Agenda item

School Improvement Strategy


(a)       That the Education and Youth Improvement and Modernisation Strategy 2015-16 be noted; and


(b)       That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee to consider setting up a Task and Finish Group on school transportation.




The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) introduced a report to provide an update on the Education and Youth Improvement and Modernisation Strategy and how it supports the Council Improvement Plan 2015-16. He provided background information and referred to the key consideration concerning the development of regional working and the continued growth that is anticipated as the recommendations within the National Model for School Improvement Services are implemented. 


The Chairman invited Members to raise questions.


Councillor Nancy Matthews sought an assurance that resources made available through the School Modernisation Strategy were focussed on teachers and teaching assistants rather than on administration and leadership costs.  The Chief Officer provided this assurance. 


Mr. David Hytch referred to the Education & Youth Improvement and Modernisation Strategy 2015-16 which was appended to the report and asked a number of questions around the key targets and outcomes for the Authority.  He also raised questions in relation to young people and NEET and said he was pleased to note the small number of NEETS in Flintshire.   He referred to the development and implementation of the regional Early Identification Tool Kit to identify learners at risk of disengagement and in terms of early identification asked how early that was meant to be and what tools were needed for primary and secondary schools.  The Chief Officer responded to the questions and commented on the work undertaken in relation to NEETS in Wales and referred to implementation and monitoring of the TRAC plan in line with the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework and the Families First emerging project for NEET early identification/prevention.


Councillor Carolyn Thomas asked for an update on the development of the information technology programme in schools.  In his response the Chief Officer referred to the need for learners to be skilled and confident in using information technology and also programmes in schools.  He commented on the Service Level Agreement which had been agreed with the Heads Federation and the positioning of ICT technologists in schools in the next year to provide a local base and access to schools.  He also referred to the sharing of skills and learning by school practitioners across the whole schools network.


In response to the further questions raised by Councillor Thomas concerning the repair and maintenance of school buildings, the Chief Officer commented that there was still a large backlog and that  too  many schools were not “fit”  for 21 Century learning.   Councillor Nancy Matthews asked for a definition of ‘fit for 21st Century education’.  The Chief Officer agreed to provide the Committee with a description of a school building which would be fit for 21st century education.


            Mrs. Rita Price raised a number of questions around the development and implementation of a plan for the next phase of Schools Modernisation, including continuing to implement the 21st Century school (Band A) programme.   She commented on the need to develop all schools equitably and expressed concerns around the reference to evaluation of Post 16 provision in appendix 1, plan 4.  The Chairman asked that the Committee be kept up to date with developments at the Post 16 Hub in Connah’s Quay.


            In response to the questions raised concerning the new Hub at Connah’s Quay, the Chief Officer said he was confident that there were sufficient youngsters for the 6th Form centre to be fully occupied.


Councillor Nancy Matthews asked whether exam results obtained through courses at the Hub would be comparable to exam results at school Sixth forms and commented on the current difficulties in obtaining comparable results from Coleg Cambria.


In response to a question from Councillor Vicky Perfect concerning learners becoming disengaged from education or training, the Chief Officer advised that support would be provided through the identification of appropriate cultures and mentors.  He said many schools were involved in specific courses to maintain engagement and interest for learners and cited Youth Armed Forces related training as an example. 


Councillor Peter Curtis asked that the Committee hold a future meeting at the new school in Holywell, once it had been opened.  It was agreed that this be added to the list of possible venues.


Councillor Carolyn Thomas raised the subject of Post 16 transportation to and from schools.  In response to a suggestion put forward by Councillor Nigel Steele-Mortimer that a working group be set up to consider school transportation the Education and Youth Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator advised that an all Member workshop was being held on 22 July 2015, to populate the Forward Work Programmes for Overview & Scrutiny Committees and suggested that the item be put forward to the workshop.  Following further discussion it was agreed by members that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee to consider setting up a Task and Finish Group on school transportation.




 (a)      That the Education and Youth Improvement and Modernisation Strategy 2015-16 be noted; and


(b)       That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee to consider setting up a Task and Finish Group on school transportation.



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