Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: to be confirmed
Contact: Jan Kelly / 01352 702301 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Decision: Cllr Dave Mackie; Cllr Colin Legg;
Minutes: Cllr Dave Mackie; Cllr Colin Legg; |
Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests. Additional documents: Decision: None declared but noted those elected members who are school governors. Minutes: None declared but noted those elected members who are school governors. |
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting on 25 November 2022. Additional documents: Decision: Agreed as a correct record. No matters arising Minutes: Agreed as a correct record. No matters arising |
Religion, Values and Ethics Guidance and legislation (links below) To receive a verbal update at the meeting by Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio.
Legislation Links,-values-and-ethics,-values-and-ethics
Guidance Links
Additional documents: Decision: Action; VB to update future meeting on work of the pilot scheme
VB thanked JD for gathering the work from pupils which members previously would have received presentations direct from pupils. The meeting welcomed the opportunity to visit schools again when possible.
Minutes: VB referred to the web-based document links circulated with the agenda noting that the resources associated with the legislation and guidance are only available on line and no longer to be published as hard copies.
VB welcomed the inclusion of RVE in the new curriculum noting that the guidance has been informed by the contributions from this and other SACRE groups and advised that the documents were therefore the key reference documents. She advised that the documents should be agreed as fit for purpose and used therefore in order to meet our statutory objective for an Agreed Syllabus. The meeting noted that the Agreed Syllabus Conference would be formally opened at the end of this meeting and all members invited to attend. Cllr JA joined the meeting 16.05pm.
Members were asked to note the recommendation to the Conference that a working group be established to advise on the content of the Agreed Syllabus which would be brought back to full Conference for adoption in May. VB hoped that as many members as possible would participate in the two workshop meetings planned.
JD shared powerpoint presentation of examples from ST. Marys, Hawarden village and Westwood primary schools of their work using RVE within the four purposes of the new Curriculum, for example of how they would make refugees welcome.
Cllr CB thanked JD for sharing inspirational work from pupils. VB advised that the council had a core package of support, including for schools. Those schools who had received refugees had given them a warm welcome. A pilot scheme underway for schools to become a School of Sanctuary with a launch of the pilot in the Summer Term.
Action; VB to update future meeting on work of the pilot scheme |
Presentation - School based Religion, Values and Ethics Guidance project on Identity and Belonging To receive a presentation by Jennie Downes, St Asaph Diocesan Education Officer. Additional documents: |
Correspondence Additional documents: Decision: Action: comments back to VB who will feed back at WASACRE AGM.
No other business raised. Minutes: VB informed the meeting of email received today from WASCARE notifying local SACREs of four vacancies on Committee with nominations due by 8 April 2022.
Action: VB to circulate letter to members and any expressions of interest to be notified to VB. Cllr CB noted the forthcoming election period and the possibility of new Elected Members.
Action: comments back to VB who will feed back at WASACRE AGM.
No other business raised. |
Future Meetings The next meeting of Flintshire SACRE will be held at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8th June 2022.
Additional documents: Decision: The next meeting of Flintshire SACRE will be held at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8th June 2022. Minutes: The next meeting of Flintshire SACRE will be held at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8th June 2022. |
ATTENDANCE BY MEMBERS OF THE PRESS Additional documents: Minutes: None |