Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Remote attendance meeting
Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: None were received. Minutes: None were received. |
Licensing Act 2003 - Application for variation of a Premises Licence PDF 97 KB For members to consider and determine an application for variation of a Premises Licence made under the Licensing Act 2003
Additional documents:
Decision: That the application for a variation of a Premises Licence be approved subject to the modifications as stated above. Minutes: The Licensing Officer presented the report to consider and determine an application for variation of a Premises Licence made under the Licensing Act 2003. The premises concerned was MPH Hotel Limited, Northop Road, Flint Mountain, Flintshire, CH6 5QG and the applicant was Mr Yan Chan.
The Licensing Officer reported that the premises currently hold a Premises Licence for:
The supply of alcohol on and off the premises: Monday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. – 23.00 p.m. Sunday including Good Friday 12.00 noon – 22.30 p.m. Christmas Day 12.00 noon – 15.00 pm and 19.00 – 23.30 pm New Year’s Eve – 24 hours Monday to Sunday 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 a.m. (in the bar area only)
Live music, recorded music, dance (indoors only): Monday to Saturday 11.00 a.m. – midnight Sunday 12.00 noon – 23.30 p.m.
Late Night refreshment (indoors only): Monday 23.00 pm – 05.00 am Tuesday to Sunday 23.00 pm – midnight
The Variation application was to allow:
The supply of alcohol on and off the premises: Monday to Sunday 10.00 – 01.00 (in all licensed areas) New Year’s Eve to remain as per existing licence To remove the restriction on Christmas Day and Good Friday
To add recorded music in the front outside area: Monday to Saturday 12.00 noon – 22.00 p.m. Sunday 12.00 noon – 20.00 p.m.
To amend Late Night refreshment to : Monday to Sunday 23.00 – 05.00
The Licensing Officer explained that a plan to identify the front outside area was shown as Appendix B1 of the report and a plan to identify the inside of the building shown as Appendix B2.
North Wales Police had made no objection to the application but asked for additional conditions in relation to CCTV, Challenge 25, and door supervisors. The applicant had agreed to these conditions being attached to the existing premises licence (Appendix C).
Representations to the Variation application were received from Flintshire County Council’s Pollution Control section on 24 July 2020 and were shown at Appendix D. North Wales Fire and Rescue Service had confirmed that they would not be making any representations to the Licensing Authority regarding the application.
Two letters of representation from local residents had been received in objection to the variation application and were attached at Appendix F.
The Licensing Officer advised that for variation applications, applicants were required to submit an operating schedule detailing any additional steps they intended to take to promote the four licensing objectives. The steps that the applicant intended to take were set out in Appendix G.
The applicant had previously notified the licensing section of four Temporary Event Notices (TENs) which were to cover licensable activity in the outside area as indicated in Appendix B1. Three of the TENs had been considered at a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee on 31 July 2020, following objections made by Flintshire County Council’s Pollution Control Officer. The TENs were approved after the applicant’s voluntary suggestion to amend the end time of ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |