Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Hybrid meeting
Contact: Jan Kelly 01352 702301 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
Council Fund Budget 2024/25 PDF 109 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Social Services portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted. Minutes: The Strategic Finance Manager introduced the report which provided an overview of the progress so far and reflected on the disappointing funding which was received from Welsh Government (WG). She provided an outline on the impacts on the portfolios of the Council and the proposals for Social Services which were being presented today.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) commented that the portfolio had done its part to enable the Council to obtain a balanced budget.
The Senior Manager for Children’s Services referred to the proposed efficiency proposals for Children Services which included an update on the Council’s 5 residential care properties, information on the service review of Adult and Children’s Services and the use of grant funding opportunities.
The Senior Manager for Integrated Services and Lead Adults referred to the work which had been undertaken looking at a number of areas whilst not impacting frontline services. Information was provided on the review of Adult Services, effective in-house services keeping people out of hospital and the difficulties with regard to recruitment. An update was provided regarding Marleyfield and the approach by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB) to increase the funding that they provided for this service. An overview of the review which had taken place with NEWCIS around the stores items purchased was given together with information on how grant funding was targeted and used differently.
The Senior Manager for Safeguarding and Commissioning provided information on how the vacancy management and recruitment challenges within frontline roles were protected. Information was provided on the reduction in the regional contribution and the work undertaken by the Regional Partnership Board and Regional collaboration team. She then referred to the Appointee and Deputyship Service charges, the work undertaken looking for efficiency savings within contracts with the third sector and young adults who attend residential college. An update was also given on Older People’s Commissioning and Care Commissioning.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that point 1.07 in the report provided a list of ongoing risks for the portfolio which was adversely impacted by the difficulties with recruitment and retention of social workers. He referred to the in-year Government grants and the growth in service demand for Adult and Children’s Social Care.
Councillor Dave Mackie thanked officers for all the work carried out and the additional work done to address budget reductions. He referred to the section within the report around all Portfolios being asked to revisit their cost base to look again at potential ways of reducing budgets or removing cost pressures to contribute more to meeting the remaining gap, and asked if the Social Services Portfolio had set a target for further reducing budget?
In relation to the proposed charge for appointee services, Councillor Mackie asked how much would the cost be per individual and also in relation to the proposed Disability services charging for college placements, how much would the charges be?
The Senior Manager for Safeguarding and Commissioning explained that in relation to the proposed charge for appointee services, the ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Statutory and Non-Statutory Services - Social Services PDF 99 KB Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee note the provision of the listed statutory and non-statutory services included Minutes: Introducing the report the Chief Officer (Social Services) explained the purpose was to identify which services were statutory and non-statutory as there was no national agreement in place. Point 1.01 of the report outlined the various legislations in place for Social Services with the Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 being the primary legislation for the portfolio. Point 1.04 of the report highlighted that the vast majority of the services provided were statutory with the Learning Disabilities Transformation Fund, Flying Start and Vacancy Management the three which were non-statutory.
The recommendation within the report were moved and seconded by Councillors Dave Mackie and Councillor Gladys Healey.
That the Committee note the provision of the listed statutory and non-statutory services included. |
Corporate Parenting Charter - A Promise for Wales PDF 2 MB Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That that committee recommends that Flintshire County Council adopts ‘the pledge’ and adopts the Corporate Parenting Charter: ‘A Promise for Wales.’
(b) That the Children’s Services Forum take a lead in measuring organisational success and commitment to the Corporate Parenting Charter. Minutes: In presenting the report the Senior Manager for Children’s Services referenced the launch by Welsh Government (WG) of the Corporate Parenting Charter: A Promise for Wales in September 2023. Information was provided on the 11 principles and 9 promises which were contained within the Charterand formed part of an ambitious vision for transforming Children’s Services in Wales. It was explained how the Young Ambassadors who had attended the Care Leavers Summit and met Welsh Government Ministers had developed the shared vision for the future, these included young people from Flintshire. It was explained that if Flintshire signed the Charter and Promises it must ensure that the promises and ambitions were heard within the council with young voices involved. Work had been undertaken to deliver this to ensure that it was successful and once the Council had signed up it was proposed to report back annually on the progress and difference that it was making.
In response to a question from Councillor Carol Ellis, the Cabinet Member for Social Services confirmed that this would be presented to Cabinet and full Council to enable every member to be part of the process.
Councillor Hilary McGuill was delighted that this was here for all Councillors to sign and referred to the work undertaken by the children on the Childrens Services Forum who were an asset to the Council. They had assisted with processes around the interview process and housing and their contributions had been invaluable.
The first recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Hilary McGuill and Carol Ellis.
The second recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Gladys Healey and Mel Buckley.
(a) That that committee recommends that Flintshire County Council adopts ‘the pledge’ and adopts the Corporate Parenting Charter: ‘A Promise for Wales.’
(b) That the Children’s Services Forum take a lead in measuring organisational success and commitment to the Corporate Parenting Charter. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Additional documents: Decision: There were no members of the press or public in attendance.
Minutes: There were no members of the press or public in attendance. |