Agenda and minutes
Contact: Jan Kelly / 01352 702301 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest: Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare the existence and nature of their declared personal interests. Additional documents: Minutes: JD regarding her current work on professional learning at agenda item 5. Elected members who were school governors.
To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting on 7 October 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed as a correct record. No matters arising
Membership and terms of reference for the new Standing Advisory Council To receive a verbal update at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: KB advised that Wales Government guidance not yet available on the terms of reference arrangements for the new Standing Advisory Council. Members may wish to comment on any proposed changes to the working arrangements for the committee such as tenure of office and rotation of chair. Arrangements may have to be considered regarding any changes to the Council’s constitution committee on numbers of elected members.
Agreed: Members to wait until guidance available on new membership before considering any amendments to the working arrangements. VB advised that guidance has been promised by the end of the year but that it may be helpful to have a presentation from the Wales Humanist Coordinator who has been meeting with other SACREs.
Agreed: an invitation to a future meeting from the Wales Humanist Coordinator. Cllr CB proposed that consideration be given to other groups/societies. VB advised that she was looking at data from national statistics to inform the type of representation that best reflects the area.
Professional Learning To receive an overview of the Religion, Values & Ethics Professional Learning Development Team. Additional documents: Minutes: VB reported that WASACRE are working on developing RVE professional development resources on behalf of WG looking and expressions of interest sought from 10 practitioners to join the working group. Bilingual resources developed in the Spring Term and distributed via HwB.
In response to Cllr CB, VB advised that the practitioners are an additional resource across Wales and will be supported by RE advisors. Whilst positive that additional funding has been made available, the working group will be monitored by WASACRE who may wish to apply for further funding as necessary.
JD confirmed the approach is also in addition to the Church in Wales practitioners who are also developing resources for the framework and acknowledged the additional resources from WG. She encouraged practitioners to join the group as a good professional development opportunity.
Agreed Syllabus Conference 2022 To receive a presentation Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: VB confirmed WASACRE advice to adopt local syllabuses by September 2022 with the National Advisory Panel for RE looking at guidance for SACREs on how to put a syllabus together. VB proposed that we start with a working group to prepare a draft, after the meeting on the 9 February with a further date to sign off.
Agreed to open the conference following the meeting on the 9 February 2022
Autumn term WASACRE meeting (23 November 2021) To receive a verbal update at the meeting by Vicky Barlow, Senior Manager for School Improvement, Education and Youth Portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: VB noted that whilst much of
the regular work of the Committee such as receiving Estyn reports
and school performance data had not been possible recently, she
thanked members who had represented the authority in the WASACRE
conference, Cllr
Of particular note at the Conference was the Chair’s reflections which provided a positive start to the meeting. Presentations were received from regional Consortia which although demonstrated different models of approach but pleased to report from the North region that local SACRE’s remain active.
Draft Annual Report for SACRE 2020 - 2021 To receive the draft Annual Report for SACRE 2020-2021 at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: VB confirmed that it is still a requirement to produce an annual report to submit to WG by the end of the year.
Action: VB to prepare final draft on membership and work of the SACRE this year and send to members with any comments via the Chair.
Action: Chair to write the Foreword for the Report.
Correspondence Additional documents: Minutes: Letter from WASACRE advising of the professional development opportunities. No other business
Future Meetings Future meetings of Flintshire SACRE will be held at 4.00 pm on:
Wednesday 9th February 2022 Wednesday 8th June 2022
Additional documents: Minutes: Future meetings of Flintshire SACRE will be held at 4.00 pm on:
Wednesday 9th February 2022 Wednesday 8th June 2022
The Meeting ended 16.33