Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Contact: Nicola Gittins 01352 702345 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2024. Additional documents: Decision: The minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2024 were submitted and confirmed as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2024 (agenda item number 3) were submitted and confirmed as a correct record.
That the minutes of the meetings be confirmed as a correct record. |
LDP Annual Monitoring Report Additional documents: Decision: That the first Annual Monitoring Report is adopted and submitted to Welsh Government prior to the deadline of 31st October 2024. Minutes:
Councillor Bithell presented the Local Development Plan Annual Monitoring report (agenda item number 4) which had to be submitted to Welsh Government (WG) by 31st October 2024.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the first Annual Monitoring Report is adopted and submitted to Welsh Government prior to the deadline of 31st October 2024. |
LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance Additional documents:
Decision: That the SPGs relating to Extensions and Alterations, New Housing in the Countryside and the Conversion of Rural Buildings be adopted as SPG and made available for inspection on the Council’s website. Minutes:
Councillor Bithell presented the Local Development Plan Supplementary Guidance report (agenda item number 5) which would assist with ensuring guidance was available which would inform the formulation of development proposals as well as their determination by officers or Planning Committee.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the SPGs relating to Extensions and Alterations, New Housing in the Countryside and the Conversion of Rural Buildings be adopted as SPG and made available for inspection on the Council’s website. |
Independent Review of Flintshire Homelessness Services Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the findings and recommendations from Neil Morland & Co. be noted and the report be supported to progress through the committee cycle with regular updates to be shared with Members in terms of progress against recommendations;
(b) That the principle of cost avoidance and spend to save efficiencies to fund additional staffing capacity within the Housing & Prevention Service through diversifying the homeless accommodation portfolio, to maximise opportunity for successfully reducing spend on homeless accommodation be accepted; and
(c) That the need for shared housing models and Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) within the homeless accommodation diversification plans be acknowledged. Minutes: Councillor Brown presented the report (agenda item number 6) on the Independent Review of Flintshire Homelessness Services which detailed work that was underway in response to service capacity to meet growing demand.
Following publication of the agenda, the recommendations had been updated and were read out and supported.
(a) That the findings and recommendations from Neil Morland & Co. be noted and the report be supported to progress through the committee cycle with regular updates to be shared with Members in terms of progress against recommendations;
(b) That the principle of cost avoidance and spend to save efficiencies to fund additional staffing capacity within the Housing & Prevention Service through diversifying the homeless accommodation portfolio, to maximise opportunity for successfully reducing spend on homeless accommodation be accepted; and
(c) That the need for shared housing models and Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO’s) within the homeless accommodation diversification plans be acknowledged. |
Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the revised Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) as presented be approved;
(b) That the revised Highway and Car Park Inspection Policy as a Maintenance Manual be approved;
(c) That the outlined procedure to provide updates and performance reporting to inform future reviews of both the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and the Maintenance Manual be supported;
(d) That the content of the report be endorsed and the review of the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and the current arrangements and actions of the portfolio to maintain the highway network be endorsed; and
(e) That the additional recommendations made by the Environment & Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee to write to the First Minister about the lack of funding in highway assets and maintenance, along with provision of training on Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) for Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members be supported. Minutes:
Councillor Banks introduced the report (agenda item number 7) on the Review of Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and Highway and Car Park Inspection Policy, which provided an update to ensure that Members were informed about the current status and future plans for highway asset management.
The recommendations in the report were supported.
