Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the last meeting.
Decision: That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 24 October 2013 had been circulated with the agenda.
Matters arising
Carers Services in Flintshire Page 3: Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the request for information on the ‘buddy’ scheme and the Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator agreed to contact the relevant officers to see what progress had been made.
Page 4: The Facilitator confirmed that a response had been received from the Welsh Government regarding the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill and a copy had been circulated to Members.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
CSSIW Annual Review and Evaluation of Performance 2012/13 PDF 31 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the CSSIW’s evaluation of performance be noted; and
(b) That an Action Plan progress monitoring report be submitted to the Committee in six months time to ensure recommendations are implemented.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services introduced the report which provided an overview of CSSIW’s evaluation of social care in Flintshire. He advised that the report gave a positive view of social services in Flintshire and recognised the progress made by the Authority in the provision of Adult Services and Children’s Services.
The Director delivered a presentation on the key areas of progress for the year 2012/13 in Flintshire’s Social Services and areas for future improvement. The main points of the presentation were:
Adults Services
· As a result of the Authority’s emphasis on prevention, fewer people are supported in residential care and more are able to lead independent lives · The reablement service had been successful in helping people regain independence with the majority of users not requiring ongoing services · Adult safeguarding should be strengthened and the Authority had taken action to improve management of risk · There are ongoing issues in improving community health services with the Authority reporting that the complex decision making processes with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) had not always leant themselves to joint working for shared outcomes
Children’s Services
Potential Risks
The Chairman invited Members to raise questions.
Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the risk identified within the report regarding locally focused strategic planning with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB). She referred to the ongoing situation concerning Buckley Medical Health Centre and asked the Director of Community Services what work was being undertaken to focus strategic planning with BCUHB.
The Director of Community Services acknowledged the points raised by Councillor McGuill. He commented that more positive things had happened over the last six months and referred to the work of the Strategic Partnership Group which had met on three occasions in the last six months with the next meeting scheduled for January 2014. He commented that there had been small improvements but there was still a lot more to be done.
Councillor Dave Mackie congratulated the Cabinet ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
Mental Health Commissioning Plan – service update PDF 56 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the report be noted.
Minutes: The Head of Adult Services introduced a report to outline the plan for the provision of training, education and work opportunities within the context of supporting recovery for service users with a mental health. He advised that the strategy also aimed to address a gap in the area of accommodation support. The focus of the commissioning strategy excluded dementia or dementia related illnesses.
The Head of Adult Services provided background information and referred to the key considerations as detailed in the report. He advised that in formulating the strategy the key message was that the Mental Health Commissioning Strategy should continue to provide an approach that was community based and would further develop people’s rights to respect and have independent and fulfilled lives.
The Chairman thanked the Head of Adult Services for presenting the report and invited Members to raise questions.
In response to a question from Councillor Hilary McGuill regarding the need for an holistic approach to families where a member had mental health issues, the Mental Health and Substance Misuse Service Manager advised that all work with individuals involved working with family members and the service worked closely with Children’s Services and linked in with the integrated family support services.
Councillor Hilary Isherwood expressed concerns around mental illness which she felt was on the increase. She raised a number of concerns around substance misuse, funding, and access to transport services in rural areas to enable people with mental health issues to gain the help they require.
The Head of Adult Services advised that the Authority aimed to deliver a good level of service including early intervention strategies and referred to the work of the Drug and Alcohol Team.
In response to a question from the Chair the Cabinet Member for Social Services advised that waiting times for tier 1 and 2 mental health services met the standards set by the Welsh Government.
Councillor Veronica Gay raised a query regarding cross border services. The Director advised that he and the Head of Adult Services would be meeting with the Director of Adult Services in Chester in January 2014 and would be willing to raise any issues with him on behalf of members.
Councillor Hilary McGuill asked for details regarding the number on a waiting list for detox beds. The Mental Health and Substance Misuse Service Manager agreed to provide the requested information.
The Chair referred to paragraph2.1.4 of the report and challenged the information provided which suggested there would be a decrease of 45 children with a mental health problem in 2020 compared to 2011.
That the report be noted.
Dementia Commissioning Plan PDF 40 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the report be noted.
Minutes: The Head of Adult Services introduced a report on the Dementia Commissioning Strategy which outlined the Authority’s vision for long term care services for people living with dementia in Flintshire over the next five years. He advised that the focus of the document was primarily residential care services, but it recognised that much work was needed to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia in all settings. The strategy document described the overall direction of travel for these services and would be subject to review on an ongoing basis.
The Head of Adult Services provided background information and gave an overview of the main considerations which were detailed in the report concerning demography, carers, and key issues.
