Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Hybrid Meeting
Contact: Maureen Potter 01352 702322 Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 12 and 19 December 2023 and 9 January 2024. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED:
That subject to the above amendments, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2023, were submitted.
Councillor Mike Peers explained that he had joined the meeting later and asked that his attendance be noted.
The minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2023, were submitted.
The minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2024, were submitted.
Councillor David Coggins-Cogan referred to page 21, item 64, last paragraph, and said the wording needed to be amended as the Centre had not been operational for a full year and therefore the financial information could not be provided.
Councillor Coggins-Cogan also referred to page 23, item 65, and said it had been agreed that the Fleet Contract would be submitted to County Council and asked that this be recorded in the minutes
Subject to the above amendments the minutes were approved as an accurate record as moved by Councillor Richard Lloyd and seconded by Councillor Mike Peers. RESOLVED:
That subject to the above amendments, the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking PDF 83 KB To consider the Forward Work Programme of the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee and to inform the Committee of progress against actions from previous meetings.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: (a) That subject to the above amendments the Forward Work Programme be approved; (b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and (c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions
Minutes: The Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking report.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the Forward Work Programme and the items which were listed to be added on page 31, and suggested that these be scheduled for the meeting to be held on 9 July 2024. Referring to the Action Tracking report on page 33, Councillor Peers also suggested that an additional column be added to the table to update the Committee on progress.
The Chair requested that an update on the 20 mph speed limit also be included on the Programme for the meeting on 9 July 2024.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Mike Peers and seconded by Councillor Roy Wakelam.
RESOLVED: (a) That subject to the above amendments the Forward Work Programme be approved; (b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and (c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions
Council Fund Budget 2024/25
Decision: RESOLVED:
(a) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(b) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted; and.
(c) that Efficiency Proposal No 9 (Restrict Waste Collections) be removed from the proposals for the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.
Minutes: The Corporate Finance Manager introduced a report on the cost pressures, proposed cost reductions, and associated risks, and to provide details of additional proposals for the Planning Environment and Economy portfolio and the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.
Councillor David Coggins-Cogan moved recommendations 1 and 2 in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Richard Lloyd.
Councillor Mike Peers proposed that Efficiency Proposal No 9 (Restrict Waste Collections) be removed from the proposals for the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio. This was seconded by Councillor Roy Wakelam and when put to the vote was carried. RESOLVED:
(a) That the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted;
(b) That the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio’s options to reduce budgets be noted; and.
(c) that Efficiency Proposal No 9 (Restrict Waste Collections) be removed from the proposals for the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio.
Workplace Recycling Regulations PDF 121 KB Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:
(a) That the changing legislation and the potential impact on Council Services be noted; and
(b) That the option to explore opportunities to develop non-domestic recycling collections and disposal services be supported.
Minutes: The Regulatory Services Manager presented the report to provide an overview of the workplace recycling reforms being implemented by Welsh Government, and to outline the potential impact on the Council and the actions required to achieve compliance. She provided background information and referred to the main points as detailed in the report.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the information on page 49 that Welsh Government capital funding may be available to support with the procurement of infrastructure, vehicles etc., and asked for the timescale of the funding and if other funding streams were available if it was not provided by the WG. He also commented on the proposal to extend the waste collection service as referred to in section 1.09 of the report and expressed concerns that it would impact on general public access to existing HRC sites. He suggested that a stand-alone site be used for trade waste. The Regulatory Services Manager acknowledged the points made by Councillor Peers and responded to the questions raised.
Councillor Dan Rose referred to the list of locations in section 1.05 of the report and sought clarification around the arrangements for markets, festivals, and bus stations. The Regulatory Services Manager agreed to provide further information to Councillor Rose following the meeting on the questions raised.
In response to a question from the Chair, the Regulatory Services Manager explained that the collection services would be working with commercial providers to ensure compliance with legislation.
The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor David Coggins-Cogan and seconded by Councillor Richard Lloyd RESOLVED:
(a) That the changing legislation and the potential impact on Council Services be noted; and
(b) That the option to explore opportunities to develop non-domestic recycling collections and disposal services be supported.
Attendance by members of the press and public Additional documents: Minutes: There were no members of the press or public in attendance.
(The meeting started at 10.00 a.m. and ended at 2.30 p.m.)