Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Remote Meeting
Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: None were received. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2020. Additional documents: Decision: That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2020 were submitted.
Matters arising
Councillor Gladys Healey raised further concerns regarding the lack of monitoring for children who are home schooled. The Senior Manager: Children and Workforce advised that this continued to be a live issue in Wales and remained a significant concern for the Children’s Commissioner. Members supported the suggestion that a joint letter be sent from the Chair of the Committee and the Chair of the Education & Youth Overview & Scrutiny to the relevant Minister at the Welsh Government with a copy to the Children’s Commissioner.
The minutes were moved by Councillor Dave Mackie and seconded by Councillor David Wisinger.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions. Minutes:
The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the current Forward Work Programme for consideration. She referred to the items for consideration at the next and future meetings of the Committee and invited members to raise any items they wished to be included for consideration on the forward work programme.
Referring to the action tracking report which was appended to the report The Facilitator advised that there were currently no outstanding actions from previous meetings.
Councillor Carol Ellis suggested that an update be provided on the vaccination process. The Chair advised that an email had been circulated by the Chief Executive with the vaccination strategy as an attachment which was very informative. Key questions regarding the vaccination process should be directed to the Chief Executive via email.
Councillor Cindy Hinds asked that a report on disability and discrimination be considered by the Committee. The Chief Officer advised that the Strategic Policy Advisor was the lead officer for this area of work as it was a corporate issue. Further enquiries would be made to ascertain how this request could be progressed.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions. |
Council Plan 2020/21 Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee notes the developed themes of the Council Plan 2021/22 prior to approval by Cabinet. Minutes: The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced a report to consider the proposed Council Plan for 2020/21 with specific focus on the Committee’s respective portfolio. He provided background information and gave a brief summary of the Plan.
The Chief Officer invited the Strategic Performance Advisor to outline the contents of the draft plan and the process for further development. The Strategic Performance Advisor informed the Committee that a number of elements within the plan had been revised. He advised that the Wellbeing objectives were embedded within the plan and further work had taken place on the development of themes. He added that with regard to monitoring of the Plan, the aim was to be able to demonstrate impact as an authority in a strategic sense. He welcomed any comments and suggestions to be included which would be fed back to the Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee in February before being considered by Cabinet in March/April. Work on Part 2 of the Plan would commence shortly to develop tasks, milestones, measures, and risks. He commented that the Council Plan was ambitious but also realistic in view of current circumstances.
Councillor David Mackie welcomed the contents of the priority area: Personal and Community Well-being which he felt was comprehensive and well presented. He requested further information on the following as outlined on page 25 of the Plan:
· The Well Fed at Home service · Hospital to Home meals service · Mobile meals Service
Councillor Mackie drew attention to a duplication on page 27 (explore opportunities to develop a young person’s homeless hub) which appeared in two sections. Referring to page 28 he questioned whether the fourth bullet point (supporting our tenants to access technology and increase sustainable digital communities) should be in the digital communities section. On page 30 he referred to the Circular Economy section and specifically to the fourth bullet point which he felt needed further clarification.
The Chief Officer advised that further detailed information on the above could be obtained from the Benefits Manager who was the lead officer for this area of work.
The Strategic Performance Advisor explained the process for reviewing progress of the plan once adopted, and said a performance report on the whole Plan would be presented to each Overview & Scrutiny Committee with the relevant areas highlighted for each specific committee.
The Chair referred to the earlier discussion around monitoring of home schooling and suggested this should be incorporated within the Plan. Councillor Gladys Healey concurred with the views expressed by the Chair that this area should be included in the Plan. The Chief Officer suggested that the Education and Skills section of the report could be an area where the home schooling issue might be reflected. Councillor Carol Ellis commented that this was an aspiration and suggested it could be included under child poverty in relation to having access to technology, equipment, and books for home schooling.
The Cabinet Member for Social Services agreed on the importance of keeping home schooling under review. She gave an explanation ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Young Carers – NEWCIS Contract Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Committee thank officers for the report and congratulate Flintshire Social Services for developing the much needed Young Carers Support Service;
(b) That the Committee further commends NEWCIS for setting up the Flintshire Young Carers Support Service and for performing above the expectations in the service contract and delivery outcomes, and for developing the Young Carers ID Card;
(c) That funding for the Young Carers Support Service be reviewed in 12 months; and
(d) That the Committee propose that a press release be issued regarding the Young Carers – NEWCIS contract. Minutes: The Chair commented on the excellent standard of the report which was submitted to the Committee for consideration.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) introduced the report and provided background information. He invited the Planning and Development Officer and Chief Executive Officer of NEWCIS to present the report.
The Planning and Development Officer advised that the Social Services Well-being Act had introduced significant and positive changes for both unpaid adult and young carers which had resulted in an opportunity to review the Young Carers service contract which ended in March last year. Four young carers had been part of the tendering process by supporting officers as equal partners. This included shaping the service, choosing questions and interviewing prospective service providers which had resulted in NEWCIS being awarded the contract.
Referring to the New Young Carers ID Card she advised that the new card would build on the foundations of the A2A card previously adopted by Flintshire. She added that Flintshire had decided to take a regional approach to the development of the national Young Carers ID Card, working with Conwy, Denbighshire and Wrexham Councils and the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. A communication plan was being worked on collectively with partners including the launch of the new card and potentially involving high profile celebrities currently planned for the 16 March 2021 to mark Young Carers Awareness day.
