Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Hybrid meeting

Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


None were received.


None were received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27 October 2022.

Additional documents:


That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 July 2022 were approved and moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Robert Davies.




          That the minutes be approved as a correct record.


Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


(a)             That the draft Forward Work Programme be noted;


(b)             That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and


(c)             That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions.


            The Social Care and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the current Forward Work Programme and informed Members that the Council Plan 2022-23 Mid Year Performance Reporting would be at the next meeting on 19th January 2023 after it had been to Informal Cabinet.  She also informed Members that Nanny Biscuit had confirmed that they would be attending the meeting on 2nd March 2023 to give a presentation on the work that they do in the Community and within Flintshire.  She reported that it was hoped that Members would be able to visit North East Wales Community Equipment Service (NEWCES) prior to the meeting on 20th April which would benefit new Members.  Going forward it was expected that an item would be put on a future agenda to discuss Disabled Facility Grants and Occupational Therapy which was raised at a recent meeting with Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.


            She reported that Councillor Mackie had received a response in connection with the queries he had with the Council Plan and at the request of the Chair, all Members would receive a copy of that response.


            Members were encouraged to contact the Facilitator if they had any items they wanted including in the Forward Work Programme.


            The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by CouncillorRob Davies.        




(a)             That the draft Forward Work Programme be noted;


(b)             That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and


(c)             That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions.


Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Setting 2023-24 (Stage 2)


(a)         That the Social Care portfolios cost pressures be noted;


(b)         That the Social Care portfolios options to reduce budgets be noted; and


(c)          That the Committee advises on any areas of cost efficiency it believes should be explored further.


Exclusion of the press and public was moved by Councillor Owen and seconded by Councillor Robert Davies.


                      A presentation was provided by the Chief Officer (Social Services) which covered the following areas:-


·           Reminder of the Council’s Budget Position

·           Social Services Cost Pressures

·           Social Services Budget Reductions

·           Social Services – Past Efficiencies

·           Adult Social Care – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Children’s Services – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Safeguarding and Commissioning – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Out of County Cost Pressure

·           Budget Procedure – Stage 2

·           Budget Procedure – Stage 3 (Final)


Following the presentation, officers responded to questions raised by Members.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Owen.




(a)         That the Social Care portfolios cost pressures be noted;


(b)         That the Social Care portfolios options to reduce budgets be noted; and


(c)          That the Committee advises on any areas of cost efficiency it believes should be explored further.


Annual Report of the North Wales Regional Partnership Board 2021/2022 pdf icon PDF 93 KB

Additional documents:


(a)         That the work that is required to be undertaken by the Regional partnership Board be noted; and


(b)         That the work and progress undertaken in 2021/22 on the work areas being taken forward through the North Wales Regional Partnership Board be noted.


            The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning introduced the report which was a requirement within the Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 that each Regional Partnership Board (RPB) prepared, published and submitted its annual report to Welsh Government (WG).


            The purpose of Part 9 of the Act was to improve outcomes and well-being of people, as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.  The key aims of co-operation, partnership and integration were:-


·         To improve care and support, ensuring people have more say and control

·         To improve outcomes and health and well-being

·         Provide co-ordinated, person centred care and support

·         Make more effective use of resources, skills and expertise


The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning agreed to ask the Regional Board for all 125 who were included on the Project Integrated Care Fund Project list at a request from the Chair.


            Councillor Mackie was concerned about the error on the contents page of the North Wales Regional Partnership Board and also questioned if the report was a generic report that had been written following WG guidelines as it was hard to scrutinise due to lack of information it contained.


            The Senior Manager - Safeguarding and Commissioning responded to his concerns and explained that the structure of the report was set out within legislation but agreed that content was not.  She confirmed that she would contact the Regional Collaboration Team who wrote the report to feedback comments as it was important if others have not identified points raised.


