Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Clwyd Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Liz Barron / 01352 704136 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair To appoint a Chair for this academic year. Decision: Delyth McIntyre. Minutes: PL explained that Ron Keating was Chair, and Rita Price was Vice. Ron Keating no longer works at St Richard Gwyn, and Rita Price no longer attends. Delyth McIntyre was installed as Chair, and Vice Chair needed to be a Councillor. NS-M proposed DMa as Vice, this was seconded by CB, and the meeting agreed. As today’s meeting was not quorate, decisions would have to be deferred. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair To appoint a Vice-Chair for this academic year. Decision: Councillor Dave Mackie. |
Declaration of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests. Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting. Decision: That the minutes be approved as a correct record. Minutes: Page 4, second paragraph of Point 5
PL clarified that 6 areas of learning have been decided. RE is within the Humanities area of learning, which is perhaps an area of concern for VA schools. Denominations are being urged to approach Welsh Government re this and the CinW encouraged to send a representative to NAPfRE. The time to express their concerns is at the Agreed Syllabus Conference. PL has suggested to Manon that developments within their team are fed back to each Local Authority and to SACREs. This could be the way for councillors and faith representatives to have a say. This committee is lacking in faith representatives.
Finding suitable faith representatives is complicated in North Wales by having 2 dioceses; PL suggested an audit across some other SACREs to see if any faiths are not being represented. This forum is the best place for faith representatives to have an input.
PL will meet with the Welsh Govt on 3rd March, and will be looking for statements about KS4. He needs to find out from schools what is happening at KS4.
The Chair asked about procedure when someone drops out of SACRE. PL suggested sending a letter to nomination representatives on SACRE. If they cannot attend, they could send someone in their stead.
PL wants to get in touch with Heads Fed. He wishes to send a similar letter to that mooted above to teachers. The Chair encouraged him to stress the urgency and priority.
PL to write to both the faith and teaching groups saying they have to be at these meetings to scrutinise arrangements.
Page 5, 2nd paragraph of point 9
PL clarified and explained the contents. He will ask Kirsty of Welsh Govt re retaining the short course.
CL suggested 2 possible candidates for SACRE. EMMA (?) feels the spiritual side is being pushed back. PL explained that each N Wales SACRE is under-represented in certain sectors – which differ from SACRE to SACRE.
That, if delegates cannot attend, they may send a substitute.
re CL’s suggested members, they can attend as observers.
(At this point, GW arrived)
CL will invite his contacts as observers and if their denomination is not represented, it is possible that they could step in instead. CB suggested letting faiths know about attendance of their representatives.
Page 6, top
That presentation will be in the summer term.
Page 6, Point 10
School to school collaboration is vital. Collaborative working is going ahead in the primary sector. It is not as prevalent in secondary schools but is needed there. At present, it mostly happens in Maths and English at secondary level.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record. |
Analysis of Inspection reports To receive the analysis of recent Estyn Inspection Reports Decision: Received by the meeting. Minutes: Received by the meeting. |
Examination Results 2016 To consider a report analysing the examination results for 2016. Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: The meeting looked at exam results 2016. There was a slight drop in all Wales figures for the full course, slight increase for the short course. An overall increase in numbers getting A*-C. John Weir, Head at Holywell High, is hoping to enter some for GCSE RE as they have a new RE teacher. The meeting queried the numbers for John Summers doing the short course. CB was pleased to see that Flintshire results are above the national average, and asked if we can be informed of results at ‘A’ Level at the 6th Form Hub, too. PL will look at figures on page 11 where there are some anomalies. CB remarked on what a great deal is owed to Gavin Craigen. |
Status of an agreed syllabus To discuss the advice schools should receive regarding the status of an agreed syllabus in light of the new Welsh Baccalaureate and the changes to the curriculum for Wales. Decision: That PL will deliver a presentation in the summer on the new syllabus. Minutes: The Welsh Bacc at KS4 is having a negative impact on the delivery of RE at KS4. Schools are moving away from the short course, which means more pupils are entering the full course – but attempting to deliver it in short course allocation of time. Primaries are being encouraged to teach in a cross curricular way.
PL would suggest that 5% of timetable time is needed for RE. He will approach schools, asking about their delivery of RE, and will use questions that are very specific, including asking about RE for students who are not doing it at exam. PL referred to P6 on page 21 of the minutes. He asked the meeting if he may enquire of schools what they are doing at KS4 and ask primaries how they are approaching the statutory syllabus/curriculum. He would then feedback to schools to show them where the gaps are. CL asked if it would be possible to see a copy of the old and of the current syllabi.
That PL will deliver a presentation in the summer on the new syllabus. |
Update on SACRE and school to school collaboration Promote teacher representation through school to school collaboration. Decision: Noted. Minutes: Training was provided to schools in the summer term; about 40 schools across 4 authorities were involved. PL explained that the evaluation forms were very positive. Next step is action by the schools.
Two dates towards the end of this term have been arranged for further training, and PL would like to invite SACRE members to come along. Schools are going to take a lead in producing some monitoring materials. The other group will look at the planning stage. 28 March – North Coast Church in Abergele 12.30-3.30 pm. 4 April – St Giles Church, Wxm 12.30-3.30 pm. Schools will attend one session only, not both. SACRE members may just turn up – no need to book.
There is an area on the Hwb where schools can put materials they produce for other schools to access. There will be a link to the GwE website. At the moment, efforts are being concentrated on the primary sector.
GwE will make a contribution to supply to make it easier for teachers to attend, and supply will be paid for Gail Woodward to attend. |
i. To receive the minutes of the last meeting of the Association ii. To agree attendance to the next WASACRE Usk, Monmouthshire, 3rd March 2017 Decision: Noted. Minutes: The meeting asked for a glossary of acronyms. PL questioned why new build schools do not have a space big enough for the whole school to get together, eg for collective worship – was it a conscious decision on the part of the architects? New schools in Holywell and Rhyl do not have a space big enough to hold all the pupils. Some discussion re bringing everyone together.
At the next meeting PL will speak about his visit to Finland to view the teaching of RE. He has a meeting with Kirsty Williams on 2 March.
Withdrawing pupils from RE will be a problem if History and Geography are combined with RE. Parents may withdraw their children without a reason and from just parts of RE. CB asked if we should consult with AMs. (At this point, CB left the meeting).
NS-M questioned why reference to Humanism is appearing in the WASACRE minutes. It comes under religious views and world views. Humanism has to be reflected in the new curriculum. |
Date and time of the next meeting The next meeting will be held at 2pm on Wednesday, 5th July 2017. Minutes: Next meeting will be held in a school on Wed 5 July at 2 pm – venue to be confirmed. If meeting is to be held at County Hall, a note must be included re the changes to parking – pay and display – at County Hall.
CL asked if PL could prepare a statement saying this committee has the same status as other committees of the council re sending substitutes. The meeting closed at 1540 hrs. |