Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote Attendance Meeting

Contact: Janet Kelly 01352 702301  Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Chair

At the Annual Meeting, Council determined that the Labour Group will chair this Committee.  The Committee is advised that Councillor David Healey is the Chair of the Committee for the municipal year.

Additional documents:


That the appointment of Councillor David Healey as Chair of the Committee be noted.


That the appointment of Councillor David Healey as Chair of the Committee be noted.


Appointment of Vice-Chair

To appoint a Vice-Chair for the Committee.

Additional documents:


That Councillor Tudor Jones be appointed Vice-Chair of the Committee.


That Councillor Tudor Jones be appointed Vice-Chair of the Committee.



To receive any apologies.


Additional documents:


Councillor Joe Johnson, Mrs  Rebecca Stark, Mrs Lynn Bartlett and Mrs Wendy White.  Chief Officer (Education & Youth)


Councillor Joe Johnson, Mrs  Rebecca Stark, Mrs Lynn Bartlett and Mrs Wendy White.  Chief Officer (Education & Youth)


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Recognition of David Hytch and Rebecca Stark

To recognise the contribution made by David Hytch and Rebecca Stark to the Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee, whose terms of office as Co-opted members of the Committee ends in June, 2021.

Additional documents:


            The Chair advised that the terms of office for David Hytch and Rebecca Stark, who were  Co-opted members of the Committee, would end in June 2021.  He paid tribute to David and Rebecca in recognition of their longstanding service and robust  contribution to the work of  the Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  He  also expressed thanks to David  for his effective support  as Vice-Chair of the Committee.


            Councillor Paul Cunningham spoke in praise of the commitment and work undertaken by David and Rebecca and said their contribution  would be greatly missed.


            Councillor Ian Roberts also expressed his thanks to David and Rebecca for their longstanding service as co-opted Members of the Committee and for their contribution to Education Services and Welsh language provision in Flintshire.


            Councillors David Mackie and Tudor Jones commented on the professional skills and personal qualities of both David and Rebecca which would be missed.  Members stated that David and Rebecca had been a great asset to the Committee and their input and perspective had been invaluable.  


            Mr Hytch thanked Members for their kind acknowledgments and said he had had been pleased to be part of a constructive process to achieve the best outcomes in education for children and young people in Flintshire.  He paid tribute to Councillor Ian Roberts,  Leader of the Council, and the Chief Officer (Education & Youth) for the progress achieved in Welsh medium education and wished Members success in  the work and challenges to be addressed by the Committee in the future.


            In her absence the Head of Democratic Services read out a letter from Rebecca Stark  which was addressed to Members of the Committee.  Rebecca said it had been a privilege in her role as a co-opted Member to represent parents on the Committee and thanked Members, officers, and David Hytch for their hard work and support.


            The Head of Democratic Services explained that each of the retiring co-optees would be sent a pair of Flintshire County Council  glasses in a presentation box, as gesture of thanks from the committee.