Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote attendance meeting

Contact: Jan Kelly / 01352 702301  Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Chair for 2022-2023

To appoint a Chair of the Committee for 2022-2023.

Additional documents:


Cllr MB was nominated and accepted as Chair.


KB welcomed colleagues to the meeting.  It was confirmed that the numbers present meant that the meeting was quorate and invited nominations for appointment of Chair.  Cllr MB was nominated and accepted as Chair.


Appointment of Vice-Chair for 2022-2023

To appoint a Vice Chair of the Committee for the year 2022–2023.

Additional documents:


Following discussion, the meeting agreed to the proposal of Mr Julian Lewis as Vice Chair to the Committee.


KB advised election of Vice Chair be considered in a rotating pattern from the representative group and called for nominations in turn from the Church Representatives.  Following discussion, the meeting agreed to the proposal of Mr Julian Lewis as Vice Chair to the Committee.


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


John Morgan, St. Anthony RC School; Councillors Adele Davies-Cooke and Roz Mansell; Amira Mattar Westwood CP School, Buckley; Claire Homard Chief Officer; and Robert Hughes, Coleg Cambria



Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct

Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests. 

Additional documents:


None declared


None declared


Minutes of Meetings held on 9 February 2022 and 24 November 2022 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 9th February 2022 and 24th November 2022.

Additional documents:


Agreed: minutes accepted as a true record.


In response to Cllr AP, VB advised that the meeting was receiving the minutes of the meetings of 9 February and 24 November 2022 as the May meeting had been cancelled pending confirmation of Elected members and the November meeting was not quorate. The minutes could not be submitted for approval until this meeting.


Agreed: minutes accepted as a true record.


Annual Report 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 163 KB

To receive a draft annual report for approval from Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio.

Additional documents:


The meeting accepted the report and unanimously approved. Chair thanked VB on behalf of the meeting for the work that had gone into producing the report. 


VB presented the detailed draft Annual Report on the work of SACRE during the last year. The meeting accepted the report and unanimously approved. Chair thanked VB on behalf of the meeting for the work that had gone into producing the report. 


Analysis of Inspection Report pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To receive a report from Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio.

Additional documents:


Action: VB to share examples in future reports


The committee acknowledged the report and asked that schools be thanked for their hard work on behalf of SACRE.


Action: VB to acknowledge


VB referred to the detailed report circulated with the agenda. VB informed new members of the Committee of our practice to look at last term’s Estyn reports on RVE and Collective Worship.


VB pleased to note that there were no recommendations on statutory practices for those schools inspected and that RVE is well positioned to enable pupils to understand their local and wider community.


Action: VB to share examples in future reports


Cllr PC pleased to see examples of diversity expressed in schools and was encouraged by school celebrations through collective worship. VB endorsed the view that a real strength of our schools is how they embrace collective worship.

The committee acknowledged the report and asked that schools be thanked for their hard work on behalf of SACRE.


Action: VB to acknowledge


Terms of Reference for Standing Advisory Council

To receive an update on the terms of reference from Kim Brookes, Senior Manager, Business Support and School Governance, Education and Youth Portfolio.

Additional documents:


Agreed: Committee agreed the recommendation that the membership of SACRE /SAC for RVE remain the same to 2025.


Action: Draft terms of reference to be considered at future meeting



KB informed the meeting that as the new curriculum is not yet fully implemented, Wales Government have advised Authorities that whilst the existing SACRE and future Standing Advisory Council for RVE (SAC for RVE) are composed differently, both committees will need to co-exist during the legacy years on the old curriculum to 2025.   Authorities are to determine their own arrangements which can provide for membership of each committee to be the same.  During the time to 2025, we will need to decide on future membership of the SAC for RVE to ensure representatives the relevant traditions of our area are appropriately reflected.  The Committee was asked to note that the local authority must take all reasonable steps to secure that the membership of the group is broadly proportionate to the strength of each religion, denomination, or conviction in its local area.


Agreed: Committee agreed the recommendation that the membership of SACRE /SAC for RVE remain the same to 2025.


Action: Draft terms of reference to be considered at future meeting




Additional documents:


Action: VB to circulate the letter and recommended participation from Flintshire


            WASACRE Spring Meeting: meeting was informed that 4 representatives from each authority may attend the Spring Conference online, details to follow


            VB also pleased to provide a nomination had been received from the Presbyterian Church for a second nominee




VB informed the meeting of letter received from WASACRE asking for support from authorities for their  working group on the development and implementation of the agreed syllabus. Committee welcomed the approach.


Action: VB to circulate the letter and recommended participation from Flintshire


WASACRE Spring Meeting: meeting was informed that 4 representatives from each authority may attend the Spring Conference online, details to follow


VB also pleased to provide a nomination had been received from the Presbyterian Church for a second nominee




Future Meetings

Future meetings will be held at 4pm on the following dates:


Wednesday 7 June 2023



Additional documents:


Action: VB to send Cllr DO copy of the WASCRE guide.


Meeting agreed to proposals from VB to receive two presentations at future meetings:   Amira Mattar on her work in implementing the new Curriculum at Westwood schools and Lyn Oakes on how heads of RE in secondary sector are preparing for the new curriculum.


In response to Cllr DO as a new member of the Committee, agreed that VB organise a workshop for new /all members


Action: VB to send Cllr DO copy of the WASCRE guide.


Future meetings

Additional documents:


Date of next meeting, 4pm on Wednesday 7 June 2023


Action: JD to consider possibility of hosting future meeting at a Church in Wales school                                      



Meeting ended 16.58pm