Agenda and decisions

Venue: Hybrid Meeting

Contact: Jan Kelly / 01352 702301  Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Chair

To appoint a Chair for the meeting.

Additional documents:


That Councillor Arnold Woolley be appointed as Chair for the joint meeting.



To receive any apologies.

Additional documents:


Declarations of Interest (Including Whipping Declarations)

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

Additional documents:


Councillor Hilary McGuill declared a personal interest as her daughter was a school teacher.


Councillor Teresa Carberry declared a personal interest in Agenda item 8 – Supporting Refugees in Schools, as she was Chair of Flintshire City of Sanctuary.


Looked After Children in Flintshire pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To provide an update on the provision for Looked After Children.  And to provide an update on the challenges, positive working and how young people were supported through the pilot to provide funding directly to looked after children leaving care.

Additional documents:


(a)       That Members actively engage as Corporate Parents for children who were looked after, promote awareness and challenge provision within Flintshire educational settings; and


(b)       That Members actively encourage all education staff to promote the educational welfare of children who were looked after within Flintshire establishments at a ‘whole school level’.


Help and Support for Looked after Children and Care Leavers pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To provide assurance on the help and support provided to children and families to enable them to remain at home where safe and appropriate, support to children who become looked after, support for care leavers and the basic income pilot.

Additional documents:


That the Committee support the range of services that were provided to support looked after children and the priorities for service development which centred on:-


      i.        Implementing an App to support engagement and the voice of looked after children;

    ii.        Refreshing the Corporate Parenting Strategy with an action plan for service support and delivery across portfolios;

   iii.        Developing a Charter for parents in and leaving care; and

   iv.        Producing proposals for the further expansion of inhouse residential care and fostering to support children locally.


Safeguarding in Education including Internet Safety and Social Media pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To provide an update on the discharge of statutory safeguarding duties in schools and the Education portfolio.  To include information on Relationship and Sexual Education and how this was contributing to reducing harm.  


Additional documents:


That the Committee note the content of the Safeguarding in Education report and support the officers on the strategies used by the Portfolio to effectively discharge its duties.


Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To outline the approach to the identification and commissioning of post 16 education for Flintshire young people.

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee recognise the revised duties places on the Council by ALNET and the actions undertaken to implement the new system; and


(b)       That the Committee note the potential financial pressure due to the revised post-16 funding model and support officers in their engagement with Welsh Government.


Supporting Refugees in Schools pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To provide information and an overview of support service provided to support refugees in schools.

Additional documents:


That the Committee support the positive actions and outcomes achieved by officers and schools to support the refugee learners and families living in Flintshire.