Agenda item

NEW Homes Business Plan 2015/20


As detailed in the recommendation with the following inclusion after 2015/20 at the end of the first line “and to approve the intention to borrow”.


Councillor Brown introduced the report which sought approval of the NEW Homes Business Plan 2015/20.  The plan set out the key elements of the company’s proposed growth plan to increase the number of properties managed and owned as affordable housing over the next five years.


            Twice yearly monitoring of NEW Homes progress against its business plan was undertaken by the Community and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


            Councillor Attridge said in its first year of operation the company had generated a surplus of £18k with the next two years expecting similar surpluses rising to £0.180m in year three following the growth of the Strategic Housing and Regeneration Programme (SHARP) development.


            The Chief Officer (Governance) clarified that, following information to be presented by the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise), Members could ask questions of Councillor Attridge in his capacity as Chairman of NEW Homes prior to him leaving the meeting during the debate and vote which was in line with the dispensation that had been granted to him by the Standards Committee.


            The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) provided details of the progress reviewed by the Board on the three main portfolio areas against the projections made in the original Business Plan which were:

  • New build units transferred to NEW Homes under Section 106 Planning Agreement
  • Management Offer
  • Over 55 Lease Scheme


NEW Homes would seek independent financial and legal advice prior to approval of new developments to be delivered as part of the SHARP programme and prior to undertaking any borrowing against existing assets.  In addition the Council’s legal and financial teams would consider each development individually prior to recommendation to Cabinet for approval.  The Chief Officer (Governance) explained the reason for this approach which could change in the future as the project matured.


Councillor Shotton welcomed the report which linked to the Improvement Priority on Housing.  He said Flintshire should shine as a beacon to the rest of Wales on the innovative and pioneering scheme.  He asked if, following the departure of two Members of the Board due to their conflict of interest with the Planning and Development Control Committee, had the vacancies been filled?  Councillor Attridge explained that a skills matrix had been sent to Members of the NEW Homes Board to identify if there were any gaps in specific areas.  Following the analysis of that exercise Members would be contacted to ask for expressions of interest from those with the required skill set. Following that the vacancies would be filled.


Responding to a question from Councillor Bithell, the Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) explained that, in line with the marketing strategy, display stands would be erected in the entrance of County Hall and within the Connects centres.  Posters would also be placed on the side of Council owned vehicles. 


Councillor Attridge left the meeting at this point.


Councillor Kevin Jones welcome the report and Business Plan and commented that other authorities were looking at the model used by Flintshire.




That the NEW Homes Business Plan 2015/20 be approved, including the intention to borrow; noting that any proposed developments requiring capital funding will be brought to Cabinet for specific scheme by scheme approval following approval by NEW Homes Board.

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