Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Cambrian Aquatics Sport Centre, Wepre Drive, Connah’s Quay, Deeside CH5 4HA
Contact: Janet Kelly 01352 702301 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Decision: Councillor Andy Dunbobbin declared a personal interest in agenda item 3 as a member of Connah’s Quay Town Council who provided financial support to Cambrian Aquatics.
Councillor Tudor Jones also declared a personal interest in agenda item 3. Minutes: Councillor Andy Dunbobbin declared a personal interest in agenda item 3 as a member of Connah’s Quay Town Council who provided financial support to Cambrian Aquatics.
Councillor Tudor Jones also declared a personal interest in agenda item 3. |
That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following items by virtue of exempt information under paragraph(s) 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). |
Connah's Quay Swimming Pool : Cambrian Aquatics Strategic Business Plan 2018/21
Decision: That the Business Plan with Cambrian Aquatics be supported and endorsed. Minutes: The Chief Officer (Housing & Assets) thanked Cambrian Aquatics for inviting the Committee to hold their meeting at the Centre and asked the four Directors to introduce themselves to Members.
Following introductions the Directors then provided a detailed presentation which included information on the following:-
· Year 2 Recap · Targets on a Page May 2019 (Actions plans to move all areas to Green) · Community and Social Benefits · Summary 2018 /19 · Year 3 Objectives · Summary
The Chief Officer thanked the Directors for their presentation and congratulated the team on their fantastic achievements so far. He outlined the support provided by the Council but also raised concerns around the risks to the enterprise. He said that he would be holding regular meetings with the Board to understand and discuss areas of concern and said that the team should be very proud of their work and what they have achieved especially around the increase in participants for the ‘learn to swim’.
The Chair agreed saying they had had a tough start but the ‘learn to swim’ was key to the business. The Finance Manager commented on the “learn to swim” programme and said that she was pleased the Board were now looking to expand programmes which did not involve swimming which would assist in establishing continued revenue.
Members congratulated the Board on their achievements. Councillor Andy Dunbobbin said that he would be happy to meet the Board in his role as Chair of Recreation for Connah’s Quay Town Council to discuss future projects. Councillors Sean Bibby and Janet Axworthy both commended the Board and agreed to inform their respective Town/Community Councils of the work being undertaken to hopefully be able to provide future financial assistance.
Councillor Tudor Jones commented on the recent announcement from Welsh Government to reduce the Free Swimming Grant and asked how Cambrian Aquatics were preparing to mitigate this reduction. The Directors explained that they had held meetings to discuss their concerns on the impact of this reduction, especially for people over the age of 60 and agreed that a joint approach across all Flintshire pools could be progressed.
During discussion, the Directors responded to comments and questions raised by Members concerning cash flow and reserves, proposed costs and timescales for maintenance and repairs and the make-up of the Board. The Chief Officer commented on the various skills of the individual Board Members.
The Committee then discussed grant options and the Wheelabrator Parc Adfer Community Benefit Fund. There were opportunities to apply for grant support as this was targeted at the Deeside Partnership area.
The Chairman thanked the officers and Directors for responding to the questions and comments from the Committee.
That the Business Plan with Cambrian Aquatics be supported and endorsed. |
Members of the press and public in attendance Minutes: There were no members of the press and public in attendance. |