Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)


No declarations of interest were made.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2012.



That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



The minutes of the meeting held on the 17 December, 2012 had been circulated to Members with the agenda.  


Matters Arising


            The Chair commented on minutes number 51 and reported that the figures previously requested for Children in Need, such as numbers assessed and waiting for a social worker would be provided within the Quarter 3 Service Performance report which would be submitted to the Committee on the 11 April, 2013. 




That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Variation in order of agenda


The Chair announced that there would be change in the order of the agenda and that agenda item 5 – Safeguarding and Child Protection would be considered after agenda item 7 – Integrated Family Support Service.



The Chair announced that there would be change in the order of the agenda and that agenda item 5 – Safeguarding and Child Protection would be considered after agenda item 7 – Integrated Family Support Service.



Young Persons Drug & Alcohol Team pdf icon PDF 62 KB


               (a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That any changes to the Welsh Government Grant which funds the Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Team be reported to the Committee.



The Service Manager Youth Justice Service and Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team introduced a report to provide an update on the developments within Flintshire “Sorted” – Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Team (YPDAT) and an overview of the changes in regional funding arrangements.


            The YPDAT had established a Young Person’s Steering Group which worked in partnership with the team and had recently renamed the service as Flintshire Sorted, the aim being to de-stigmatise services and to establish a ‘brand’ across Flintshire.  Details of Flintshire Sorted initiatives were outlined within the report.


            In response to a question about growing cannabis for personal use, the Chair advised that cannabis was an illegal substance and any concerns Members had should be reported to the Police.  


            Councillor S. Jones asked if the YPDAT met with the Police on a regular basis.  The Service Manager explained that a Police Officer was employed within the Youth Justice Team and that regular meetings were held with the Police to discuss issues around Anti-Social Behaviour.  He also explained that Members could make referrals through the out-reach programme seeking a member of the YPDAT to visit areas across Flintshire where there were concerns around drug and alcohol misuse.  Councillor S. Jones asked if the contact details of the YPDAT could be sent to her following the meeting.


            Councillor M. Bateman suggested that a representative of North Wales Police be invited to a future meeting of the Committee.  The Chair explained that the Committee could recommend to the Community Profile and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee that a representative of North Wales Police attends one of their meetings to provide an overview of their role in tackling drug and alcohol misuse.


            Councillor P.J. Curtis commented on the number of establishments across Flintshire who had been granted licences to sell alcohol and asked about the possibility of removing licences where establishments had been found to be selling alcohol to under age persons.  He also asked whether advice and support was made available to older people to educate them on drug and alcohol misuse.


            The Operations Manager explained that through the wider Community Safety Partnership the YPDAT worked closely with the Police and Trading Standards targeting areas where instances of establishments selling alcohol to young people had been reported.  This had resulted in a number of prosecutions taking place.  Advice and support was available to older people but only for those already receiving treatment for drug and/or alcohol misuse.  Funding had been made available to enable officers to visit colleges to educate young people over the age of 18 on the affects of drug and alcohol misuse but further work needed to be carried out on this area.


            Councillor V. Gay asked whether consideration had been given to introducing a scheme where the Police could remove intoxicated young people to be placed in a safe environment while waiting for their parents to collect them.  The Service Manager explained that a similar scheme had previously been piloted by North Wales Police but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 58.


CSSIW Inspection (Assessment & Care Management) 2012: Update Report pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


That the report be noted.




The Service Manager for Childrens Fieldwork Service introduced a report to enable Members to receive a progress report on the CSSIW Inspection of Assessment and Care Management Action Plan originally reported to the Committee on the 26 July, 2012. 


            Following the CSSIW inspection the areas for improvement were identified alongside named persons who were to complete tasks or provide updates.  Details of the tasks were outlined within the report showing that they were all on track to be completed within the proposed timescale. 


The Chair congratulated the directorate on the outcome of the inspection and on the progress being made against areas highlighted for improvement.  These comments were echoed by the Committee.


            The Director of Community Services said that he would formally feedback the thanks of the Committee to the staff for their hard work.   




That the report be noted.




Integrated Family Support Service pdf icon PDF 34 KB


(a)       That the Committee support the proposals as set out in the report, including that of Flintshire as the host Authority;


(b)       That the Committee support the development of information protocols, to include cross county confidentiality, data protection, referral criteria and allocation from each Authority to be drawn up and agreed and an extension to the existing Section 58(1) agreement which Wrexham have in place be negotiated with the relevant agencies involved;


(c)        That the Committee support the setting up of an Integrated Family Support Service during 2013 and make recommendations to Cabinet for approval;


(d)       That an update report on the IFSS be provided to the Committee in September 2013 together with an update on exit strategies.      



The Service Manager for Childrens Fieldwork Service introduced a report to report to Members on the Local Authority’s response to the Welsh Government (WG) requirement that they set up an Integrated Family Support Service (IFSS) during 2013.


The WG had requested information from all Local Authorities in Wales on how they intend to roll out the IFSS model in their area during 2013, including information on governance and operational considerations.  Wrexham already had an established team in keeping with the IFSS guidance and following consultation, it had been proposed that an integrated team be established across the two counties hosted by Flintshire.


