Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Nicola Gittins 01352 702345  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

Purpose: To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.


None were received.  


Application to Vary a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 76 KB

For Members to consider and determine an application to vary a premises licence

Additional documents:


That the licence be granted in accordance with the details above.


The Licensing Officer introduced the report for Members to consider and determine an application under the Licensing Act 2003 to vary a Premises Licence held by Mold Alex Football Club since August 2016.


                        The applicant had applied to vary the following licensable activities: plays; films; indoor sporting events; live and recorded music and anything of a similar description; late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises.


                        For the above activities the licence currently operated to the following hours:


            Monday – Thursday            13:00 to 23:00                      

            Friday and Saturday            11:00 to 23:00

            Sunday                                  11:00 to 17:00          


                        The hours applied for were:


            Monday – Thursday            09:00 to 23:00                      

            Friday and Saturday            09:00 to 00:00

            Sunday                                  09:00 to 21:00          


            Representations had been received from a number of local residents, details of which were included in the appendix to the report. 


            North Wales Fire and Rescue Service had confirmed they had no representations to make to the Licensing Authority.  North Wales Police had confirmed that the application has been discussed with Inspector Jon Bowcott, the officer responsible for the area, and that they had no representations to make to the application.  Flintshire County Council’s Pollution Control Section had not made any representations.


            The Officer confirmed that the application had been advertised in the correct manner.




                        Mr Emerton explained the background to the premises and the recent licence granted in 2016.  Since that date it had become apparent that the agreed times of opening were not adequate for the booking enquiries they were receiving for things such as children’s morning parties, line dancing and Christenings.  He added that the time applied for in the original application relating to Monday – Thursday had been an error.


                        The two resident representatives asked Mr Emberton a number of questions which are summarised below along with the answers:


            Question – Would there be amplified music played in the mornings if an earlier licence was granted?

            Answer – Yes


            Question – Would you expect to receive more bookings?

            Answer – Hopefully which would generate funds for the club


            Question – Are there any rules about children attending late night events?

            Answer – No rules so long as they are not consuming alcohol


            Question – Would the noise from live bands ben controlled?

            Answer – The premises had been provided, from Mold Town Council, a sound monitoring device.  Four sections of the area outside of the premises were monitored for noise with readings being retained.  All of the readings taken to date were within the limits of the guidelines set for acceptable noise within the town of Mold.  He provided details of the acceptable noise levels and the highest recorded level at the club which did not exceed the satisfactory level.  The resident queried the reliability of the machine used and asked how often it was calibrated.  Mr Emberton explained that it was the same devise as used at events in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.