Agenda and decisions
Venue: Remote
Contact: Janet Kelly 01352 702301 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Vice Chair To appoint a Vice-Chair for the Committee. Additional documents: Decision: That Cllr Alan Marshall be appointed Vice-Chair of the Committee. |
Apologies To receive any apologies. Additional documents: Decision: None were received. |
Declarations of interest (including Whipping Declarations) To receive any Declarations and advise Members accordingly. Additional documents: Decision: The following Declarations of Interest were received:-
· Cllr Steve Copple declared a personal interest as a previous employee of Shell and received a pension contribution from.
· Cllr Dan Rose declared a personal interest as a member of several environmental charities as noted on his register of interests.
· Cllr Ian Hodge declared a personal interest as a previous employee of BP and received a pension contribution.
· Cllrs Mared Eastwood, Dave Healey, Alan Marshall and Carolyn Preece declared a personal interest as members of the Clwyd Pension Fund.
· Cllr Roz Mansell declared a personal interest as she received a pension through the NHS.
To note the Terms of Reference for the Committee as approved by Council. Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee note the Terms of Reference. |
Forward Work Programme To set the Forward Work Programme for the Committee. Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the items suggested by Members of the Committee be noted; and (b) That the Programme Manager - Climate Change & Carbon Reduction liaise with the Chair and Vice-Chair following the meeting to discuss the Forward Work Programme. |
Motion for Pension Fund Inquiry PDF 56 KB To receive a Motion for the Clwyd Pension Fund and D-investment. Additional documents: Decision: That the Motion be withdrawn. |
Future meetings Future meetings of the Climate Change Committee will take place at 2.00 pm on:
Wednesday 25 January 2023 Tuesday 28 March 2023 Tuesday 23 May 2023 Tuesday 18 July 2023
Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee note the proposed future meeting dates. |