Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Clwyd Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Nicola Gittins / Maureen Potter / Sharon Thomas / 01352 702345 / 702322 / 702324
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
To approve the minute of the meeting on 4 June 2018. Decision: That the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the typographical errors being amended. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 4th June 2018 were submitted and, subject to the typographical errors being amended, were confirmed as a correct record.
That the minutes be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to the typographical errors being amended. |
Dispensations To receive any requests for dispensations. Decision: The Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that none had been received. Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that none had been received. |
Report back from the Standards Committee Forum - 29th June 2018 To receive a verbal report. Decision: That the feedback from the Standards Committee Forum on 29th June 2018 be noted. Minutes: The Standards Committee representative, Phillipa Earlam, provided a verbal update on the topics that had been discussed at the Standards Committee Forum on 29th June 2018, hosted by Gwynedd Council, which were as follows:
Prior to the Forum, Flintshire’s Monitoring Officer had circulated the first draft guidance from the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) on the use of social media for Members, the content of which was mirrored in many respects by a presentation delivered by the Communications Director at Gwynedd Council. Some of the points discussed were:
· Social media could be a good means of communication between a Councillor and their electorate but the risks and downsides were emphasised; · The use of public and private accounts; · How to respond to criticism; · Online discussions; · You can’t control a conversation; · If you set up a facebook account by way of a means to be contacted, you needed to ensure you kept a regular check on the account to ensure timely responses; · Data Protection breaches, particularly in relation to photographs and gaining consent for use; and · Thinking about your audience.
The Communications Team in Gwynedd provided regular workshops for Members where they could help them set up social media accounts and provide them with advice and guidance on how to take care online.
It was agreed that the issues discussed would be reported back to Standards Committees and a discussion to follow with the Monitoring Officer, IT and the Communications Team on the draft Social Media Policy and discussions would follow between the respective Monitoring Officers, IT and Communications teams on the draft Social Media Policy. It was not yet a formal draft and the date for when it would be sent out for consultation was not yet known. Comments could possibly be fed back to the Conference in September.
Anglesey had tabled questions in relation to the proposed merger of local authorities, which had since been superseded, and raised that if Gwynedd Council and Anglesey County Council merged there would be in excess of 100 town and community councils and this was where the majority of their current issues came from. They also asked if the number of town and community councils needed to be reduced.
Denbighshire County Council commented that they had seen a decrease in complaints relating to town and community councils and they felt this was due to the effective training of Clerks by the Monitoring Officer which saw an improvement in procedures.
A question was asked by Anglesey County Council as to how other Councils appointed a town or community council representative to their Standards Committee, commenting that it had been a long process for them.
On the Local Resolution Protocol, a Chair of a Standards Committee had been encouraged by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) to undertake dispute mediation training with a view to providing mediation direct as opposed to going to the Ombudsman. Feedback was it was a difficult role to undertake and could possibly undermine the Standards Committee in the future ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Standards Conference - for information The Standards Conference will take place on 14th September 2018 in the Medrus Conference Suite, Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion. Decision: (a) That the details be received;
(b) That an email be sent out to seek expressions of interest in attendance at the Conference. Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that the Standards Conference was scheduled to take place on 14th September 2018 in Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion.
The Chair said he was annual leave on that date so it was agreed that an email would be sent to seek expressions of interest in attending. The Council would be allocated four places.
(a) That the details be received;
(b) That an email be sent out to seek expressions of interest in attendance at the Conference. |
Forward Work Programme For the Committee to consider topics to be included on the attached Forward Work Programme. Decision: That the Forward Work Programme be noted, including the suggestions above. Minutes: The Chairman introduced the Forward Work Programme and invited suggestions for any items.
Julia Hughes said she thought at a previous meeting it had been agreed that a report on the Overview of Ethical Complaints would be put on the agenda for each meeting. The Deputy Monitoring Officer said he would check the resolution from when that item was considered. If it had not been resolved to include it on the agenda for each meeting it could be discussed at the next meeting to agree a frequency of reporting.
Councillor Johnson said it had been agreed in April 2018 that a template annual report would be sent to Councillors but he had not received it. The Deputy Monitoring Officer said he would follow that up.
Julia Hughes suggested the following for the Forward Work Programme:
· Feedback from visits to town and community councils to be on the Forward Work Programme for October, December, February, April and June; · Consultation on Social Media Guidance – to be included on the Forward Work Programme once the consultation date was known; · Upcoming vacancy in November – consideration of the process; and · Verbal update from the Standards Committee Conference
That the Forward Work Programme be noted, including the suggestions above. |
LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ACCESS TO INFORMATION) ACT 1985 - TO CONSIDER THE EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following item by virtue of exempt information under paragraph 18a of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act (as amended). |
Review of the Members’ Code of Conduct
That the Committee notes that the evidence
indicates that existing systems seem to be working and that the
members’ Code of Conduct does not need revision. Decision: That it be noted that the evidence indicates that existing systems seem to be working and that the Members’ Code of Conduct does not need revision. Minutes: The Deputy Monitoring Officer introduced the Review of the Members’ Code of Conduct report following a request at the last meeting for the Committee to see the outcome letters from the two complaints considered by the Ombudsman against County Councillors in 2017.
Councillor Woolley said the report demonstrated that the current processes and existing systems worked well.
Phillipa Earlam said she felt the letters appended to the report were not in “plain English” and complainants could find it difficult to understand the content.
That it be noted that the evidence indicates that existing systems seem to be working and that the Members’ Code of Conduct does not need revision. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were no members of the press or public in attendance. |