Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.


Councillor Geoff Collett declared a personal interest in Agenda item 7 – NEWydd Business Plan, as a School Governor at Ysgol Bryn Coch, Mold.


Councillor Tudor Jones declared a personal interest in Agenda item 6 – Quarter 3 Council Plan 2019/20 Monitoring Report, as Chair of Trustees at Holywell Leisure Centre. 



Councillor Geoff Collett declared a personal interest in Agenda item 7 – NEWydd Business Plan, as a School Governor at Ysgol Bryn Coch, Mold.


Councillor Tudor Jones declared a personal interest in Agenda item 6 – Quarter 3 Council Plan 2019/20 Monitoring Report, as Chair of Trustees at Holywell Leisure Centre. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 27January 2020.



That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 


The minutes of the meeting held on 27 January, 2020 were submitted.


Approval was moved by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Andy Dunbobbin.




That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 


Alternative Delivery Model Update (Social Care - Learning Disability Day and Work Opportunities) pdf icon PDF 146 KB


(a)       That the progress made through the service partnership with Hft, and the successful transition of the day centre service from Glanrafon to Hwb Cyfle be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee congratulates Hft on the delivery of Project Search.


The Senior Manager Integrated Services introduced a report to provide an update on the new day centre Hwb Cyfle and on the partnership working arrangements with Hft.  She provided background information and advised that the Authority’s service contract with Hft covered key elements of work opportunities, supported employment, and a day centre.  Hft relocated from Glanrafon Day Centre to the newly constructed day centre Hwb Cyfle in June 2019 and supported 272 individuals.  The Senior Manager reported on the main points as detailed in the report.  She introduced a service user and invited him to give a short presentation on his personal experience of using the Learning Disability Day Opportunities service to Members.


The Senior Manager invited Jordan Smith, Centre Manager HFT, and Andrew Horner, Senior Operational Manager Hft, to report on progress of the partnership work with Hft.  The Committee was informed that Hft had continued to develop a number of beneficial partnerships across the county to provide new opportunities and diverse activities for people supported.  It was reported that Project Search was a supported employment programme for young people with learning disabilities. It was started in September 2019 with nine trainees and was operating in Flint in partnership with Clwyd Alyn Housing as the lead employer for work placements.  Coleg Cambria was the education lead and Council’s service delivery partner for learning disabilities.  Hft provided job coach support.  Work placements were also provided by Aura Leisure and Libraries, McDonalds and the Council.


Members thanked the service user for sharing his experience with the Committee and congratulated him on his achievements.  Members commended officers and Hft Managers on the success of the ADM for Learning Disability Day Opportunities and the excellent service and support provided by Hft to individuals. 


Councillor Christine Jones commented on a recent business event and said that employers had been impressed by the achievements, enthusiasm, and positive work ethic of Hft service users. 


The Senior Manager Integrated Services suggested that a tour of Hwb Cyfle be arranged for Members when appropriate.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Andy Dunbobbin.




(a)       That the progress made through the service partnership with Hft, and the successful transition of the day centre service from Glanrafon to Hwb Cyfle be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee congratulates Hft on the delivery of Project Search.


Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the previous Forward Work Programme items and which Overview & Scrutiny Committee would consider them in the future be noted; and


(b)       That the progress made in completing the outstanding action be noted.



The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the report.  She provided background information and advised that a report was presented to County Council on 27 February 2020 where Members supported the number of Overview & Scrutiny Committees being reduced from six to five, and agreed that the disaggregation of the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee be recommended to Council. 


The Facilitator said a review had been undertaken of the items listed on the Committee’s Forward Work Programme to determine where the items would be reported to in the future.  A copy of the previous Forward Work Programme items and which Overview & Scrutiny Committee would consider them was appended to the report. 


The Facilitator provided an update on actions arising from previous meetings of the Committee and the progress made in completing them which was detailed in appendix 2 of the report.


