Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Sharon Thomas 01352 702324  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)




Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 8 June and 15 June 2015.

Additional documents:



The minutes of the meetings held on 8 June and 15 June 2015 were submitted.


Councillor Ian Dunbar asked that his apologies submitted for the latter meeting be recorded.




That subject to the amendment, both sets of minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Community Asset Transfer pdf icon PDF 77 KB


That the approach to Community Asset Transfers be endorsed.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) introduced an update on progress with Community Asset Transfers (CATs).  In recognising public assets as one of the major strengths of the Council, he spoke of the need to balance the disposal of surplus assets to generate funding for the capital programme with the regeneration of local communities and encouraging social enterprise to explore alternative uses.  Reference was made to the benefits of CATs in helping to promote public value which was linked to the Council’s Improvement Priorities and the role of the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC) was highlighted in providing a valuable interface between the Council and applicants to support the delivery of CATs.


Following the refresh of the CAT process, information on the types of assets and the new three staged approach had been shared with Town and Community Councils.  To date, 255 enquiries had been received including 72 expressions of interest.  Whilst two were moving to Stage 2 to seek more information on the business model, five had been cleared by the panel to progress to completion of the legal documentation at Stage 3.  In acknowledging the challenges of participating in this new initiative, the report detailed the levels of one-off capital funding to support groups in undertaking work on assets, which could be used to access match-funded grants not available to the Council.


Details were shared on the creation of a working group to discuss business planning for the Connah’s Quay Swimming Baths with involvement from local clubs, prior to submission of a detailed business model in September.  On the Holywell Leisure Centre, initial meetings with Holywell Town Council had been undertaken and a meeting with interested stakeholders would follow to discuss the wider assets in Buckley.  Various options were being explored in Buckley, including opportunities for a Community Asset Trust which would focus on a group of assets.  These were very early explorations of a concept which needed to be built upon.


Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer felt that the report did not include any new information and that details were needed on those which had cleared the second stage of the process.  Further information on the position of all expressions of interest was then tabled as a reference document.  Councillor Steele-Mortimer commended the work of the FLVC in supporting groups and sought progress on the proforma for the transfer of legal aspects as mentioned at the previous meeting.  The Chief Officer explained that some of the expressions of interest cleared at Stage 2 had been panelled on the basis of further information required of the Town/Community Councils.  He explained that work on the legal proforma had involved looking at best practice examples in England and Wales to create a template for use in all transfers that would be easier to understand and process by the Legal team.  The finalised template was due to be finalised by the end of August.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment said that the approach for a longer lead-in time had been made  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 52 KB

Additional documents:


That the Forward Work Programme be updated accordingly.


The Member Engagement Manager introduced the current Forward Work Programme.  The following were agreed:


·         The venue for the next meeting on 28 September to be confirmed by the Member Engagement Manager.

·         Following discussion on the previous agenda item, the meeting scheduled for 2 November to be changed to an all-Member workshop on Community Asset Transfers with an invitation to be extended to the Flintshire Local Voluntary Council and groups which had completed the process.

·         Further updates on Community Asset Transfers to include the additional information discussed under the previous agenda item.


The Member Engagement Manager took the opportunity to remind Members of the workshop arranged for the following day to develop forward work planning for all the Overview & Scrutiny committees.




That the Forward Work Programme be updated accordingly.


Members of the press and public in attendance


There was one member of the press in attendance.