(a) That the revised Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) as presented be approved;
(b) That the revised Highway and Car Park Inspection Policy as a Maintenance Manual be approved;
(c) That the outlined procedure to provide updates and performance reporting to inform future reviews of both the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and the Maintenance Manual be supported;
(d) That the content of the report be endorsed and the review of the Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) and the current arrangements and actions of the portfolio to maintain the highway network be endorsed; and
(e) That the additional recommendations made by the Environment & Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee to write to the First Minister about the lack of funding in highway assets and maintenance, along with provision of training on Highways Asset Management Plan (HAMP) for Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members be supported. |
New Brighton – adoption of a Welsh name Additional documents: Decision: That “Pentre Cythrel” be adopted as the recognised Welsh form of New Brighton, and that the Welsh Language Commissioner be asked to include it in the standardised list of Welsh place-names. Minutes:
Councillor Eastwood introduced the report (agenda item number 8) on New Brighton – Adoption of a Welsh Name, which would support the Council’s Welsh Language Promotion Strategy by increasing the visibility and normalising the use of Welsh.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That “Pentre Cythrel” be adopted as the recognised Welsh form of New Brighton, and that the Welsh Language Commissioner be asked to include it in the standardised list of Welsh place-names. |
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2024/25 (Month 5) Additional documents:
Decision: That the report and the estimated financial impact on the 2024/25 budget be noted, along with the measures being put in place to improve the financial position by the end of the financial year. Minutes:
Councillor Johnson presented the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2024/25 (Month 5) report (agenda item number 9) which provided the latest revenue budget monitoring position for 2024/25 for the Council Fund and Housing Revenue Account.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the report and the estimated financial impact on the 2024/25 budget be noted, along with the measures being put in place to improve the financial position by the end of the financial year. |
Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2023/24 Additional documents: Decision: That the content of the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2023/24 and subsequent publication on the Council’s website be endorsed. Minutes:
Councillor Thomas presented the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2023/24 (agenda item number 10) which was the final report for 2020-24 as a new Strategic Equality Plan was now in place for the period 2024-28.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the content of the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report 2023/24 and subsequent publication on the Council’s website be endorsed. |
Update on the Bus Network Grant and Local Bus Services in Flintshire Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the proposals within the report be recognised and supported;
(b) That Cabinet be made aware that any delays incurred will represent budget pressures for Streetscene and Transportation and the authority in 2025/26; and
(c) That the requirement to allow 56 days’ notice to the Traffic Commission (78 days for services into England) for any changes and/or termination of bus services be noted. Minutes:
Councillor Banks introduced the report (agenda item number 11) which provided an update on the bus network grant and local bus services in Flintshire.
The recommendations in the report were supported.
(a) That the proposals within the report be recognised and supported;
(b) That Cabinet be made aware that any delays incurred will represent budget pressures for Streetscene and Transportation and the authority in 2025/26; and
(c) That the requirement to allow 56 days’ notice to the Traffic Commission (78 days for services into England) for any changes and/or termination of bus services be noted. |
Additional documents:
Decision: That the Wales Audit report and the measures being taken regionally and locally to implement the recommendations made be noted. Minutes:
Councillor Johnson presented the Response to the Audit Wales Review “Urgent and Emergency Care: Flow out of Hospital report (agenda item number 12) which provided details of work undertaken by The Auditor General to examine whole system issues affecting urgent and emergency care services across Wales and the associated demand management.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the Wales Audit report and the measures being taken regionally and locally to implement the recommendations made be noted. |
Procurement of Client Information System Additional documents: Decision: That the update on the activity undertaken to date to procure a replacement client information system for the Social Services portfolio be received. Minutes:
Councillor Johnson introduced the Procurement of Client Information System report (agenda item number 13) which provided details of the system which underpinned social care processes and functions.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the update on the activity undertaken to date to procure a replacement client information system for the Social Services portfolio be received. |
Children and Families Safeguarding Hub Additional documents: Decision: That the establishment of the Children and Families Safeguarding Hub to facilitate multi-agency information sharing and support efficient, informed and timely decisions to safeguarding children at risk be noted and supported politically. Minutes:
Councillor Johnson introduced the report (agenda item number 14) on the Children and Families Safeguarding Hub which provided a robust and proven model for safeguarding vulnerable children.
Since publication of the agenda the recommendation had been amended, which was read out and supported.
