Agenda item

Result of The Housing Ballot

Report of the Chief enclosed.


That the Council accepts the outcome of the Housing Ballot and commits to early engagement with the Welsh Government following the County Council election in May, 2012.


The Chief Executive introduced a report to inform Council of the result of the Housing Ballot.


            The result of the Ballot had been announced on the evening of 20 March, 2012.  The tenants of Flintshire had decided to stay with the Council with 88% of tenants voting in the ballot voting no to a transfer and 12% of tenants voting yes.  This was the highest turnout in a housing ballot in Wales with 71% of tenants using their vote.  The next steps included closing down the Dee Housing Board and securing the £1M project costs from the Welsh Government (WG) which had not been put at risk.  Business on the repairs and maintenance of Council homes would continue as approved by the Council on 21 February, 2012.  Discussions would commence with the WG on future funding, in conjunction with the 5 other Local Authorities where there had been a no vote. 


            In conclusion, the Chief Executive thanked the Executive Member for Housing, the Project Director, the Housing Project Board and the External Advisors for their hard work.


Councillor H. Brown, Executive Member for Housing proposed that the Council accept the outcome of the Housing Ballot and commits to early engagement with the WG.  She said that tenants had given the Council a strong message and that this message had to be taken to the WG in order for the Council to receive the additional funding required.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor A. Woolley.


Councillor A.P. Shotton thanked tenants for taking part in the Housing Ballot and for supporting the campaign of the Labour Group, tenants and Unions to remain under the ownership of the Council.  The tenants had given the Council a clear mandate which needed to be progressed through discussions with the WG.  He commented on the level of Management and Maintenance Allowance which over the last 10 years had been higher than the percentage criteria set by the WG.  He also commented on the opportunity for prudential borrowing in order to find additional funding to meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) and the need to open discussions with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) who were looking at changes to housing subsidy as piloted in England.  He said that this Council should be at the forefront of this. 


Councillor D. McFarlane said that the Council was being encouraged to collaborate and future funding for housing provided the opportunity to collaborate with neighbouring Authorities.  The Chief Executive said that discussions with other Local Authorities in the region would provide an opportunity to consider sharing resources.  


Councillor J.B. Attridge sought clarification on the Council’s neutral stance and whether Members of the Administration could have influenced tenants on whether to transfer or remain with the Council.  The Chief Executive explained that there was no formal WG guidance on a Council maintaining a neural stance and Flintshire had been the first to do so.  WHG had provided specific guidance on request and Members who could not influence tenants were Executive Members with any responsibility for Housing, Project Board Members and Members on the Dee Housing Board. 




That the Council accepts the outcome of the Housing Ballot and commits to early engagement with the Welsh Government following the County Council election in May, 2012.


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