Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Delyn Committee Room, County Hall, Mold CH7 6NA

Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.


Councillor Tudor Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest on agenda item 6 - Annual Report on Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited as he was Chair of the Trustees of Holywell Leisure Centre and had a personal interest as landlord of Aura Library and NEWydd café.  


Councillor Andy Dunbobbin declared a personal interest on agenda item 6 as he was a member of Connah’s Quay Sports Centre Committee.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson also declared a personal interest on agenda item 6 as he was a Trustee of Old Buckley Baths.


Councillor Dave Mackie declared a personal interest as a member of the public who attended the meeting was a friend and neighbour.


Councillor Tudor Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest on agenda item 6 - Annual Report on Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited as he was Chair of the Trustees of Holywell Leisure Centre and had a personal interest as landlord of Aura Library and NEWydd café. 


Councillor Andy Dunbobbin declared a personal interest on agenda item 6 as he was a member of Connah’s Quay Sports Centre Committee.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson also declared a personal interest on agenda item 6 as he was a Trustee of Old Buckley Baths.


Councillor Dave Mackie declared a personal interest as a member of the public who attended the meeting was a friend and neighbour.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2018.




The minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2018 were submitted.




Councillor Sean Bibby confirmed that he had attended the meeting but said he had been recorded as submitting his apologies.  




That subject to the above amendment the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Move from County Hall to Unity House pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the progress achieved to re-locate a number of services and staff to Unity House be noted; and


(b)       That the planned move to Unity House be supported.


                        The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) introduced the report to provide an update on progress of work on the move from County Hall to Unity House and on the work taking place with services and staff moving, and the interior design and layout of the building. 


                        The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) advised that this was a partial move and there would remain substantial employee numbers in Phases 1 and 2 of County Hall for the medium term.  He explained that a range of work had progressed to ensure the move could take place before the end of the calendar year which included building work at Unity House, work with service staff and unions to prepare for re-location, and work to procure an interior designer to complete the fitting out of Unity House.  He reported on the main considerations in the report which provided a full update on progress and planned work.


The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) reported that the services identified to move to Unity House were Social Services, Planning and Environment, Education, and Contact Centre staff.  The numbers of staff moving, desk space required, and car parking spaces available were detailed in the appendix to the report.   The intention was that Unity House would be one of the main office bases and would be designed for front line services which were not receiving walk in enquiries from members of the public but met members of the public and partners by appointment.  To ensure the move was a success additional plans were being developed which included a clear internal and external communication plan and a travel plan for access to the site.


The Chief Executive advised that the move provided the Council with an annual revenue saving and the estimated costs were planned to be contained within existing budgets.  He spoke in support of the partial move and explained that Corporate Services, Democratic Services, Members Services, and Finance would remain at the County Hall site in Mold until a long term decision was made.  Referring to the refurbishment of Unity House, he commented that the balance between a prudent investment and provision of a quality environment had been carefully considered and for a relatively modest investment the Authority had modernised the building and provided pristine office accommodation suitable for staff occupancy.  The Chief Executive also commented on the negative impact the condition of the building had on local residents and Council staff and said that the improvements had needed to be made.   


Councillor Billy Mullin spoke in support of the investment in Unity House and commented on the benefits of the building.  He said that staff were enthusiastic about the move and the improvements had raised staff morale.


                        Councillor David Wisinger suggested that a site visit for the Committee be arranged to Unity House.  He expressed concerns around the parking arrangements for staff and visitors.  The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) explained that careful consideration had been given to the ratio of staff to car parking provision and said there was sufficient  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Forward Work Programme (Organisational Change) pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved; and


(b)       That the Facilitator in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings should this be necessary.


The Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the current Forward Work Programme for consideration.  She drew attention to the items scheduled for the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 17 September, and asked Members to forward any suggestions for items they wished to be added to the Programme for the year ahead.  


In response to a request from Councillor Tudor Jones for an update on the “smaller” asset transfers the Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) advised that a report would be submitted to the meeting of the Committee to be held on 17 September, to provide an update on Community Asset Transfers.




(a)       That the Forward Work Programme as submitted be approved; and


(b)       That the Facilitator in consultation with the Chair of the Committee be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings should this be necessary.




            That the press and public be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following item by virtue of exempt information under paragraph(s) 14 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Annual Report on Aura Leisure and Libraries Ltd and Newydd Catering and Cleaning Ltd


(a)       That the progress of Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited during the year 2017/18 be noted: and


(b)       That the progress of Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited during their first year of operation be welcomed.


                        The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) introduced the report to formally receive the draft end of year reports (31 March 2018) that were provided by Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited (ALL) and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited (NEWydd), to their respective Partnership Boards with the Council in May 2018.  He advised that both reports showed good progress.


                        The Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) provided background information and reported on the main considerations as detailed in the report. 


                        During discussion Members raised questions concerning the ongoing provision and maintenance of all weather sports pitches, the consistency of provision of youth services across the County, and Connah’s Quay Sports Centre.


            Members congratulated the Chief Officer (Strategic Programmes) on his new position with Wrexham Borough Council and thanked him for his hard work and achievements during his time with the Authority. 




(a)       That the progress of Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited during the year 2017/18 be noted: and


(b)       That the progress of Aura Leisure and Libraries Limited and NEWydd Catering and Cleaning Limited during their first year of operation be welcomed.


Members of the press and public in attendance


There was one member of the press and one member of the public in attendance.


There was one member of the press and one member of the public in attendance.