Councillor Marion Bateman commented on the number of dementia patients which were placed in local community hospitals. She referred to the need for appropriate training in dementia care and the additional pressures placed on nursing staff. In his response the Head of Adult Services referred to the importance in the strategy of providing good support to allow people to return to their own homes and if this was not possible to nursing care.
The Commissioning and Contract Monitoring Manager advised that a big part of the strategy included diversifying more beds for the EMI nursing sector.
The Director also acknowledged the pressures regarding care provision locally and nationally.
Councillor Hilary Isherwood referred to the early onset of dementia and commented on the differing needs of this user group.
The Commissioning and Contract Monitoring Manager advised that a resource centre was available for younger people with dementia and that direct payments were also available which gave service users more flexibility and independence. She commented that the Authority did not have any residential facilities for this group generally because people would rather be supported in their own homes and the Authority had looked at a more flexible way of providing respite. She added that the best form of dementia care is tailored to meet individual needs and circumstances. She also advised that the authority are working hard to upskill the workforce in dementia care. She acknowledged the pressures faced by carers who care for people with dementia.
Councillor Cindy Hinds referred to the sale of two community hospitals and asked what had happened to the funding which was to be protected for Health. The Head of Adult Services agreed to make enquiries and report back to the Committee.
Councillor Peter Curtis referred to the closure of Prestatyn and Flint community hospitals and expressed concern that facilities and resources are not sufficient to care for the numbers requiring hospital care resulting in bed blocking.
Councillor Hilary McGuill asked regarding plans for further extra care developments in Flintshire over the next 6 years. The Director of Community Services referred to the housing strategy and said that 2 further extra care units were planned within that timescale for North West Flintshire. He advised that further discussions needed to be held to determine a long term ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Improvement Plan Monitoring Report PDF 28 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the issues outlined above be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at joint working with BCUHB.
Minutes: The Environment and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the 2013/14 Mid Year Improvement Plan Monitoring Report relevant to the Committee for the period April to September 2013. She advised that the Improvement Plan Monitoring Report explained the progress being made towards delivery of the impacts set out in the Improvement Plan. The Facilitator invited the Director of Community Services to report on the Improvement Plan sub-priority reports on Independent Living and Integrated Community Social and Health Services, which were appended to the report.
Commenting on the improvements achieved around delivering Disabled Facilities Grants Councillor Cindy Hinds expressed praise for the services provided by the Care and Repair Service.
Councillor Hilary McGuill referred to the need for effective joint working with BCUHB and expressed concerns regarding action planning/strategic direction.
Discussion took place around Mental Health & Dementia commissioning strategies which demonstrated high dependency on partnership working with BCUHB and Members were concerned regarding the risks to future provision of services for the residents of Flintshire and the impact on budgets.
The Chair again highlighted the need for partnership working with BCUHB and suggested that the issues be drawn to the attention of the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.
Commenting on the new format of the performance reports Councillor Hilary McGuill asked that more detail be provided in future reports on how services progress from red to green.
That the issues outlined above be referred to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee to look at joint working with BCUHB.
Mid Year Service Performance Report PDF 25 KB Additional documents:
Decision: That the Director of Community Services circulates to the Committee the report on absence management which was submitted to the meeting of Cabinet held on 19 November 2013.
Minutes: The Director of Community Services introduced the 2013/14 Mid Year Service Performance report produced at Head of Service/Divisional level under the adopted business model of the Council which covered the period April to September 2013. He advised that detailed Mid Year Service Performance Reports were appended to the report for Adult Social Services, and Children’s Social Services.
Members requested that information on sickness absence for Adult Social Services be provided. The Director of Community Services agreed to circulate to the Committee the report on absence management that was submitted to the meeting of Cabinet held on 19 November 2013.
That the Director of Community Services circulates to the Committee the report on absence management which was submitted to the meeting of Cabinet held on 19 November 2013.
Forward Work Programme PDF 25 KB Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the report be noted;
(b) That an item on Rota Visits be included as an agenda item for a future meeting of the Committee.
Minutes: The Environment and Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report to consider the Forward Work Programme of the Committee. She advised that the following items were scheduled for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 9 January 2014:
During discussion it was suggested and agreed that an item on Rota Visits be included as an agenda item for a future meeting of the Committee.
The Facilitator advised that following agreement with the Overview & Scrutiny Chairs, officers had agreed to run all Member workshops in December to consider the 2014/15 budget.
(a) That the report be noted;
(b) That an item on Rota Visits be included as an agenda item for a future meeting of the Committee.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There was one member of the press in attendance.