The Chief Executive of NEWCIS expressed her delight at acquiring the contract in July last year. Whilst Covid 19 restrictions were not factored in whilst drawing up the tender, it had not stopped progress, and had encouraged more innovation in service delivery with virtual meetings due to restrictions on face to face meeting opportunities. Going forward it was expected that there would be a mix of virtual and physical interaction. She added that the service was extremely busy and working with young carers was proving to be very positive for NEWCIS staff, whilst recognising there had been a few difficult cases. She referred to the significant rise in participants both in the under 18 and 18-25 age groups. Going forward, she was confident that NEWCIS would continue to provide a good service and referred to good regional links with Credu who provide young carer services for other local authority areas and cited Wrexham and Denbighshire as examples. The Chief Executive Officer was particularly pleased to report that in December a young carer had been employed by NEWCIS and funding had been made available to support a young carer to start his own business. She commented on the enthusiasm of the young people despite the ongoing challenges of the current pandemic.
The Chair referred to section 1.11 of the report which stated that 201 new referrals had been received between July and September 2020. The Chief Executive Officer explained this was mainly due to publicity in partnership with social services and through the development of a more robust social media presence. She added that the power of social media had allowed the Service to engage ... view the full minutes text for item 27. |
Marleyfield House update Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the Committee notes the progress made on the Marleyfield House Expansion Project, as a strategic priority for Social Services; and
(b) That the Committee notes the key upcoming project activities including developing and implementing the operational model with the Health Board. Minutes: The Senior Manager Integrated Services and Lead Adults introduced the report to update on progress. She advised that a 32 bed expansion at Marleyfield House in Buckley was currently under construction taking in-house capacity from 90 to 112. The work commenced in April 2020 and progress was substantial and on target for handover was 21 May 2021, with an opening date in the second week of June 2021. Residents moving in on a phased approach.
The Senior Manager advised that capital funding had been made available to refresh the original Marleyfield House and exterior and interior work was being undertaken on the building to update the appearance. She invited the Committee to visit the premises prior to opening in line with Covid-19 guidelines and said this could be co-ordinated through the Chair and the Committee’s Facilitator nearer to the time. She explained that the model of support would include 16 placements available for discharge to assess and recover a “step down facility” and 16 additional long-term placements, whilst maintaining some flexibility on placements to meet service needs. She added that learning from the opening of Ty Treffynnon would inform the operation of the assess and recover placements. Support from BCUHB had been good and funding had been secured for an advanced nurse practitioner in addition to support from district nurses, whilst a consultant would have oversight of the beds.
Councillor Carol Ellis welcomed the update and said she was very pleased with the progress achieved and looked forward to the opening of the facility in Buckley. She thanked the Chief Officer, Service Manager, and all staff involved and in addition the previous Council leadership for moving this initiative forward on behalf of the residents of Buckley and Flintshire.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Carole Ellis and seconded by Councillor David Wisinger.
(a) That the Committee notes the progress made on the Marleyfield House Expansion Project, as a strategic priority for Social Services; and
(b) That the Committee notes the key upcoming project activities including developing and implementing the operational model with the Health Board. |
Plas yr Ywen (Holywell Extra Care) Additional documents:
Decision: That the Committee notes the progress of the Plas yr Ywen Extra Care Scheme and the operational timeframe. Minutes: The Senior Manager Integrated Services and Lead Adults introduced the report to update on progress with the new £8.5 million extra care facility in Holywell. She advised that whilst the facility had been due to open in March 2020, fire regulations had changed prior to the opening and this had required further work being undertaken to meet new regulations. In addition Covid-19 had created additional challenges, thus lengthening the time taken to complete the development. The facility will offer 55 spacious apartments with a number being allocated to people with Dementia. She added that Plas yr Ywen has a new smart digital solution being used in the scheme (the Appello Living Hub) which included features such as digital emergency alarm, voice and video calling, notifications, video door entry, telecare compatibility and smart home connectivity. The benefits for staff included call records and 7 day histories, pendant device management, battery life alerts and notifications.
The Senior Manager advised that whilst lettings were full last March, some people allocated a place no longer required it for a range of reasons. She provided reassurance that there were 45 applications and people would be moved in as soon as practicable. The aim was to adhere to the one-third high level need, one-third medium level and one-third not yet needing support. Recruited staff had been redeployed to other work areas to provide care, e.g. Ty Treffynnon. The opening date will be reviewed in February with a view to opening in mid-March depending on lockdown measures.
The Chief Officer Social Services welcomed the positive comments from Members. He referred to the Council Plan and commented on how provision was being increased to ensure Flintshire was a leading provider within the County and said the Council Plan signalled a commitment to extend in-house provision further in the future. The Chair welcomed the comments by the Chief Officer and said she hoped the Council would continue to build extra care facilities in the future suggesting that areas such as Penyffordd, Broughton, and other areas were not catered for at the current time.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.
That the Committee notes the progress of the Plas yr Ywen Extra Care Scheme and the operational timeframe. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Additional documents: Minutes: There were no members of the press in attendance.