Agenda and minutes
Venue: Remote Meeting
Contact: Janet Kelly / 01352 702305 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September, 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9th September were submitted.
Matters arising
On minute number 34, Councillors Jones and Bateman expressed their disappointment that a report was not included in the agenda in relation to resolution (c), “that a status report on businesses across Flintshire, to include information on the economic impact, be presented to a future meeting of the Committee”.
On minute number 36 and the risks in the Planning, Environment and Economy portfolio, Councillor Jones said he would discuss them outside of the meeting with the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy).
The minutes were moved as an accurate record by Councillor Marion Bateman and seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Corporate Recovery Objectives To note progress made against the Corporate
Recovery Objectives. Additional documents: |
Risks and Issues within Portfolios and Feedback from Overview & Scrutiny To provide an update on the top/current risks
within all five portfolios and feedback on those risks considered
by Overview & Scrutiny Committees. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive introduced the report and explained that Portfolio Recovery Business Plans had been developed for exiting the first response phase to the pandemic in 2020.
The Recovery Committee had had oversight of the Recovery Business Plans for all five service portfolios during recent meetings. During each of those meetings the relevant Chief Officers highlighted significant areas of risk. This report presented progress and updates on those areas of risk for each of the portfolios.
Education and Youth The Senior Manager – Business Support and School Governance said the areas of risk, and the responses from the Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee were: · Managing uncertainty around operational changes which may need to be implemented The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a report on 16th September which provided an overview of the revised COVID-19 measures for the safe operation of schools. The Committee were congratulatory of schools for the positive way in which they had re-opened in September and a letter of thanks to all school staff had been sent from the Chair on behalf of the Committee. The Committee also received a verbal update on 21st October. The update was noted but concerns were raised on the shortage of supply teachers, teaching assistants and caretakers at schools. · The impact the pandemic has had on children and young people, specifically on their health and emotional well-being and their ability to engage with learning The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a verbal update on 21st October. Whilst the Committee was concerned on the pressure being put on Officers and Schools, they supported and appreciated that the Chief Officer Team were doing everything in their power to manage the risk. · The resilience of schools in managing a significant number of changes i.e. the new curriculum, Additional Learning Needs transformation and the introduction of school inspections. The Education, Youth and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a verbal update on 21st October. Whilst the Committee was concerned on the pressure being put on Officers and Schools, they supported and appreciated that the Chief Officer Team were doing everything in their power to manage the risk.
Councillor McGuill asked for an update on the rollout of CO2 monitors to schools. The Senior Manager explained that all schools would have received their monitors before the end of the month.
Housing and Assets The Chief Executive said the areas of risk were: · Rental income continued to be impacted by the pandemic and when furlough and other protections ended the situation could worsen The Community, Housing and Assets Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be considering the usual update reports on Housing Income and Welfare Reform at its meeting on 8th December 2021. The Committee would also receive and consider the proposed Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget for 2022/23 and the HRA Business Plan at its meeting on 12th January 2022. · Homelessness presentations increased as current protections around evictions and furlough ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Corporate Recovery Risk Profile To review the updated Corporate Recovery Risk
Register. Additional documents:
Minutes: Jay Davies introduced the report which provided an update on the Corporate Recovery Risk Register and Mitigations, which were detailed in appendices 1 and 2 of the report.
Risks continued to be managed well as they had been throughout the pandemic. There were 34.3% of risks rated greet, 65.7% rated as amber and 0% rated as red.
There were a total of 35 risks that had previously been closed; 34 of those closed due to reaching target risk rating. One risk was closed due to duplication and there were no risks to be closed at this review.
‘CF14 Increase in rent arrears impacts on the stability of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan’ had been removed following agreement by the Committee at the last meeting, due to the risk being reported through the Housing and Assets risk register which would reduce duplication.
The Senior Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development explained that three risks which were increasing in risk trend were:
· CW14 - increase in workforce turnover due to employees making personal life choices and impact of volatility and change in the employment market which impacted on successful recruitment to vacancies · CW16 – increased sickness absence both COVID and non COVID related · CW17 – increased numbers of mental health related absences
The Chief Officer (Governance) explained two further risks increasing in risk trend were:
· CG04 – Diversion of resource to emergency management response and recovery work delayed implementation of key digital and infrastructure projects · CG14 – delay in or increased cost of obtaining digital devices due to continued demand arising from the response to the pandemic.
In response to a question from Councillor McGuill on attracting people to work at the Council, the Senior Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development explained there was a suite of benefits available to employees and they would be advertised further.
Councillor Jones moved the report which was seconded by Councillor Cunningham.
That the latest risk register and risk mitigation actions within the corporate portfolios be noted noting increased risks relating to recruitment, sickness absence and resources. |
Community Recovery Update (Verbal/Presentation) To receive an update on Community Recovery to include Joint Public Service Board priority actions around Recovery. Additional documents: Minutes: The report and presentation was deferred until the meeting in January. The presentation slides would be sent to Member and any questions should be submitted to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy). An updated version of the slides would be presented at the next meeting.
That the report and presentation be deferred until January. |
Regional Recovery Update (Verbal/Presentation) To receive an update on Regional Recovery. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive provided a verbal update on regional recovery. He explained that infection rates were falling however there were two areas of community transmission – young children and young adults where higher infection levels were seen in those groups.
He expressed the need to encourage eligible people to take up the vaccination.
That the information be noted. |
Forward Work Programme (Verbal) To consider the Forward Work Programme for the Recovery Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: It was agreed that the following reports be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee on 6th January 2022:
· Economic impact report on businesses across Flintshire · Risk update from Overview and Scrutiny Committees · Portfolio risk registers
Authority was given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, if required.
(a) That reports be received on (1) Economic impact on business across Flintshire (2) risk update from Overview and Scrutiny Committees; and (3) portfolio risk registers; and
(b) That authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, if required. |