Tax charges and associated statutory resolutions for 2018/19.  He provided background information and advised that council tax was set to increase by Flintshire’s precept of 6.71%.  He explained that Council Tax included three separate charges which make up the overall level of Council Tax charged against each property.  These included the County Council precept as well as the precepts of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales and the Town and Community Council precepts.


The Revenues Manager explained that for 2018/19 Flintshire’s precept would be set at a Band D charge of  £1,177.60 which would generate a total income for the Authority of £75,172M which would help to partly fund the running of local services.  The Revenues Manager advised that as part of the setting of Council Tax for 2018/19 the Council would also pay to the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales a total precept of £16,477M (a Band D charge of £258.12 which was an increase of 3.79%).  The Revenues Manager also advised that the collective precept for all 34 Town and Community councils would be £2,847M which on average would equate to a Band D charge of around £44.60.  In summary for 2018/19 the Authority would be raising Council Tax charges of £94,496M.


                        The Revenues Manager advised that Council Tax was usually expressed at a standard Band D rate which resulted in Council Tax being charged at lower levels for those properties in Bands A to C and at a higher level for those properties in Band E to I.  For 2018/19 the recommended levels of Council Tax for each property band and for Town and Community Council areas were set out in Appendix 1 to the report. 


The Revenues Manager referred to the key considerations as detailed in the report.  He commented on existing policies and the previous decisions by Council and referred to the Council Tax premium scheme and the need to endorse continuation of the policy of not providing a discount in the level of Council Tax charges for second homes and long term empty homes.  Also, where exceptions did not apply, to charge the Council Tax Premium rate of 50% above the standard rate of Council Tax as part of a wider strategy to encourage owners to bring long term empty properties and, in certain situations, second homes, back into use. 


In conclusion the Revenues Manager drew attention to the need to approve designated officers to issue legal proceedings and appear on behalf of the Council in the Magistrates Court for unpaid taxes.


Councillor Aaron Shotton moved the recommendations in the report and thanked the Revenues Manager and his team for their hard work in  the annual process of setting the Council Tax as part of the overall budget strategy.


Councillor Mike Peers asked if it was possible to provide a breakdown of the 6.71% charge in the bills to provide clarity to residents around the 5% plus  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113.


Council Fund Budget 2017/18 and 2018/19 - Use of Reserves and Balances

Additional documents:


That the report be noted.


The Chief Executive gave a verbal report to advise the Council on the projected out-turn of reserves and balances at the close of the 2017/18 financial year and the possibility of the release of further reserves and balances to supplement the planned schools funding budget for 2019/20.


The Chief Executive referred to the  previous meeting of the Council held on 20 February, and a resolution arising from consideration of the Council Fund  Budget

2018/19, that a report be submitted to the next meeting to provide an update on any

additional one-off funding from Welsh Government (WG) to be used to fund in-year

expenditure and thereby increase levels of reserves at the year-end, with priority to be given to supplementary funding support  for schools.   He said  that the Authority was confident that WG would announce some one-off extra funding specifically for schools in 2017/18 shortly.


The Chief Executive explained that in the past week the WG had announced additional funding for Flintshire of £428K for social services;  specifically for winter service pressures around domiciliary care, residential care, and adaptations at home.

He advised that the funding did not have to be  spent on additionality and would be

allocated to expenditure which had already been committed.  Therefore the allocation

would reduce the Council’s projected overspend for 2017/18 by £428K and would

release a reserve of the same amount for redistribution. 


Following discussion with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Education, and Corporate Finance Manager, the Chief Executive said  it was proposed that Council considered increasing the available £428K to £460K to raise the additional funding for schools for 2018/19 to £1.6M.   He emphasised that the additional 1.71% funding from Council Tax would be included in the base funding for schools year on year but the additional funding from the WG was ‘one-off’ and would not be part of the base funding each year. 


The Chief Executive explained that the Authority would receive a further £1.427M capital from the WG as its share for road schemes and repairs in Wales in year.     The Chief Executive explained that he also expected that the WG would make an announcement soon on additional one-off funding this year which was to be passported to schools via local authorities for spend on next year’s budget.  It was proposed that following any such announcement that any further one-off funding also be awarded to schools.


Councillor Aaron Shotton moved the proposal to top-up the  £428K additionality to £460K which would provide a total of £1.6M additional investment to schools for 2018/19.  He welcomed the positive development from the WG and expressed appreciation it had been recognised there was a need for additional funding by local authorities and the recommendation that £460K be passported to schools which would be welcomed.  Councillor Shotton said the Council would continue through the collective voice of the Welsh Local Government Association to lobby the WG for any further opportunities for budget underspends in the WG to be allocated to local  ...  view the full minutes text for item 114.


