Agenda item

Statement of Accounts 2011/12


(a)       That the final Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 be approved;


(b)       That the Letter of Representation – Flintshire County Council be approved;


(c)        That the Letter of Representation – Clwyd Pension Fund be approved;


(d)       That the wording of the paragraph relating to transactions with Anglesey County Council be amended as discussed; and


(e)       That the definition of an officer be made clearer within the Statement of Accounts 2011/12.



The Head of Finance introduced the Statement of Accounts 2011/12, together with the Wales Audit Office (WAO) reports in connection with the audit of the 2011/12 financial statements for Flintshire County Council and the Clwyd Pension Fund.


            The Director of Environment introduced Mr. John Herniman and Ms. Amanda Hughes of the Wales Audit Office to the meeting.


            Mr. Herniman confirmed that there were no further issues, additional to the report, which needed to be brought to the attention of Members.  He advised that although an unqualified opinion would be issued, a query on Communities First had been raised by a member of the public and as a result the audit closure certificate could not be issued until the query had been reviewed.  He explained that there had been a long and detailed consideration of this agenda item at the Audit Committee earlier in the day.  Members attentions were drawn to the following areas of the report:-


  • Uncorrected and corrected misstatements
  • A new fixed asset software system
  • Style and format of the Statements of Accounts 2011/12
  • Pension contributions on equal pay settlements
  • Members declaring related party interests


The Head of Finance said that the points raised by the WOA had been accepted by management and would be dealt with accordingly in future years.


Councillor A.M. Halford, as Chair of the Audit Committee, proposed that the County Council approve the recommendations as set out within the report.  In seconding this proposal, Councillor C.S. Carver commented on the ten Members who had failed to submit details of related party transactions and asked if they were being chased for this information.  He also asked for clarification and a breakdown on the transactions with Anglesey County Council as detailed in the report and also for details on the officer who had been placed in the remuneration band £160,000 - £164,000. 


The Head of Finance explained that the table for officers’ remuneration included details of consultants who had been employed for a short period of time but if they had been employed over a 12 month period their salary would have amounted to between £160,000 and £164,000.  This was not the amount that was paid to the consultant.  She also explained that there was a ‘chasing up’ system in place to chase Members for details of related party transactions but this would be improved in the future. 


Councillor A.P. Shotton, Leader of the Council explained that there were a number of transactions between the Council and other North Wales Authorities.  The reason the transactions for Anglesey County Council had been included in the Statement of Accounts was because one of the Commissioners was a Flintshire County Council Member.  Councillor L.A. Aldridge raised concern around the wording of this information and asked that it be made clear that the transaction did not relate to his salary as one of the Commissioners.  The Head of Finance apologised for the confusion and confirmed that this paragraph would be reworded.              


            In response to a question on the Clwyd Pension Fund Accounts, the Head of Finance confirmed that she would provide Members with further information on the impact the reduced yields and inflation expectations would have on the Clwyd Pension Fund liabilities, in particular the impact on schools, following the meeting.


            In response to a question on exit packages and rent arrears, the Head of Finance said that a further breakdown of the total cost attributed to exit packages could be provided to Members following the meeting.  Rent arrears would continue to be considered and monitored by the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  


            Councillor H.T. Isherwood asked that future Statements of Accounts be in plain English to enable members of the public to easily understand the information. 


            Councillor Halford, in summing up, commented on the work of the Audit Committee and confirmed that a number of issues raised by the Committee would continue to be considered and monitored.  She thanked the Members of the Committee for their hard work and also the lay-member, Mr. Paul Williams for his contribution during the meetings.  She suggested that the definition of an officer be made clearer within the Statement of Accounts and this suggestion was supported by Members.   




(a)       That the final Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 be approved;


(b)       That the Letter of Representation – Flintshire County Council be approved;


(c)        That the Letter of Representation – Clwyd Pension Fund be approved;


(d)       That the wording of the paragraph relating to transactions with Anglesey County Council be amended as discussed; and


(e)       That the definition of an officer be made clearer within the Statement of Accounts 2011/12.

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