Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) Minutes: Councillors David Mackie and Hilary McGuill both declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Items 4 and 5as members of the Community Health Council.
Councillor Andy Dunbobbin declared a personal interest in agenda item 5 as a Kinship Carer.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting.
Decision: That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2014 had been circulated with the agenda.
Matters arising Councillor Hillary McGuill advised that she had not received the information from the Commissioning Manager regarding e-dynamics. The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that an email had been circulated providing an update on e-dynamics.
Councillor Hilary McGuill also referred to the outstanding information awaited from BCUHB regarding waiting times at the four orthodontist practices across North Wales. The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that the outstanding information had been provided but had given rise to an additional question of why the waiting list for the orthodontists in Connah’s Quay was almost twice that in other areas.
It was agreed that if a response was not provided then the request would be escalated to the BCUHB management team.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Single Point of Access PDF 42 KB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the local development and implementation of the Single Point of Access which is aligned to the Regional vision be supported; and
(b) That the Chief Officer (Social Services) provides an update report to a future meeting of the Committee.
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report to provide an update on the Regional Single Point of Access Programme and the local developments to date in Flintshire. He provided background information and invited Carol Dove, Project Manager, to report on the Regional Single Point of Access programme.
The Project Manager advised that the Single Point of Access aimed to create an integrated and streamlined access route to community health and social care services for all individuals over 18 years of age. It also provided professionals with a means of sharing information and providing better coordinated health and social care services. This would mean a ‘First Contact, Right Response’ approach where the focus was on what mattered to the person. She advised that the partners were the 6 Local Authorities, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) and the independent sector. The goal was to have one Single Point of Access per County with all six up and running by March 2016. The single Point of Access was being regionally developed to ensure sharing of learning and best use of resources and would be locally developed to ensure it was responsive to local need.
The Project Manager referred to the key considerations as detailed in the report and advised that Flintshire was currently reviewing the Denbighshire model, which went live in June 2014, with a view to adopting a similar model in Flintshire. She reported on the key principles that had been collectively agreed as the foundations for the new Flintshire Single Point of Access and advised that the first stage of the Implementation Plan was to co-locate health and social care staff to form the new team. The proposal was to have a co-located team by Spring 2015.
The Chair thanked the Chief Officer and Service Manager for their overview and invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Hilary McGuill: referred to the dedicated contact number which had been set up for the Denbighshire model and asked if there would be a dedicated contact number for the Single Point of Access in Flintshire. She also asked if there would be a bespoke IT system for the Single Point of Access which would incorporate the PARIS system. In his response the Chief Officer (Social Services) referred to the work that was ongoing around a national IT system which worked around all Authorities and the NHS in Wales to integrate co-systems. The Project Manager commented that Denbighshire provided an interim solution which worked for the professionals involved.
Councillor Dave Mackie expressed concerns around the use of a temporary system and said that this posed a risk.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) acknowledged the points made and explained that the Service was committed to be part of the national solution around public sector values and that it had to make the most of the systems it currently had. Councillor Mackie responded that he was not comfortable with the approach.
Councillor Peter Curtis referred to the Third Sector Event held on 3 July 2014, and ... view the full minutes text for item 34. |
Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Inspection Report by Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) on the Inspection carried out between 24 March 2014 and 27 March 2014 and resulting action plan be noted;
(b) That the Fieldwork Service Manager would liaise with the Resources Service Manager to arrange an out of county visit for members; and
(b) That a progress report be provided to the Committee in six months time
Minutes: Mr. Ray Dickson, Fieldwork Service Manager, introduced a report on the Inspection Report by Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) on the Inspection carried out between 24 March and 27 March 2014, into Safeguarding and Care Planning of Looked After Children and Care Leavers who exhibit vulnerable and risky behaviours and the resulting Action Plan.
The Fieldwork Service Manager, provided background information and outlined the aim of the national inspection. He advised that the Inspection had focussed on the work undertaken with looked after children over eleven years of age and care leavers who were identified as being vulnerable and/or involved in risky behaviours, against defined criteria.
The Fieldwork Service Manager, explained that there were five questions that the Inspectors posed which resulted in positives and areas for improvements. Significantly there had been positive feedback on Corporate Parenting and Elected Members. Safeguarding had been correctly identified as a priority for all staff and child protection processes were being used effectively. Concerning the issue of sexual exploitation the report recorded that agencies were working well together, especially in relation to missing young people and child sexual exploitation. The Report was complimentary in relation to the reviewing system for Looked After Children stating that Flintshire was compliant with guidance and reviews were timely and updated accordingly. Importantly it was reported that social workers were making strong efforts to ensure that young people understood their lives and were empowered to represent their views in the care planning process. The Fieldwork Service Manager, advised that a number of areas for improvement had been identified and an action plan to address the work required was appended to the report.
Referring to the CSSIW Report, Councillor Davie Mackie commented that he disliked the use of bullet points in the report and asked if they could be removed. He explained that they did not assist in identifying between the areas for improvement and the Action Plan.
Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the role of Corporate Parents in relation to Out of County Placements and expressed the need for face to face communication with the young people concerned. The Fieldwork Service Manager, responded to the concerns raised and advised that due to the increase in Foster Care placements there were less out of county placements than in previous years. During discussion it was agreed that the Fieldwork Service Manager would liaise with the Resources Service Manager to arrange an out of county visit for members.
Referring to the Action Plan and the timescale for addressing the action concerning the perceived gaps in the Homeless Protocol relating to LAC and Care Leavers, Councillor McGuill commented that she would expect the action to be completed sooner than April 2015. The Fieldwork Service Manager, gave reassurance that work was well underway and it was anticipated that the action would be completed earlier than April 2015. It was agreed that an update on progress would be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.
Councillor Hilary Isherwood referred to CAMHS and ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
Rota Visits To receive a verbal report from Members of the Committee.
Decision: That the information be noted.
Minutes: Councillor Hilary McGuill reported on her visit to North East Wales Community Equipment Services (NEWCES) based in Hawarden, Deeside. She said that the facilities provided by the Service were excellent, however, due to progression the building was in need of expansion. She raised concerns around the assessment process and the length of time taken between when an individual made a request for equipment and an assessment of needs was undertaken. She emphasised that this did not reflect on the service provided by NEWCES as there was no delay in despatching the equipment required by the service user.
Councillor Dave Mackie gave a positive report on his visit to Freshfields. He said the visit had been enjoyable and he had been given the opportunity to talk to and observe service users who had not been restricted in the variation of tasks they were able to perform.
That the information be noted.
Social & Health Care Forward Work Programme PDF 24 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Forward Work Programme be agreed.
Minutes: The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the Forward Work Programme of the Committee.
The Facilitator advised that budget consultation workshops, which were not Committee specific, had been scheduled for Members on the 27 October and 3 November 2014.
Members reviewed the current programme and agreed that the following items be considered at the next meeting of the Committee on 18 December 2014:
· Q2 Performance reporting · CSSIW Annual Report · Regional Safeguarding (Adults) Proposals · Rota Visits
Councillor Hilary McGuill asked if the Assessment Team could be invited to attend the meeting of the Committee scheduled to be held on 29 January 2015 RESOLVED: That the Forward Work Programme be agreed.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were no members of the press or the public in attendance. |