Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Remote attendance meeting

Contact: Maureen Potter / 01352 702322  Email:


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly.

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Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2023.

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That the minutes be approved as a correct record.



The minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2023 were approved, as moved and seconded by Councillors Steve Copple and Dan Rose.




That the minutes be approved as a correct record.



Decarbonisation of Supply Chain

To receive an introduction from our Joint Low Carbon Procurement Business Partner Roberta Bailey.

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That the presentation on Procurement Decarbonisation be received.



The Chair welcomed Roberta Bailey, Joint Procurement Business Partner for Decarbonisation, shared equally between Flintshire and Denbighshire County Councils, to the Committee.  The Procurement Business Partner introduced herself and gave a brief overview of her role and objectives.  She gave a presentation on Procurement Decarbonisation which covered the key points under the following  headings


·         Why

·         When

·         What

·         How


The  Procurement Business Partner for Decarbonisation responded to the questions and comments raised by Councillor David Healey around the achievement of genuine reductions in carbon emissions, and the need for compliance within the supply chain.  She also responded to the further questions and points raised by Members   around innovations in the construction industry, supply chain emissions, recording spend and use of the carbon calculator tool, and carbon footprint.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Dan Rose and seconded by Councillor Steve Copple.




That the presentation on Procurement Decarbonisation be received.



Installation of cable ducts for on-street parking

To receive an update from Cabinet Member for Streetscene & Regional Transport Strategy on the potential for installation of cable ducts to enable householders without off-street parking to safely charge electric vehicles, as discussed in March meeting.

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(a)       That the Council’s current position regarding on-street electrical vehicle charging be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee consults with other local authorities to discuss how they have addressed the matter and to learn from their advice and experience. 


Councillor David Healey (Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy) gave a verbal update on the Council’s current position regarding on-street electrical vehicle charging that had been provided to him by Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and the Regional Transport Strategy. He referred to the challenges associated with on-street charging and the infrastructure to enable electric car users to charge their vehicles within designated locations across the County. 


Councillor Ibbotson expressed a number of concerns and referred to cable gulleys, capital costs, and ongoing maintenance costs.  He asked the Cabinet Member if there would be support for conducting a trial on the provision of EV charging points for on street parking.  The Cabinet Member responded that in his view the costs associated with conducting a trial would be prohibitive given the Council’s current financial position.


In response to the further concerns expressed by Councillor Dan Rose, Councillor David Healey confirmed that running charging cables across the pavement was not permitted in Flintshire at the current time. 


Councillor Hodge queried the current take up and level of charges within the EV chargers in the Council’s public car parks, compared to other providers.


Councillor Copple suggested modelling information on the impacts of a household switching to, for example, a heat pump, and also requiring energy for an EV charger – and how that would affect the grid capacity and associated costs to the household.


Councillor Chrissy Gee proposed that the Committee consulted with other local authorities to discuss how they addressed the matter and to learn from their advice and experience.  Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson seconded the proposal and when put to the vote the proposal was carried.


Councillor Dave Hughes (Cabinet Member for Streetscene and the Regional Transport Strategy), suggested that a Task and Finish Group be set up to feedback recommendations to the Committee.


Councillor Healey expressed concerns around provision in rural areas and commented on the larger carbon footprint due to the lack of access to services and facilities and inconsistency around the public transport network.




(a)       That the Council’s current position regarding on-street electrical vehicle charging be noted; and


(b)       That the Committee consults with other local authorities to discuss how they have addressed the matter and to learn from their advice and experience. 


Flintshire Council Carbon Footprint 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To receive a report on the Council’s carbon footprint for 2022-23. Recommendation to note the contents of the report, and progress made in the past year to improve data collection for the Council’s carbon footprint.

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That the progress made in the past year to improve data collection for the Council’s carbon footprint be noted.



The Climate Change Project Officer presented a report on the Council’s carbon footprint for 2022-23.   He provided a presentation on the Carbon Footprint 2022/23 Update which covered the following key points:


·         Carbon Footprint 2018/9 to 2022/23

·         Theme Emissions

·         Methodology improvements

·         Methodology improvements – procurement emission factors

·         Climate Change Strategy Review- key items


In response to a question from the Chair the Climate Change Project Officer provided clarification around the data provided in the change in carbon emission factors from the Welsh Government.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Allan Marshall and seconded by Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson.




That the progress made in the past year to improve data collection for the Council’s carbon footprint be noted.



Roundabout Portfolio Sponsorship Policy pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To ensure that the Council’s advertising policy will not accept sponsorship from fossil fuel products/companies. Recommendation to support the amendment to the Roundabout Portfolio Sponsorship policy in line with net zero carbon commitments.

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The Programme Manager for Climate Change presented the report.   She provided background information and referred to the current Roundabout Portfolio Sponsorship Policy which was appended to the report.  She explained that an amendment to the Policy was suggested in section 1.06 of the report to ensure that the Council’s advertising policy will not accept sponsorship from fossil fuel products/companies.  This allows the Council to show its support towards companies that share its ambitions towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.  She advised that there could be some impact related to the change as detailed in section 3.01 of the report.


Councillor Steve Copple spoke against the proposal to include reference to “fossil fuel” in the  amendment to the Policy and suggested this be removed from the wording.  Councillor Ian Hodge seconded this amendment.


Councillor Dan Rose spoke in support of the suggested alternative wording which was detailed in section 1.06 of the report.


Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson spoke against the amendment proposed by Councillor Copple. 


When put to the vote the amendment was carried.  The substantive motion (as amended) was that the Policy be amended to include the bullet point “In line with Flintshire County Council’s ambition to decarbonise the Council’s assets and services, and to encourage and influence the wider county to decarbonise, the Council will not be supporting companies or companies that provide products”.


Councillor Ibbotson spoke against the substantive motion.  When put to the vote the motion was lost and therefore the recommendation was not taken forward.



Inquiries Update

To provide an update on the Committee Flood and Pensions Inquiries and discuss next steps

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That the update be noted.



The Chair provided an update on the Committee’s Flooding Inquiry and Clwyd Pension Fund Inquiry.  He provided background information and read out  a proposed list of people who would be invited to give verbal evidence at the sessions to address the Flooding Inquiry and Pensions Inquiry and the next steps.


In response to a question from Councillor Chrissy Gee the Chair advised that he would encourage local residents to submit their views.


In response to a question from the Programme Manager for Climate Change the Chair outlined the procedures to administer further enquiries.




That the update be noted.



Forward Work Programme Items and Purposes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To populate the Forward Work Programme for the Climate Change Committee.

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That the Forward Work Programme be adopted.



In considering the current Forward Work Programme which was appended to the agenda, the Chair invited Members to suggest any further items they wished to be included on the Programme by email to the Chair or Programme Manager for Climate Change        




That the Forward Work Programme be adopted.



Members of the press and public in attendance

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