Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Sharon Thomas / 01352 702324  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

Purpose: To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.


Personal and prejudicial interest declared by Councillor Tudor Jones on Agenda Item 4.


Councillor Tudor Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest on agenda item 4 ‘Holywell Leisure Centre Community Asset Transfer’ as he was Chair of the Trustees of the leisure centre and landlord of the library and café.  He was also a signatory of the Service Level Agreement for use of the sports facilities at YsgolTreffynnon.  The Democratic Services Manager advised that Councillor Jones would participate in the item as a contributor and respond to any questions but would withdraw from the room for the vote.  Councillor Jones would then take his place on the Committee for the remaining agenda items.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 12 June 2017.



The minutes of the meeting on 12 June 2017 were submitted.




That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - To consider the exclusion of the press and public




That the press and public be excluded from the meeting as the following item was considered to be exempt by virtue of paragraph 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Holywell Leisure Centre Community Asset Transfer


That the Committee supports the work undertaken in relation to the Community Asset Transfer of Holywell Leisure Centre and appreciates the work by the Council’s officers and Holywell Leisure Centre Board and employees.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) presented the report to consider progress of the Holywell Leisure Centre Community Asset Transfer (CAT) in its first three months of operation since the transfer on 31 March 2017.


A phased approach had been taken to the transfer of the building and employees, and relocation of the library to the leisure centre as this was the largest CAT undertaken by the Council.  The Chief Officer drew attention to the documents made available which demonstrated the robust process on due diligence of business plans up to the point of transfer.  He shared details of the initial revenue support provided by the Council and capital funding allocated to deal with future condition issues.


Councillor Tudor Jones (speaking in his capacity as Chair of Trustees of the leisure centre) and Mr Chris Travers (Manager of the leisure centre) were both invited to give their perspective of the progress made since the transfer.


Councillor Jones thanked both the Chief Officers for Organisational Change and various Council departments for their work in supporting the transfer.  He gave a brief overview of his involvement in the project and commended the Council for its early public engagement.  He explained that the short delay in transferring had been necessary to resolve issues and that the leisure centre had remained open during the transition.  He spoke about the establishment of the multi-skilled Board of Trustees to support the development of the business plan and praised the enthusiasm of the employees in contributing to the current position of the leisure centre.


Councillor Ian Dunbar commended the Council’s initiative on CATs to help protect and sustain much-needed assets across all areas of the county.  He agreed with the view that cashflow and business planning were the two key factors.


In response to queries from Councillor Paul Shotton, Councillor Jones referred to learning from the model of the Connah’s Quay Swimming Pool CAT.  He commented on engagement with Town and Community Councils and that financial support offered by some was welcomed.  He also praised the community for their goodwill in supporting the facilities which would benefit the wider community.  He went on to provide information on the all-weather pitch and the terms of the Service Level Agreement.


As Manager of Holywell Leisure Centre, Mr Chris Travers detailed various capital projects underway and summarised financial performance as at 30 June 2017 which showed a comfortable position.


The Chief Officer referred to the benefits available through the transfer of community-based facilities in offering flexible opening times and access to savings such as rate relief.  He paid tribute to the efforts of employees, the Board and Trade Union colleagues in reaching working solutions.


Councillor Billy Mullin welcomed the ‘can do’ attitude demonstrated by all those involved in the project.


Councillor Mike Reece asked that the information sent to Town and Community Councils be forwarded to Bagillt Community Council as the neighbouring ward.  He suggested that the Committee visit Holywell Leisure Centre at a future meeting to view the work undertaken.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Alternative Delivery Model


That the Committee supports the work undertaken in relation to the transfer of NEWydd Catering and Cleaning to a Local Authority Trading Company with Teckal Exemption.


The Chief Officer (Organisational Change) presented the update report on the development of the Alternative Delivery Model (ADM) for Facilities Management leading to the transfer of NEWydd Catering & Cleaning to a Local Authority Trading Company with Teckal Exemption.


An overview was given of activities leading to the establishment of the company on 1 May 2017.  In using a Teckal Exemption, the company was wholly owned by the Council but benefitted from being able to trade to a limited degree with other agencies.  Due diligence on robust business planning was part of the process and a multi-skilled Board had been setup with representation in the local community.  A new financial system had been adopted to reflect the different arrangements on which the company operated.


Mr Steve Jones, Managing Director of NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Services and Mr Darren Jones, Chair of the Board were invited to share their views on progress since the transfer of the company.


During their presentation, they referred to the benefits of a combined skill set of the Board to help support the development of the company.  The short delay in the launch date had been due to the need to address some technical issues which had been resolved through effective joint working with Council departments.  Positive outcomes were reported on the transition of employees to the company, along with responses from service users most of whom had been retained.  An encouraging report was given on financial performance against targets whilst recognising the long-term aims to grow the business and reduce the subsidy.  The engagement of a consultant to review the business plan would also help to identify opportunities for growth and provide advice on governance issues.


Following a suggestion by Councillor Ian Dunbar, there was discussion on the cleaning of void properties.


Councillor Paul Shotton asked about arrangements with school meals and was told about the use of marketing tools and support for healthy options, whilst flexibility on procurement frameworks would help to maximise efficiencies.  On the potential impact of the apprentice levy, the company had been advised that it was part of the Council’s arrangements.  Responses were also given to Councillor David Wisinger’s queries including the possible effects of Brexit.


In response to a question from the Chairman on figures shown in the Cabinet report from February 2016, it was explained that significant work had been undertaken on finances since that stage.




That the Committee supports the work undertaken in relation to the transfer of NEWydd Catering and Cleaning to a Local Authority Trading Company with Teckal Exemption.


Improvement Plan 2016/17 Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


That the Improvement Plan 2016/17 outturn report be noted.


The Chief Officer presented the update report to consider progress towards the delivery of the impacts set out in the 2016/17 Improvement Plan, focussing on the areas of under-performance relevant to the Committee at year end.


The report indicated generally positive outcomes with minor slippage on the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) and Alternative Delivery Model as explained earlier in the meeting.  None of the quarterly performance indicators or risk areas had been identified as red.  The Chief Officer advised that the areas in the new Council (Improvement) Plan for 2017-23 which were relevant to the Committee were under the ‘Connective Council’ priority.


The Chairman queried the end dates and completion status shown on the development of social enterprises and was advised that this was anticipated to be a three year project.


Following questions from Councillor Ian Dunbar, an update was given on the completion of CATs during the year.  On Phase 4 of County Hall, Members were advised that no decision had been taken but that further work would be done over time.




That the Improvement Plan 2016/17 outturn report be noted.


Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted, be approved; and


(b)       That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.


The Democratic Services Manager presented the Forward Work Programme for consideration.  Following the suggestion for the Committee to visit Holywell Leisure Centre, it was established that this would not be possible for the next meeting.  Options for another venue would be explored with an invitation extended to the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee to attend for the item on the Social Care Alternative Delivery Model.


The Chairman sought views on the level of detail contained in the reports and overall, Members said they were satisfied with the information.




(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted, be approved; and


(b)       That the Democratic Services Manager, in consultation with the Chairman, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, should this be necessary.


Members of the press and public in attendance


There were no members of the press and public in attendance.