Agenda, decisions and minutes

Contact: Nicola Gittins 01352 702345  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


Councillors Bernie Attridge and Marion Bateman declared that they had been contacted on more than three occasions by the Local Member on Agenda item 6.5 (061296).


Councillors Bernie Attridge and Marion Bateman declared that they had been contacted on more than three occasions by the Local Member on Agenda item 6.5 (061296).


Late Observations pdf icon PDF 393 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman explained that the late observations had been circulated to Members of the Committee prior to the meeting, a copy of which was appended to the agenda on the Flintshire County Council website:


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) advised that he would read out the late observations following the presentation for each Agenda item during the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting on 5 August 2020.


Additional documents:


That the minutes be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.


The draft minutes of the meeting on 5 August 2020 were confirmed as a correct record, as moved and seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge and Councillor Chris Bithell. 


Councillor Marion Bateman requested that the third party speakers detailed in the appendix of the minutes be amended for future minutes to show observations made and included in the agendas rather than those made only during the meeting.  It was agreed that this be amended for future minutes.




That the minutes be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Items to be deferred

Additional documents:


No items were recommended for deferral.


No items were recommended for deferral.


Reports of Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy)

The reports of the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) are enclosed.


Additional documents:


That decisions be recorded as shown on the Planning Application schedule attached as an appendix.




That decisions be recorded as shown on the Planning Application schedule attached as an appendix.


061392 - Full application - Application for the demolition of a dwelling & the erection of 56 dwellings, access, parking, open space & associated at 81 Drury Lane, Buckley pdf icon PDF 149 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That the appeal be resisted on the grounds outlined within the report and that no further material planning issues have been raised in response to the statutory notifications. 


060765 - Full Application - Installation and Operation of a Ground Mounted Solar Panels and Associated Infrastructure at Crumps Yard, Dock Road, Connah's Quay. pdf icon PDF 131 KB

As in report.

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report and confirmation from Network Rail that the proposals do not impact upon the railway network, in line with officer’s recommendations.


061081 - Full application - Change of use form a public house & hotel with manager's accommodation into a single holiday letting unit for larger groups & alteratins & construction of a covered area to create a seven bedroom letting unit in the main Pyllgwyn building & to improve the five existing holiday letting guest accommodation units in the stable range & creation of an additional single bed letting unit at the Pwllgwyn Hotel, Afonwen pdf icon PDF 87 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, in line with officer’s recommendations.


061296 - Full application – Single storey side extension at Fern Bank, Old Warren, Broughton pdf icon PDF 70 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, in line with officer’s recommendations.


060475 - Full Application - Erection of Drive-Thru Restaruant Unit and Drive-Thru Coffee Shop Unit (Use Class A3), Access, Landscaping and Associated Works at McDonalds, St. Asaph Road, Lloc pdf icon PDF 95 KB

As in report.

Additional documents:


That planning permission be refused against the officer’s recommendation on the following grounds:


·           Inappropriate development in the open countryside; and

·           Highway safety concerns



Additional documents:


Membership: Councillors David Wisinger (Chairman), Mike Allport, Bernie Attridge, Marion Bateman, Chris Bithell, Derek Butler, Adele Davies-Cooke, Ian Dunbar, David Evans, Veronica Gay, Patrick Heesom, Dave Hughes, Christine Jones, Richard Jones, Richard Lloyd, Billy Mullin, Mike Peers, Neville Phillips and Owen Thomas


Apology: Councillors: Dave Cox and Kevin Hughes


060792 - Application for a Change of Use from a Dwelling/house (Use Class C3) to a Home for 11 Children (Use Class C2), Including the Conversion of the Garage Annex to On-Site Education Facility, and the Demolition of an On-Site Building and its Replacement to Provide a Self-Contained Unit for One of the Children (11 Children In All). Also to Include Car Parking at Oaklea Grange, Sandy Lane, Higher Kinnerton. pdf icon PDF 101 KB

As in report.

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report, in line with officer’s recommendations.


060741 - Application to Modify Section 106 Agreement at Morrisons, High Street, Saltney. pdf icon PDF 74 KB

As in report.

Additional documents:


That the Council’s case in the appeal against non-determination is that the S.106 agreement should be modified in line with the officer’s recommendation.


Members of the public and press in attendance

Additional documents:


There were no members of the press or public present.