            The Chief Officer (Social Services) stated that both he and Councillor Jones were members of RPB and would report back to the Board but he pointed out that there were some deliverable actions contained in the report within a circular chart, but agreed that there should be the same level of delivery at a regional level as at local level.  He added that the support from the RPB had helped which was not obvious from the report.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




(a)         That the work that is required to be undertaken by the Regional partnership Board be noted; and


(b)         That the work and progress undertaken in 2021/22 on the work areas being taken forward through the North Wales Regional Partnership Board be noted.


Double Click pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


That the progress and success of Double Click be noted.


The Service Manager for Children with Disabilities and Adults under 65 Yearspresented the report, informing Members that Double Click Social Enterprise supported people with mental health problems in occupational achievement.  She explained that it was previously a Social Services work scheme but transformed into a Social Enterprise in 2016 and that they were based in Rowley’s Drive in Shotton providing design and print services for the public and offered training and employment qualifications to over 20 people with mental health problems at any one time.  She introduced Andy Lloyd-Jones, the General Manager of Double Click, who was at the meeting to answer any questions from Members.


The Chair advised Members that they would each be given a product guide and a calendar as a sample of their work which was produced by former trainee who was now a volunteer and mentored two trainees in photography at Double Click.   She added that at a recent visit she was amazed at the increased confidence in some of the people.


Councillor Mackie admitted that he did not think Double Click would work when he read the business plan a number of years ago but happily had been proved wrong and agreed that they do a great job.


In response to a concern from Councillor Mackie, the General Manager confirmed that there were a number of businesses called ‘Double Click’ but did not want to change the name as the people that used them were loyal local businesses and as well as being a commercial business, they were also a training and development support unit.  He added that income had increased every year since it started in 2016 even during the pandemic which he was very proud of.  He added that the introduction of online training during that time was a positive thing which was something they hoped to introduce again in the future at this would benefit people who were too anxious to go out.  He welcomed any Members to go and visit them to see the work that they did.


Councillor Owen asked how to refer people to Double Click and in response the General Manager said the first point of contact was Alison Adams before being referred for an informal meeting with Double Click to make sure that Double Click was right for the person and the person was right for them but unfortunately there was a waiting list. The Service Manager for Children with Disabilities and Adults under 65 Yearsinformed Members that Alison Adams, who took referrals for Double Click and various other mental health options, worked in Mental Health Support Services for Flintshire County Council and that she would find out how long the waiting list was and inform Members.


Councillor Gladys Healey asked if they recruited school leavers who left school with no qualifications and low confidence.  The Service Manager for Children with Disabilities and Adults under 65 Years advised that referrals came through the mental health team but they needed to be over the age  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Growing Places and HFT pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee notes the progress made through the partnership with Hft and supports extending the contract as per the extension clause.


The Commissioning Manager introduced the report giving an update on the Learning Disability Day and Work Opportunities Services and the current contractual situation with a partner organisation called Hft.  Hft were a nationwide, charitable organisation with a 5 year contract to deliver the service with the Council effective from February 2018 with an option in the contract to extend for a further 2 years until January 2025. They provided meaningful activities across several day centres and work environments and also provided respite for people that used services, and for their families and carers.  The service supported people to learn new skills, prepare for paid and voluntary employment, promoted independence and the development of social networks.


The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that Hft was a financial success similar to Double Click and had brought in huge added value from their own resources both financially and creatively.  The reinvigoration of the group of services was startling as some of the services needed to be renewed which they had, eg Hwb Cyfle being the centre piece.  He made reference to point 2.02 in the report and stated that the renewal of the contract should reflect that non-TUPE staff should be considered for inflationary increases along with other running costs.


Councillor Mackie thanked the Chief Officer (Social Services) for his comments and appreciated that all information could not be given in the report as it was commercially sensitive but suggested that all the information that he had just verbally given should be included in the report in order to agree the extension of the 2 year contract.


In response the Chief Officer (Social Services) took his point on board and hoped that the 2 year extension was confirmed and then more detail of their success would be discussed at a later date.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.




That the Committee notes the progress made through the partnership with Hft and supports extending the contract as per the extension clause.


Members of the Press and Public in Attendance

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