Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Hybrid meeting

Contact: Sharon Thomas 01352 702324  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Additional documents:


Councillor Richard Jones declared a personal interest on agenda item 6.4 (064109) as he had been contacted on more than three occasions.


Councillor Bernie Attridge declared a personal interest on agenda item 6.5 (063778) as he had been contacted by five objectors.


Councillor Richard Jones declared a personal interest on agenda item 6.4 (064109) as he had been contacted on more than three occasions.


Councillor Bernie Attridge declared a personal interest on agenda item 6.5 (063778) as he had been contacted by five objectors.


Late Observations

Additional documents:


The Chairman allowed Members an opportunity to read the late observations which had been circulated prior to the meeting and were appended to the agenda item on the Council’s website:

Item 3 - Late Observations pdf icon PDF 97 KB

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2023.

Additional documents:


That the minutes be approved as a true and correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2023 were confirmed as a correct record, as moved and seconded by Councillors Bernie Attridge and Rob Davies.




That the minutes be approved as a true and correct record.


Items to be deferred

Additional documents:


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) advised that no items were recommended for deferral.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) advised that no items were recommended for deferral.


Reports of Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy)

The reports of the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) are enclosed.


Additional documents:


That decisions be recorded as shown on the Planning Application schedule attached as an appendix.




That decisions be recorded as shown on the Planning Application schedule attached as an appendix.


FUL/000776/22 - A - Full application - New, two storey 240 FTE Place Welsh Medium Primary School building and 30 Place PTE Nursery. New, partial two storey wrap around childcare, Welsh Immersion and Community building. Project associated external works, inclusive of boundary treatments, new pedestrian access points, new car parking arrangements and extended vehicular access off Ffordd Dewi, Flint pdf icon PDF 110 KB

As in Report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.

6.1 - FUL-776-22 Reduced size pics pdf icon PDF 14 MB

Additional documents:


FUL/000562/22 - A - Full application - The erection of a Solid Recovered Fuel Facility, together with ancillary development including an electricity/power room, pipeline and conveyor system at Castle Cement, Padeswood, Mold pdf icon PDF 111 KB

As in Report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.

6.2 - FUL-562-22 Reduced size pics pdf icon PDF 564 KB

Additional documents:


FUL/000434/22 - A - Full application - Change of use of existing property to a holiday accommodation for 185 days per calendar year and to allow residential use for remainder of year at Arosfa, Axton, Holywell pdf icon PDF 95 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation, subject to the following changes:


·      Condition 1: One year temporary permission (instead of two years).

·      Additional condition ‘Maximum occupancy to be restricted to 16 people’ as included in the late observations.

·      Conditions to be implemented from the time that permission is granted.

6.3 - FUL-434-22 Reduced size Pics pdf icon PDF 16 MB

Additional documents:


064109 - A - Full application - Amendment to planning permission 062649 to allow the repositioning of the erection of one dwelling with integral garage (in retrospect) at Tabernacle Street, Buckley pdf icon PDF 111 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.

6.4 - 064109 Reduced Size Pics pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Additional documents:


063778 - A - Full application - Conversion of vacant commercial premises to form a mixed used commercial (A1, A2) at ground floor with HMO (Unique Use) unit behind and above at 11 Chester Road West, Shotton pdf icon PDF 84 KB

As in report

Additional documents:


That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.


Members of the public and press in attendance

Additional documents:


There were five members of the public present at the start of the meeting.

6.5 - 063778 Reduced size pics pdf icon PDF 702 KB

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