Minimum Revenue Provision - 2018/19 Policy pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To present to Council the recommendations of the Cabinet for setting of a prudent Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) for the repayment of debt, and to report on the status of the ongoing review of MRP policy and any further advice on the options to revise the policy.

Additional documents:


(a)       That Members approved for the Council Fund (CF) unfinanced capital expenditure, changing the MRP policy for  supported and unsupported borrowing from ‘straight line’ to the ‘annuity’ method from 2017/18.  This would mean that:-


  • The historic balance of outstanding capital expenditure funded from supported borrowing as at 31 March 2017, will be provided for on an annuity basis over the remaining 49 year period (as it was changed to straight line over 50 years in 2016/17)


  • 2016/17 capital expenditure funded from supported and unsupported borrowing (and future years) will be provided for based on the asset’s life on an annuity basis


(b)       That Members approve for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA):-


  • Option 2 (Capital Financing Requirement Method) be used for the calculation of the HRA’s MRP in 2018/19 for all capital expenditure funded by debt.


(c)        That Members approve that MRP on loans from the Council to NEW Homes to build affordable homes through the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP) (which qualify as capital expenditure in accounting terms) be as follows:-


  • No MRP is made during the construction period (of short duration) as the asset has not been brought into use and no benefit is being derived from its use.


  • Once the assets are brought into use, capital repayments will be made by NEW Homes. The Council’s MRP will be equal to the repayments made by NEW Homes. The repayments made by NEW Homes will be classed, in accounting terms, as capital receipts, which can only be used to fund capital expenditure or repay debt which is a form of MRP. The capital repayment/capital receipt will be set aside to repay debt, and is the Council’s MRP policy for repaying the loan.



The Corporate Finance Manager introduced the report to present the recommendations of Cabinet for the setting of a prudent Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) for the repayment of debt, and to report on the status of the ongoing review of MRP policy and any further advice on the options to revise the policy. 


The Corporate Finance Manager provided background information and referred to the recent review of the Council’s method of calculating the Minimum Revenue Provision policy and the merits of moving to a different model similar to a number of English local authorities.  He reported on the three main options for consideration and the difference between the straight line and annuity methods as detailed in the report.  The Corporate Finance Manager also explained the reasons why the straight line method was favoured in the 2016/17 review and why the annuity method could be considered at least as prudent.  He drew attention to the table in the report which summarised the difference in the MRP charged for outstanding council fund capital expenditure funded from supported borrowing and unsupported borrowing using the current straight line method and the annuity method for the next fifty years. 


In conclusion the Corporate Finance Manager commented that prudence was a subjective concept and therefore none of the options or methods described could be assessed as being the absolute correct method as it was a matter of judgement.  The option must first and foremost be prudent but also sustainable and affordable over the long term and it was for Council to decide which method it considered to be prudent.


The Chief Executive acknowledged the complexity of the subject and commented on  the work which had been undertaken on the review of the MRP policy last year.  He provided background information and context on the recent urgent review of the MRP policy following a recommendation made through a very recent independent peer review of the Council’s financial position.    The Chief Executive advised that following further recent discussions with the Welsh Audit Office and the retained advisors Arlingclose, officers were confident in recommending that option 2, the annuity method, was a prudent method, consistent with guidance, and was an ‘open’ option for consideration by the Council.


Councillor Richard Jones said he did not support the recommendation  for option 2, as he felt it was not prudent or sustainable due to the fact  that there would be an increase in future years.  He referred to a report to a meeting of the Cabinet in 2016 and the advice and decision making at that time regarding prudence and the MRP.  He suggested that the straight line method be continued for the MRP for the sake of the medium term financial plan.


The Chief Executive and Corporate Finance Manger provided further clarity in response to the concerns raised by Councillor Jones and advised that the annuity method was no less prudent than the existing straight line method and was no more costly to the Council or Flintshire’s tax-payers as it takes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 115.


Financial Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


That the updated Financial Procedure Rules be approved



The Corporate Finance Manager introduced a report to provide the updated Financial Procedure rules as detailed in  appendix A of the report.  He provided background information and advised that the draft FPRs had been submitted to the Audit Committee and the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee and both Committees had resolved that the draft FPRs be referred to Council for approval.   He reported that a summary of the changes to the FPRs were detailed in paragraph 1.04 of the report. 


