Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA
Contact: Tracy Waters 01352 702331 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) Purpose: To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Minutes: David Hytch and Rebecca Stark both declared a personal interest in the following item due to the close association of family members who accessed the school music service:-
Agenda item 3 – Budget Consultation for 2015/16.
Budget Consultation for 2016/17
Additional documents: Decision: That the presentation be noted.
Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the contributors to the meeting.
The Chief Executive and Corporate Finance Manager began the presentation which covered the following areas:-
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) continued the detailed presentation which covered the following areas:-
· Service Business Plan Proposals (Schools) · Service Business Plan Proposals (Education & Youth) · Local Pressures and Inflation
The Chief Executive concluded the presentation through outlining the National Timetable and Local Timetable.
The comments and questions which were raised by Members of the Committee on the presentation, together with the responses given, are detailed in Appendix 1 (attached).
That the presentation be noted.
Members of the Press and Public in Attendance Minutes: There were no members of the public and one member of the press in attendance.