That the establishment of the Children and Families Safeguarding Hub to facilitate multi-agency information sharing and support efficient, informed and timely decisions to safeguarding children at risk be noted and supported politically. |
Expansion of Specialist Education Provision Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the outcomes from the consultation be noted;
(b) That Cabinet agrees to support and provide any commentary for the proposed expansion of inhouse specialist education provision at Ysgol Pen Coch primary special school, Flint; and
(c) That it be approved to proceed to issuing a statutory notice to commence a 18-day period for objections. Minutes:
Councillor Eastwood introduced the report (agenda item number 15) on the Expansion of Specialist Education Provision following the outcome from the statutory consultation undertaken to consult on the proposal to expand inhouse specialist education provision at Ysgol Pen Coch primary special school, Flint, to include the management of the centre Canolfan Enfys which was under the management of the Pupil Referral Unit, Plas Derwen.
The recommendations in the report were supported.
(a) That the outcomes from the consultation be noted;
(b) That Cabinet agrees to support and provide any commentary for the proposed expansion of inhouse specialist education provision at Ysgol Pen Coch primary special school, Flint; and
(c) That it be approved to proceed to issuing a statutory notice to commence a 18-day period for objections. |
Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That the request to expand the Council’s specialist ALN resource provision within the secondary education network be supported; and
(b) That the issuing of a statutory notice for the introduction of a new ALN resource provision at Flint High School and Hawarden High School be supported. Minutes:
Councillor Eastwood introduced the report (agenda item number 16) on the Expansion of Specialist Additional Learning Needs Resource Provision Within the Secondary Education Network, which sought approval to the proposed expansion.
The recommendations in the report were supported.
(a) That the request to expand the Council’s specialist ALN resource provision within the secondary education network be supported; and
(b) That the issuing of a statutory notice for the introduction of a new ALN resource provision at Flint High School and Hawarden High School be supported. |
Additional Licensing for Houses of Multiple Occupation Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the commencement of a formal consultation on ‘Additional Licensing’ for Houses of Multiple Occupation which will be open to the public and stakeholders be approved; and
(b) That the outcome of the consultation exercise, upon completion, be received. Minutes:
Councillor Bithell introduced the report (agenda item number 17) on Additional Licensing for Houses of Multiple Occupation following budget provision being made available for additional staffing to implement a new ‘Additional Licensing’ regime for Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO’s).
The recommendations in the report were supported.
(a) That the commencement of a formal consultation on ‘Additional Licensing’ for Houses of Multiple Occupation which will be open to the public and stakeholders be approved; and
(b) That the outcome of the consultation exercise, upon completion, be received. |
Food Service Plan 2024-25 for Flintshire County Council Additional documents:
Decision: That the Food Service Plan 2024-25 be approved. Minutes:
Councillor Bithell introduced the Food Service Plan 2024-25 for Flintshire County Council report (agenda item number 18) which provided an overview of the Food and Animal Feed Service in line with The Framework Agreement on Official Feed and Food Controls by Local Authorities April 2010.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the Food Service Plan 2024-25 be approved. |
EXERCISE OF DELEGATED POWERS To provide details of actions taken under delegated powers. Additional documents: Decision: Noted. Minutes: An information item (agenda item number 19) on the actions taken under delegated powers was submitted and noted. |
Office Rationalisation Programme and County Hall Campus Additional documents: Decision: That the content of the report be noted and approval be given to proceed with Phase 1 of the Office Accommodation and County Hall project. Minutes:
Councillor Jones introduced the report (agenda item number 20) on Office Rationalisation Programme and County Hall Campus which provided an overview of projected costs associated with the programme of works.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the content of the report be noted and approval be given to proceed with Phase 1 of the Office Accommodation and County Hall project. |
That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following items by virtue of exempt information under paragraph(s) 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Additional documents: |
Outstanding Debt - Write Off
Decision: That the write-offs which amounted to £36,787.20 for three outstanding invoices be approved. Minutes: Councillors Banks presented the Outstanding Debt – Write Off report following insolvency of a company which had transactions that were deemed to be irrecoverable.
The recommendation in the report was supported.
That the write-offs which amounted to £36,787.20 for three outstanding invoices be approved. |
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Additional documents: Minutes: There were no members of the public in attendance. |