Councillor Richard Jones expressed concern around the change in the virement amount which had been increased from £75K to £100K.  He explained the reasons why he felt the increase to £100K was not appropriate and said budgets had not been increased.  Councillor Jones moved a motion that the FPRs be approved subject to the current virement of £75K being lowered to £50K to exercise greater control.  This was duly seconded.


The Corporate Finance Manager explained that a £100K virement was still a low percentage in context of the overall budget of £255M and advised that all virements were reported to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee when actioned and centrally co-ordinated control was actioned by the accountancy team.  It was agreed that the word ‘cumulative’ would be added to the final version of the FPRs.


Councillor Mike Peers suggested that the date and year that the FPRs applied  from should be recorded in full on the front page of the rules.  He referred to page 83, paragraph 3.3.1, of the report and the information that the resources allocated were used for their intended purposes and were properly accounted for, and asked if detail on where the  resources were allocated and the ongoing expenditure could be provided.  On  page 86, paragraph 3.3.2,  the first key principle referred to where budget transfers related to a change of use or policy they should be authorised, and said that the report did not advise who undertook the authorisation of the transfers and suggested that this information should be included. 


The Corporate Finance Manager explained that authorisation depended on whether the transfer was an accounting adjustment or form of virement and explained the process and purpose in each case.  The Corporate Finance Manager also responded to the query on the allocation of resources and explained that resources were allocated to service areas in line with approved budgets  and was reported in the monthly budget  monitoring report where the totals were shown by portfolio.


                        Members were asked to vote on the motion put forward by Councillor Richard Jones that the FPRs  be approved subject to an amendment in the virement amount from £75K to £50K.  When put to the vote the motion was lost. 


                        The substantive motion was put forward by Councillor Bernie Attridge and seconded by Councillor Derek Butler that Members  vote on the recommendation as detailed in  the report.  On being put to the vote the recommendation was carried. 




That the updated Financial Procedure Rules be approved



Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 appended to the report be approved; and


(b)       That the Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19 be amended to reflect that the new UK Government backed scheme of tax free child care will replace the current child care vouchers from April 2018.



The Senior Manager Human Resources and Organisational Development introduced a report to seek approval of the appended Pay Policy Statement for 2018/19.  She explained that the draft Pay Policy Statement summarised the organisation’s approach to pay and remuneration and set this within an organisational, regional and national context.  It had been updated to provide a more comprehensive account of the Council’s approach to the remuneration of its workforce


The Senior Manager advised that this year’s statement was consistent with the previous and, whilst there was no change to the proposed principles or approach to remuneration, there were a few additional sections as detailed in the report.  She drew attention to sections 10 and 11 in the Statement which had been re-written and provided more details on the role of National Negotiating Bodies and Pay Awards and National Living Wage (NLW) and the impact to date and ongoing.  She provided further detail on Section 11 and the ongoing negotiations at a national level in relation to the pay award for 2018 and the proposed changes to the pay spine from 2019.  She  advised that there had been a formal offer by the national employers in December which had been rejected by the trade  unions and that the trade unions were in the process of balloting their members.  The outcome of the ballot was expected in March and as a result there may be a further  change to the pay policy. The Senior Manager said a  full report detailing the implications financial and otherwise of any such agreement once achieved would be referred to full Council at the earliest opportunity.  In conclusion she detailed what the implications of the pay award, if accepted, would be on all staff spinal column points and the effect over two years. 


The Chief Executive advised that the Council had recently completed its first full Equal Pay audit since the start of the  Single Status Agreement, and this had been shared with the trade unions which were satisfied with the outcome.  He reported that the Council did not have any current or historical unresolved cases of unequal pay which might be discriminatory.


Referring to page 146 of the report concerning bonus payments and performance related pay, Councillor Mike Peers queried if consideration should be given to whether employees should have annual appraisals linked to performance related pay to be consistent with the arrangements for Chief Officers.  He asked if this could be given consideration by the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Peers also referred to the  reference to child care vouchers on page 152 of the report and said that from April 2018 they were to be replaced by a new UK government backed scheme of tax free child care and said this needed to be incorporated into the Pay Policy Statement.


In response to the queries raised by Councillor  Peers, the Chief Executive advised that the Council did not operate bonus payments.  On the subject of   performance related pay he also advised that the Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117.


Members of the Press and Public in Attendance

Additional documents:


There was one member of the press and 3 members of the public in attendance.