The Chief Executive explained that the decision taken by Council to reduce the number of Overview & Scrutiny Committees would come into effect following the Annual Council meeting scheduled to be held on 5th May, 2020, he asked Members to be mindful of the changes to Committee meetings being considered due to the Coronavirus outbreak, including consideration of changes to legislation to allow for Annual Council meetings to be held later in the year, and therefore the Organisational Change Overview & Scrutiny Committee could remain a Committee for the time being. 




(a)       That the previous Forward Work Programme items and which Overview & Scrutiny Committee would consider them in the future be noted; and


(b)       That the progress made in completing the outstanding action be noted.


Quarter 3 Council Plan 2019/20 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


That the report be noted.


The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator introduced the report which presented a summary of the monitoring of progress for the quarter 3 (October – December 2019) position of 2019/20 for the Council Plan priorities ‘Connected Council’, ‘Caring Council’ and ‘Ambitious Council’ relevant to the Committee.  She advised that the second monitoring report for the 2019/20 Council Plan was a positive report, with 89% of activities making good progress and 89% likely to achieve desired outcomes.  In addition 81% of the performance indicators had met or exceeded target.  Risks were being successfully managed with the majority being assessed as moderate (71%) or minor/insignificant (18%).  There were no major risks identified for the Committee. 


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Paul Johnson. 




That the report be noted.




That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following items by virtue of exempt information under paragraph(s) 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following items by virtue of exempt information under paragraph(s) 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


NEWydd Business Plan


(a)       That the achievements to date against NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Limited’s 2019/20 Business ‘Plan priorities be noted; and 


(a)          That the Committee recommends to Cabinet the NEWydd Business Plan 2020/21 to 2022/23 for consideration.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced a report to present the NEWydd three year business plan (2020/21 to 2022/23) for endorsement.  He provided background information and advised that in 2019/20 broader business plan priorities were set around enhancing core business, thus ensuring a viable future operating model.  Progress in achieving the 2019/20 business plan priorities, along with the business priorities identified for the next three financial years, was as outlined in the report and detailed in the appendix to the report. 


                        The Managing Director, NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Limited, presented the key considerations.  During discussion the Managing Director responded to the questions raised around securing catering and cleaning contracts to retain service to schools which may choose to exercise ‘local choice’, provision of free school meals in secondary schools, and arrangements for ‘back-office’ support.


The recommendations were proposed by Councillor David Wisinger and seconded by Councillor Sean Bibby.




(a)       That the achievements to date against NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Limited’s 2019/20 Business ‘Plan priorities be noted; and 


(a)          That the Committee recommends to Cabinet the NEWydd Business Plan 2020/21 to 2022/23 for consideration.


Coronavirus Update


Prior to consideration of the Alternative Delivery Model update appendix, the Chief Executive provided a brief update to the Committee on the arrangements being made in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, specifically around arrangements for Aura, Cambrian Aquatics and Theatr Clwyd.


The Managing Director, NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Limited, advised that NEWydd had contingency plans in place to meet the requirements for pupils who received free school meals.


Councillor Tudor Jones provided an update as Trustee to Holywell Leisure Centre on arrangements that had been put in place and thanked the Council for their support during this time.    


Alternative Delivery Model Update (Social Care - Learning Disability Day and Work Opportunities) (Confidential Appendix to Agenda Item Number 4)


That the progress made in service delivery, the added value secured through the partnership and fundraising activities, and the efficiencies estimated at the end of the contract period be noted. 


The Senior Manager Integrated Services introduced an appendix to the Alternative Delivery Model update (Social Care – Learning Disability Day and Work Opportunities) report which had been presented to the Committee earlier in the meeting.  The Senior Manager presented the report which outlined current progress against the budget and projections moving forward. 


In response to a question from Councillor Paul Johnson concerning the pension arrangements for the transfer of staff to Hft, the Senior Manager said she would provide information on the pension scheme used by Hft to Councillor Johnson following the meeting.


The recommendation in the report was proposed by Councillor Sean Bibby and seconded by Councillor Janet Axworthy.




That the progress made in service delivery, the added value secured through the partnership and fundraising activities, and the efficiencies estimated at the end of the contract period be noted. 


Members of the press and public in attendance


There were no members of the public or press in attendance.