Agenda item

Improvement Plan 2015/16 Year-end Progress


That the Committee, having considered the Improvement Plan 2015/16 Year-end Progress report, is assured of progress and performance noting the requests for information on the key performance indicators and missing data.


The Chief Executive presented the update report to consider progress towards the delivery of the impacts set out in the 2015/16 Improvement Plan, focussing on the areas of under-performance relevant to the Committee during the fourth quarter/year end.  The ‘red’ risk areas were set out in the report, with the current financial position inevitably remaining an area of concern.  However, the risk in the capacity of the organisation to implement changes would significantly reduce during 2016/17 due to progress on Alternative Delivery Models.


Whilst Councillor Arnold Woolley acknowledged the challenging financial position, he questioned the timeliness of the drafting of the report and stressed the need for up-to-date information.  The Chief Executive explained that the report showed the year end position with the narrative being based on circumstances and information at that time.  He pointed out that the materiality of the risks on the financial situation remained unchanged.


Councillor Peter Curtis spoke in support of the response given by the Chief Executive.


Councillor Woolley questioned whether the details on implementing the People Strategy could have been updated at a later stage than December 2015.  The Chief Executive agreed that this would be updated.  He added that the amber rating for this indicator reflected the fact that the Strategy was due to be re-published was behind schedule.  In reality, the resources of the Human Resources & Organisational Development Team had been geared to the priorities for supporting organisational change during the year.  Examples were the work on alternative delivery models, business planning and structural reviews.


Councillor Richard Jones questioned the inclusion of a target for the number of social enterprises supported to thrive when none had been shown in the original Improvement Plan.  The Chief Executive said that the report could have reflected the fact that the target had been set in-year following adoption of the Plan.  He agreed to follow up the request for details of the Communities First areas referred to.


In response to further queries, the Chief Executive clarified that a generic 95% target applied for the completion of appraisals across the organisation.  A response would be given on the reason for no target for efficiencies achieved through the use of electronic purchasing.  The query in relation to no ‘actual’ data shown for the number of working days/shifts lost due to sickness absence would be referred to the Senior Manager for HR & OD.  Explanation would also be provided on the downturn in the percentage of customers successfully locating what they required on the Council’s website, along with a breakdown of the 26 key performance indicators (KPIs) which were off track.


Following comments from Councillor Paul Shotton about the uncertainty on financial planning, the Chief Executive spoke about the Council’s aim, with support from local partners, to put together a case for discussion with the Welsh Government.  In the event of there being no emergency budget by central Government then the financial predictability for Welsh Government should allow timely planning for 2017/18.


On the capacity of the community and social sectors, Councillor Woolley questioned the robustness of procedures and business plans to ensure the long-term survival of Community Asset Transfers and Alternative Delivery Models.  The Chief Executive said that business plans had been subject to intensive consideration with progress reports due to be submitted to Cabinet the following week.  However, there was an element of uncertainty in all business planning due to market forces, for example where assumptions of income levels had to be made.


When asked by the Chairman about business plans for Community Asset Transfers, the Chief Executive replied that some had been published online but that copies could be shared with Members on request, noting the local sensitivities in some issues.




That the Committee, having considered the Improvement Plan 2015/16 Year-end Progress report, is assured of progress and performance noting the requests for information on the key performance indicators and missing data.

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