Agenda item
Annual Performance Report 2014/15
Councillor Mullin provided details on the progress against the Improvement Priorities as detailed in the Improvement Plan 2014/15.
The report reflected the overall good progress that had been made against the priorities and the high level of confidence there was in achieving the desired outcomes. It also showed that risks were managed well with only one remaining at a high level at year end.
The Chief Executive reported on the progress against key activities as follows:
· Good progress was being made in 63% (50)
· Satisfactory progress being made in 34% (27)
· Limited progress being made in 2% (2)
· High level of confidence in the achievement of 79% (62)
· Medium level of confidence in the achievement of 20% (16)
· Low level of confidence in the achievement of 1% (1)
Also outlined in the report was a summary of performance against the Improvement Plan measures, also using the National Strategic Indicators (NSIs) and Public Accountability Measures (PAMs). The assessment of actual performance compared with the previous year’s performance was as follows:
· 59% (58) improved
· 11% (11) maintained the same level of performance
· 30% (30) downturned
Following a question from Councillor Attridge, the Policy and Performance Manager explained that there had been a downturn in sickness absence in 2014/15 with improvement in both Streetscene and Social Services. On appraisals, the number that had taken place was higher than what was recorded on the electronic system with the target for the current year being higher.
Councillor Bithell asked for details on the downturned status of the achievement measure PSR009a – The average number of calendar days taken to deliver a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) for children. The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that this measure covered a range of services in Social Services and Housing. The outturn figure was related to one person; the case was extremely complex with changing needs throughout the process. He reported positively that there had been an improvement in the time taken by Occupational Therapists (OT’s) to carry out assessments. The performance would continue to be monitored by the Social and Health Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Following the question and response given on the exceptional case, Councillor Shotton requested that such information be included in the commentary of future reports.
Councillor Shotton asked for details on the downturn in performance on IPME6M4 – Scale and take-up of the new digital services (no. of visitors) per annum. The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the process of making all forms available electronically had been time consuming. Moving forward, the new website was being designed in such a way that users would more easily be able to navigate around the site and find what they were looking for which would raise performance figures. The Chief Officer (Community and Enterprise) added that feedback on the completion of online forms had not be wholly positive. She provided an example of nursery application forms being online however the back office process had not yet changed; this was something that was now being looked into and an update would be provided to Cabinet Members in the near future.
Members welcomed the report and the ease of readability. It would be submitted to County Council on 20 October.
That the 2014/15 Annual Performance Report be endorsed for publication.
Supporting documents:
- Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 110 KB
- Enc. 1 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 6 MB
- Enc. 2 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 105 KB
- Enc. 3 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 186 KB
- Enc. 4 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 80 KB
- Enc. 5 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 103 KB
- Enc. 6 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 140 KB
- Enc. 7 for Annual Performance Report 2014/15, item 80. PDF 80 KB