Councillors P.J. Curtis and S. Jones both welcomed the report with Councillor Curtis commenting positively on the recent television advertisements to highlight mental health issues.  Councillor Jones asked how referrals would be presented to the IFSS.


The Service Manager explained that referrals could be made via General Practitioners who would refer patients to the Duty and Assessment Team before being referred to the IFSS.  The team were currently working on producing exit strategies for the Service.  


Councillor D.E. Wisinger raised concerns on welfare reform, specifically the introducing of a bedroom tax, which could impact disabled people who had empty bedrooms to enable carers to stay with them.


The Cabinet Member for Social Services explained that Paul Neave, Team Manager Advice & Homeless Services was undertaking work to identify how the welfare reform proposals would impact carers.  The Chair suggested that Paul Neave be asked to provide a briefing note on the possible impact of welfare reform on service users to the Committee.   


The Director of Community Services commented on the IT systems which would need to be put in place to enable data to be collated across the border parameters for the purposes of WG reporting.  He thanked the Committee for their supportive comments and advised that the report would be submitted to Cabinet for approval. 


The Chair asked that an update report on the IFSS be provided to the Committee in September 2013 together with an update on exit strategies.    




(a)       That the Committee support the proposals as set out in the report, including that of Flintshire as the host Authority;


(b)       That the Committee support the development of information protocols, to include cross county confidentiality, data protection, referral criteria and allocation from each Authority to be drawn up and agreed and an extension to the existing Section 58(1) agreement which Wrexham have in place be negotiated with the relevant agencies involved;


(c)        That the Committee support the setting up of an Integrated Family Support Service during 2013 and make recommendations to Cabinet for approval;


(d)       That an update report on the IFSS be provided to the Committee in September 2013 together with an update on exit strategies.      



Safeguarding and Child protection (Joint report from Safeguarding Unit ) pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee accept the report as information in relation to Child Protection and Safeguarding for the period 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012.



The Director of Community Services and Operations Manager Youth Justice Service and Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Team introduced a report to provide Members with information in relation to Child Protection and Safeguarding within the county boundaries.


            The report informed Members of key statistical and performance related information about children for whom the Authority had significant safeguarding responsibilities and covered the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012.  The Operations Manager highlighted the Appendices to the report which provided detailed information on the management and performance data about safeguarding, reports analysing child protection case conference feedback and reports analysing staff availability and unmet need. 


            Councillor S. Jones commented on the time that children had spent on the child protection register and asked how many follow up visits were made to a child that had been removed from the register.


            The Service Manager for Childrens Fieldwork Service explained that once a child had been removed from the register, the case would remain open for a period of time and their case would be reviewed by an allocated Social Worker.


            The Chair commented on referrals received from members of the public and the Service Manager confirmed that referrals are receiving from members of the public and that meetings with the Police are also held daily.


            In response to a question on the increase in child protection referrals between April and June 2012, the Operations Manager explained that this had been due to a referral for a large sibling group.          




That the Committee accept the report as information in relation to Child Protection and Safeguarding for the period 1 October 2011 to 30 September 2012.



Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


               That subject to the foregoing, the Forward Work Programme be noted. 



The Learning and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme for the Committee.


            The next meeting of the Committee was scheduled to be held on the 28 January, 2013 to enable the Committee to consider budget proposals for 2013/14.  The Annual Council Reporting Framework report which was due to be submitted to the Committee on the 28 February would now be presented at a later date following a meeting of the Task Group and the consultation process.  The remaining items showing at Appendix 1 of the report for the forthcoming Committee meetings remained unaltered. 


            The Facilitator also advised the Committee that a joint meeting between the Committee and the Lifelong Learning Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be held on the 21 March, 2013.  At the Committee meeting on the 25 July, 2013 there could possibly be a report from the Social Services Improvement Agency regarding the pilot results based accountability model of intervention project but this would be dependent on officer availability.


            The Chair reported that she had contacted the Chief Executive to ask him to invite representatives of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board a special meeting of the Committee to discuss the proposed changes to the health service across North Wales.  The Committee would be advised further when a response had been received.    


            Councillor D.I. Mackie suggested that a report on adoption be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.  He raised concerns that the North Wales Adoption Service report submitted to the Committee on the 4 October 2012 had included a number of comparisons to the first year of service which he did not feel was valid.  The Committee agreed that a report on adoption, to include information around national changes to adoption and the allocation of cases to staff, be included on the forward work programme.


            Councillor V. Gay suggested that a report on welfare reform, detailing the impact this would have on foster parents and disabled children be submitted to the Committee.  The Chair suggested that the Committee invite Paul Neave to a future meeting to provide and update on the possible impacts welfare reform would have on disabled people, carers and foster parents.  The Committee agreed with this suggestion.               





               That subject to the foregoing, the Forward Work Programme be noted. 



Duration of Meeting


The meeting commenced at 2.00 pm and ended at 3.08 p.m.



Members of the Press and Public in Attendance


There was one member of the press in attendance.