Agenda and decisions

Venue: Hybrid meeting

Contact: Sharon Thomas / 01352 702324  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

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None received.


Late Observations

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Late Observations pdf icon PDF 93 KB

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2024.

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That the minutes be approved as a true and correct record.


Items to be deferred

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None of the items were recommended for deferral.


Reports of Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy)

The reports of the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) are enclosed.


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That decisions be recorded as shown on the Planning Application schedule attached as an appendix.


FUL/000353/24 - A - Full application - Full application for a new tissue machine facility and associated structures at Shotton Paper Mill, Weighbridge Road, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside pdf icon PDF 100 KB

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That in accordance with the officer recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.

6.1 - FUL-353-21 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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FUL/000789/24 - A - Full application - Proposed Erection of 2 x 3 Bed Semi Detached Dwellings at Land Adj. 1 Moore Cottage, Elfed Drive, Buckley pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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That in accordance with the officer recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.


It was also resolved that a note would be added to the Decision Notice to advise the applicants that any proposed relocation of the lamppost would require contact with the Highways Authority and any costs would have to be met by the applicant/developer.

6.2 - FUL-789-24 pdf icon PDF 252 KB

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Members of the public and press in attendance

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