Agenda item

Introduction of Zero Tolerance for Littering


(a)       That the  proposed refresh of the Zero Tolerance approach to littering in the County be supported; and


(b)       That the proposed Communication Plan and infrastructure improvements planned, prior to the roll out of Zero Tolerance be supported.



The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced a report to inform the Committee of the proposals to refresh the zero tolerance approach to littering offences.


The Chief Officer provided background information and referred to the main considerations as detailed in the report.  He explained that by a more vigorous application of a zero tolerance approach and better communications of the likely outcome of littering by individuals it was expected that the number of staff required to clear litter in towns and villages could be reduced.  The cost of street and open space litter collections in Flintshire was unsustainable in the current financial climate and enforcement of the zero tolerance approach would assist the service to achieve its financial targets for future years. 


Councillor Paul Shotton spoke in support of the zero tolerance to littering offences and praised the work of street cleaning operatives who had to address the issue on a daily basis.  He also referred to the issue of ‘fly-tipping’ and suggested that the fines imposed on people who commit these offences be increased.  The Chief Officer explained that littering offences are dealt with by the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) which would eventually  result in prosecution if payment was not made.  Offenders who committed ‘fly-tipping’ were prosecuted where sufficient evidence existed.


On the issue of dog-fouling Councillor Joe Johnson asked how many Fixed Penalty Notices had been issued to dog owners.  The Chief Officer agreed to provide this information to Councillor Johnson following the meeting.  The Chair highlighted the service provided by Dog Patrol who will help to provide valuable information about the issue of dog-fouling in public places. 


Councillor Mike Peers raised the issue of littering on private land and lay-bys, and asked how the Authority addressed this problem.  He also referred to the issue of side-waste.  Councillor David Evans reiterated the concerns expressed by Councillor Peers regarding littering on non-owned Council land and also referred to the issue of abandoned supermarket shopping trolleys.  He commented on advertising boards and fly posters which were put on buildings and the cost to the Authority of removing such items.  


The Chief Officer responded to the concerns raised and explained that side waste was removed.  He referred to the trolley policy which provides trolley collection arrangements with most of the large supermarkets.  Commenting on this issue of fly-tipping the Chief Officer advised that the Authority did not have the right to collect and dispose of items from private land as this was the responsibility of the landowner.  He said the same advice applied to the issue of fly posters and advertising boards which were attached to private buildings. 


In view of the concerns around litter on private land, the Chair  suggested that a question be put to representatives of Natural Resources Wales during their attendance at the meeting of the Committee to be held  on 3rd December on how robust they are at clearing litter from private land.


In response to a request from Councillors Carolyn Thomas and Cindy Hinds reqarding the evidence required to provide proof of an offence being committed, the Chief Officer agreed to provide the Committee with a briefing note on best practice in collecting evidence for fly tipping.


Councillor Mike Peers also commented on the issue of mud on the roads due to building developments.  He asked if a copy of the letters sent to Redrow asking them to clear the mud off the road at their development in Buckley be provided to him.  The Chief Officer agreed to provide these following the meeting.  


Councillor Carolyn Thomas asked that all Streetscene staff be made aware of the Zero Tolerance approach to ensure all litter was collected when grass cutting and collecting waste. 


The Chair expressed concerns around the problem of litter around school premises and expressed the need to educate young people at an early age.  The Chief Officer gave an assurance that regular visits to schools were carried out to reinforce the zero tolerance approach to littering.




(a)       That the  proposed refresh of the Zero Tolerance approach to littering in the County be supported; and


(b)       That the proposed Communication Plan and infrastructure improvements planned, prior to the roll out of Zero Tolerance be supported.


Supporting documents: